50. Your happiness is my happiness....

Thanks for all the wonderful support...

So, here  we are in the
50th chapter of this story... Yippie...
             A HALF CENTURY...

I'm so happy and I can't believe that I have written this much... This is my second story in wattpad which is inspired from a real life character... I will try to reveal  who is it , when I conclude this story, if the person agrees...

A happy moment... A lot of people to thank... But I know very well that my buddies will kill me, if I thank them... Treats are also given already... So what to do??? Let me think ...

First, I want to tell you all one thing... Without all your support and encouragement, I would not have got this much recognition in writing and I'm overhelmed with the love and response you have given to me...

The authors who have inspired me the most has welcomed me wholeheartedly to the fictional world to write along with them and Im so happy that Iv got a good place in their hearts too... Thank you so much buddies for all your love...

I know I've been doing some mistakes now and then... I sincerely apologize to everyone if I have ever hurted anyone by my harsh or bitter words knowingly or unknowingly...

You all know na how much I started to feel when it comes to votes... I know very well that this story is one of the story which got the maximum votes in kkb fanfictions... But, I sulked many a times and demanded  all to vote...

Even in exams too, I will cry if I lose one mark too... 😂😂😂😂 Silly me na...

This is like my exam..  so I have demanded, pleaded,
blackmailed and even threatened to hold on this story...  and even tortured you all by saying I will finish this story soon and made some shots as  private too...

Sorry, I did not do it intentionally... I know its a very stupid thought... But being a writer, I longed to get some more recognition.. . That's it... Nothing much... Do forgive me, if I'm rude or behaved badly with anyone or by any means and a very big sorry if I hurted anyone's feelings...

Please forgive  your crazy / mahii and accept my sincere apologies...

Now, coming to the main matter...

I'm so happy and proud to inform you all that, this story has crossed 38,000+ reads and 3,875+ votes and a maximum of 106 votes (in 3 chapters) to its credit...

Thanks again for all your love and support... Special thanks to those 130+ new followers just to read this story... I'm so happy that people other than Indians are also reading this story...

Many has texted me privately saying that this story is very close to their hearts... Some even mentioned that this is what they want to see in the real kkb... I'm so happy tht many have this book in their reading list....

But a word of thought to all the lovely readers here... Writing a story is not an easy task... we have to think a lot... we have to find apt words and script it down... we have to convey all the emotions in our writings and we expect only one thing from you all...

All are writing for their own passion and satisfaction.. A word of appreciation will boost us to write more... A single click on 🌟🌟🌟🌟 button will do wonders...

Thanks again for all your love, support and encouragement... Expecting all your support to continue to write more...

💠💠💠💠 I've crossed half a sea... Wanna cross the remaining half which is going to be very very tough for me... A lot of things gonna happen next... So, expecting all your encouragement and support to continue like this till it reaches the final chapter....💠💠💠💠

A small request.... Those who are not willing to click the 🌟🌟🌟🌟, please dont proceed further....

So without delay, lets move to our 50th shot:

There is a deep silence between Abhi and pragya... Abhi is thinking a lot how to bring back his fuggy to normal mood... He knows very well that his fuggy is acting very well infront of everyone and is playing really very smart to hide her pain...

Being a loving husband, Abhi can very well sense that his fuggy is suppressing her feelings and emotions not to hurt him or anyone in the family... He wishes to do something to bring her back...

Abhi: Fuggy... My doll... What's cooking in your tiny brain???

Pragya: Nothing much abhi... Arjun told us na Rk, madhu n sid are nagging to know what happened to me???

Abhi: I have settled the issue na... If you wish, we can say about our marriage to your buddies... Shall, I ask arjun to call them here...

Pragya: Noooo... Its not the right time to say about this matter abhi... Lets tell them when right time comes... Please...

Abhi: As you wish sweet heart...

Abhi kisses pragya's forehead and starts to speak something about business, studies and her dreams to divert her mood...


The screen shift to purab driving the car to the place where malini asked him to come... He is in deep thoughts and is in a dilemma what to do...

Though his mind is screaming to foucus on his attention only towards malini but his heart is betraying him miserably... All he can see is bulbul everywhere...

Once Purab longed to have a glimpse of bulbul... Her sudden attention towards him startled Purab to the core... Her eyes, her smile are doing wonders in his body... His heart is overjoying in an unknown happiness. 

His thoughts were interrupted when his mobile starts to ring.... Purab smiles as the call is from Arjun..

Arjun: Hello... Jiju... Congrats man... You did it.... Im so so happy for you... People used to say na when a sad thing happens in a family, a good thing also happen...

You proved it jiju... Oh my god... I wanna shout and say Im so happy now... Congrats one again...

Purab wonders what has happened to arjun: Hey ajju... What's it??? I cant understand anything....  What I did??? Why are you this much reacting???

Arjun: Hoye jiju... You did everything and asking me as if nothing has happened... Too bad jiju...

Purab: Arrey my loving ajju na... Tell me what's the matter...

Arjun: Hmm... Your love matter. .

Purab: whaaaattttt???

Arjun: what??? The stubborn bulbul arora has started to melt for the adorable and loving purab khanna na... Wow... Now a days, di is asking a lot about you...

She is very keen to know whether you are asking about her or not... She is smiling and blushing too hard whenever you name comes and she is drooling you as if she is eating you...

You did it man... Iv noticed the touchy, eye lock in bus too and in garden also... Now, a ride in car alone... Aww... Progessing a lot jiju...

Purab is dumb struck to hear that...

Purab : Really...

Arjun: Haan jiju... Soon propose di... Sure bulbul di will accept you...

Purab does not know what to say but is left in deep thoughts...


Later that evening, Arjun, aaliya, mohan and dadi started to go to home...

Dadi: Pragya beta... All will be fine okay... Expecting to see your happy smile when you come back to home ... Try to forget everything beta.. God will bless you with all happiness...

Abhii... Take care of my bahu well okay... Get her whatever she wants... If a single drop of tear comes from her eyes, I will beat you for sure. ..

Sarlama's eyes welled up...

Dadi: why are you crying sarla???

Sarla: Nothing ji... Pragya is so lucky to get such a loving family...

Dadi: we are so lucky to get our pragya... She is the blessing to our family and she is the pride of the mehras... Sarla dont turn emotional and make my bahu cry okay... Take care of my bahu well or you will also get nice beating from me...

All smiled happily and bid adeiu and started their journey towards home...Abhi sends them off  and calls his secretary nishi Nishabhigya...

Nishi: good evening sir...

Abhi: Good evening... Nishi... I am not able to come to office this week... Just take care okay... Purab will also be not there. .. If there is any emergency, give me a call and inform me the happenings.. I will try to come there...

I will take care of the routine works from home okay... So, have a keen look on the office matters n inform me now and thn.. Is that clear???

Nishi: Ye... Yes sir... Are you fine sir??? Is there any problem???

Abhi: Nothing much... A small issue... Iv to be with my soul... So, I cant come to office... Hope you understand that and does not ask much...

Abhi cuts the call and nishi understands that the matter is related to pragya only....


The screen shifts to bulbul who is twirling in happiness... She adores purab's photo lovingly and falls on bed...

Bulbul's pov.: "What have you done to me purab??? Why Im becoming crazy on you now a days??? All I can see is your face only.. 

I hated love thinking that it will spoil my happiness and dreams... Seeing abhi jiju's love and care for pragya di, I too started to believe in love... I know very well about you purab..  I hope you will keep me happy..."


In the other side, Malini is getting ready in a beautiful netted saree... She wears a short, revealing backless blouse and drapped the saree in such a way that to make purab too go completely flat...

Her mobile starts to ring...

Malini: hello malini here...

Mystery caller (MC.): How is the progress malini???

Malini: Nothing much... He is out of station and we could not meet ..

Mc: Have not you tried to call purab...

Malini: Iv been in touch with purab in all means..  now and then, I send snaps and videos of mine and even I did video chat with him... Such a poor soul... Completely fallen for my hot, sexy body...

Mc: hmm... Good job... When you  are going to meet him in person???

Malini: Actually I planned to go n meet him in delhi and spend my time with him .. But he came here for some emergency... I asked him to come to the flat...

Mc: Wah.. good job... Dont leave him.... See... the delhi project is a must for me... Do something and collect the infos of that project and make him as your slave fully....

Malini: sure... Sure... All set... What about money and heroine chance???

Mc: Everything will reach you once work is done...

The call gets cut...

Mc laughs murderously and burns purab's photo with complete hatred in his face....


Back to the farm house...

Abhi tries his level best to make fuggy to get back to normal mood.... But he fails in all attempts and he can clearly  see that his wife is struggling very hard to come out of the trauma...

Abhi feeds pragya and gives medicines too....

Abhi: Its time sweet heart... Shall we sleep???

Pragya: Abhiii... I cant sleep all the time... Im feeling really bored... Can you take me out for sometime???

Abhi: But fuggy.... We are not supposed to travel out... Doctors advice dear... Atleast for 5 days, you have to be very careful and long drive is strictly not allowed...

Pragya: hmm... Okay... Atleast take me to the backside lawn... I wanna feel some fresh air... Please...

Abhi smiles and bends down and picks up pragya in his arms...

Pragya: what are you doing abhi??? Put me down... I can walk... Mom is there what will she think???

Abhi: maa will think that a loving husband ia carrying his wife with full of love... Why you dont want me to carry??? If so, tell me.... I will leave you...

Pragya fumes: Never dare to leave me
Mr. ABHISHEKH MEHRA.... Take me out... I want to feel fresh air... Move...
(With attitude and bossy tone)

Abhi chuckles on his wife's silly antics and takes pragya outside of the farm house.... They sit in the chair in the garden and enjoys the serenity of the moon in the calm, dark sky...

No one speaks anything... There is a complete silence prevailing there .. only the heart beats of the two innocent and hurted souls are heard...

Pragya started to shiver because of the cold air.. Abhi senses it and pulls her closer towards him and covers both of them with duvets fully...

Abhi: Are you okay sweet heart???  Shall we go inside???

Pragya: Some more time please...

Abhi: Alright... We will be here for 30 more minutes and we have to go inside after that... Is that okay???

Pragya: okaayyyy.... Abhi...
Are you hiding anything from me???

Abhi: whaattt???

Pragya: I know very well abhi... Like me you are also shatterred and broken inside... You are suppressing your feelings in front of me na...

Abhi smiles: Nothing like that fuggy... Im also a human... I poured my heart out to ease my pain... But I want to stay strong in front of you so that you should not feel upset na....

Pragya: Im so happy abhi...

Abhi: what for???

Pragya: To get a loving husband like you... Many may feel jealous on me for getting such a love and care from my husband...

Abhi: accha... So, today only you understood that im a loving husband...

Pragya: not at all... I know very well from the day you hold my hand...

They chit chat for sometime happily...

Pragya: Im scared abhi...

Abhi: Now... What sort of scare is this???

Pragya: will god bless us with a baby again???

Abhi: sure... Why not??? Doctor told us na... Even bulbul too checked the reports and informed us that we will have baby soon... So, dont stress your little head...

Pragya: can I sleep in my magic pillow, today??? I am restless and Im desperately and longing to sleep there to calm me down...

Abhi: So... My cute doll needs her magic pillow today... Come lets get inside...

Abhi takes pragya in his arms... He places pragya gently on the bed and made her to sleep comfortably on her magic pillow and he too drifted to deep slumber without minding about the biggest problem which is going to shook them to the core...


The screen shifts to Malini who is waiting eagerly to trap purab... Time passes but there is no glimpse of purab at all for a long time...

Malini calls purab many a times but his mobile is not reachable... Malini does not want to make her plan go flop and she is getting furious as the time passes . 

After sometime, she heard the door bell sound.. she smiles and adjusts her saree and rushes outside... Malini opens the flat door but she is startled to see some sort of determination and strange reaction from purab....

So, what's gonna happen next???

Will purab be able to come out from malini's clutches???

Did abhi and pragya are trying to forget their miseries or is they acting infront of them not to hurt each other???

Will Aaliya fall for arjun or is there a chance her attraction towards sid n rk diverts her mind???

Will pragya be able to achieve her dreams without any difficulties???

To know more stay tuned....

A lot more to come... Twists and turns awaits....

Keep reading, voting and supporting me like this...

A very long update na... Almost 2650+ words...

No time to proof read...

Sorry for grammatical and typing errors...


Yours buddy,


Winding up...

Will be

