
This is a real live diary.

Obviously my name is not Maruva, it is actually far from it. I just like the meaning of it, flowers. Ruva in short and it also symbolises a single flower. I know that during this pandemic most of us have been feeling trapped, I know I have.

I have tried everything to keep my mind busy. I've tried reading , but now books seem boring. They seem to have the same plot and storylines . I am a full on romance reader. My most favourite are the regency novels, but as of late everything feels the same. Don't get me wrong I still love reading those books but everything is now being done in the same sequence. Guy meets girl, they don't like each other at first but keep finding themselves in each others company. One of them falls in love gets pissed about it , yells at the other they end up kissing then boom married. I guess that's what makes me love them though even if they have become a sort of a sequence.

I've tried having a relationship but that didn't work out so real for either one of us . that's a story im not ready to talk about considering how fresh it is. All I can say is it was for the best we needed that separation so as to discover ourselves as individual people.
