Chapter -7

Hello my rasgullas ❤️❤️

Sorry for making you wait 🤗
I was busy this following days 🥺

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And saw his baby girl is sleeping peacefully while hugging him,

Her legs are tangled with him , she is having a cute pout on her face.

Antonio smiled and caress her cheek, he heard Felix voice from inside

" We will never let anyone take her away from us"

Antonio 's eyes darken at Felix words, his arms tighten around her.


He will never let that happen.

It's funny that the girl he just meet some hours ago , already made an print on his heart.

He thoughts broken when he heard sudden knocks on the door.

He groan , he doesn't want to wake up now, but it's like whoever is in the door is very impatient and ready to broke in.

He again groan irritatinly and slowly pull away from her, only to miss her warmth.

He walk to the door and open to see it's Ricco.


Antonio scrowl at him.

Ricco rolled his eyes and asked

"Where is she?"

Antonio replied

"She is still sleeping, come back after 2 hours"

With that he was about to close the door when Ricco intrupt

"Hey! Stop. Wake her, she didn't eat eat anything since yesterday and it's already seven"

Antonio groan in annoyance but he can't left his baby girl hungry, he Coldly said to Ricco

" Ok! We are coming in sometime"

And close the door on his face.

He smirk imagining his brothers face by getting the door closed on his face.

He sat on the edge of the bed and gently shake her "Babygirl, wake up. Come on its seven, now"

Valtina wince cutely and rolled over the other side.

Antonio chuckled and again shake her.

Felix said " Let me......"

Felix take over the body and pick Valtina and put her on his lap causing her to wake up.

She open her eyes and rubbed her eyes cutely like a kitten.

She smiled lazily at him and said "Good evening Tony"

Felix chuckled and said "Good morning to you too"

"Huh! Morning? Already?"

"Yup! You sleep on the whole ride"

Valtina frowned and traced her finger on his face

" You look different now Tony"

Felix got shocked at her words , it takes two months for his brothers to noticed the difference and here she did in few hours.

He feel insecure of her reaction.

Still he cupp her cheeks and said

"Baby, I am Felix. Antonio 's inner spirit personality and I love you so much just like Antonio "

Valtina frowned and asked" Inner spirit personality? sean??"

Felix frowned and get jealous of whoever he is.

He asked " Sean .Who?"

Valtina tap his forehead and said

"Silly, my favourite anime character, he also have a spirit personality named DJ"

Felix maked a 'O' face .

He remembers something like thais seeing on TV.

He smiled and said "Yes baby like that, do you have any problem with that?
I mean if you have I will never come infront of you......"

He got cut off by valtina

"Why will I have any problem, you are  my brother"

Felix smiled with tears and hug her tightly

"I love you baby girl so so so so much"

Valtina giggled and said "Silly Lexy"

Felix raised his brows in amusement


Valtina said " Yup! You are Lexy and Antonio is Tony"

Felix chuckled at her cuteness but inside he is happy.

Antonio said from inside
'Told you. She will accept us for being us '

Felix nod and hug Valtina to his chest pressing a kiss on her head.


First of all sorry for the grammatical mistakes 🙏🙏

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Now... .  

Did you like the chapter?

What do you think about Ricco being impatient?

What do you think about Antonio closing the door on Rocco's face?

What do you think about Felix 's insecurity?

What do you think about Felix telling Valtina about himself?

What do you think about Valtina accepting Felix so easily?

Is Valtina hiding something?

See you in next chapter till than toodles ❤️❤️❤️💋
