Chapter 7

~flashback to 3 years ago~

Dazai's eyes glowed in the dark as he pointed the gun at the guy lying on the floor. Chuuya stared at him and flinched when the bandage-freak pulled the trigger.

"My job here is done." Dazai said walking away. Chuuya glanced at the bloody body and walked behind Dazai.

"Chuuya." Dazai called out. The ginger gave him a questioning look. "Co'mere." He extended his hand. Chuuya walked towards him but suddenly tripped on himself. Lucky, before he could touch the floor Dazai catch him.

"Chuuya-kun is so clumsy." He chuckled. The ginger glared at him and smacked his head. "That hurt! Stupid chibi!" Dazai said in a whining tone while rubbing his head.

"Stop whining. I didn't hit you that hard." Chuuya stated and rolled his eyes. Dazai ran to him and took Chuuya's hat off his head.

"Where did you even find this ugly hat?" Dazai said and put it above his head so Chuuya won't reach it. "Give it back!" Chuuya shouted trying to reach Dazai's hand.

He finally got his hat back. Chuuya glared at Dazai and walked away leaving him behind. He heard Dazai yelled his name but he ignored it and continue walking.


Chuuya unlocked his apartment's door and walked in. He sighed and headed to the couch. When he was about to sit, his phone rings.

"Chuuya~" Dazai says in a playful tone. 

"What is it, mackerel?" The ginger asked annoyed

"Come to Cosmo clock 21."

"No." Chuuya gave an immediate answer.

"I don't accept a 'no' as an answer." Dazai said.

"Tch, I'm on my way."

He put his phone is his pocket and closed the door of his apartment. Chuuya got in his car and drove to where Dazai was waiting him. It took him less then 5 minutes because his car was pretty fast.

"I'm here now!" Chuuya shouted. No answer. He shouted again but there was not a single noise aside from Chuuya's breathing and his hair blowing in the wind. It was to be expected. It was around two in the morning. Only Dazai would come up with the idea of meeting up at such hour.

Suddenly, he felt two big arms wrapped around his waist hugging him from behind. He turned around to see Dazai's face.

"Why did you call me here?" Chuuya asked. Dazai buried his face on Chuuya's back and turned him around to face him.

He caressed his face and smiled. Chuuya slapped his hand off. "Just tell me why you call me out here! Is freezing!" The ginger raised his voice a bit. Dazai touched his hair and stared into Chuuya's beautiful blue eyes. They truly looked more beautiful in the night. The brown headed sighed.

"Chuuya." He finally spoke and took a deep breath before continuing. "I..." He paused. He looked nervously at Chuuya.

"I love you." He said as his hair blow in the wind too. The ginger confused face turned into a blushing mess. He cover his face with his hands.

"D-don't just go and say such embarrassing things, baka!" Chuuya shouted embarrassed.

"And... what's your answer?" Dazai asked nervously. Chuuya looked at Dazai still with his face bright red. He suddenly hugged him and tried to reach Dazai's ear.

"I love you too." He whispered and avoid eye contact with him.

-- End of flashback --

Dazai entered the same bar he always go to when meeting with Odasaku.

"Isn't it a little too early to be drinking, Dazai?" The redhead sitting in the counter chair said.

"You're here too!" Dazai said in a childish voice.

"What's that in the bag?" Oda looked at the plastic bag in Dazai's hands.

Dazai maliciously smirked. "I was waiting for you to ask. This is a gift for that hatrack." Dazai explained. Oda looked at him confuse. "Why, tho?" He asked.

"Is our anniversary." Dazai answered with a happy smile. Odasaku smiled too at seeing Dazai's happy face. He always did that. Whenever he talked about Chuuya his face bright up.

Dazai waved goodbye to Odasaku and walked out the bar. He continue walking as he texted Chuuya to meet him at Cosmo Clock 21 for the first time in three years.

Chuuya got there almost immediately. He was nervous but try to hide it. He looked around a for a few seconds until he finally spot Dazai, sitting in a bench.

"Did you wait too long?" Chuuya asked in a soft voice not noticing the bag. Dazai looked surprised. "No." He answered.

Chuuya wrapped his arms around his neck and buried his flushed face in Dazai's chest. The bandage-freak leaned down and whisper into the ginger's ear,  "Happy anniversary, Chuuya." The small man pushed him away a bit and looked up at Dazai. He smiled and tried to not get emotional.

"Happy anniversary, Dazai."
