To lovers...

"Anne, I've loved you as long as I can remember." ~Gilbert Blythe, Anne of Green Gables

"Don't ever fall in love, Delly. Feelings are confusing" Gilbert sighed as he rocked Delphine to sleep.

"Fall in love with who?" Sebastian Lacroix grinned as he entered the room to check on Delly.

"Bash!" Gilbert exclaimed as he placed Delly in her crib.

Sebastian Lacroix had an amused smile. He knew.

"You didn't answer my question."

Gilbert hesitated.

"Come on Blythe. Maybe I can help you."

"It's Anne..." Gilbert trailed off, before Bash interrupted him.

"I knew it, I knew it! It was always Anne!" Bash did a little shimmy.

Gilbert shook is head at his antics.  "If I...If I feel something for a girl, does that mean she's the one I should marry?"

Bash had to laugh. He understood how Gilbert felt.

"Not necessarily Blythe. Yes attraction is important, but love is what truly matters. And love is bigger than those...feelings your talking about."

Gilbert was lost in thought. He did love Anne. Ever since she slapped the textbook across his head. He had been denying it for years, but not anymore.

He loved Anne Shirley Cuthbert. He wasn't afraid to admit it now.

"I love Anne..." He whispered, more to himself but Bash had heard him.

Bash smiled. He was happy for Gilbert. He'd always knew that Anne was the one for Gilbert.

At that moment, Gilbert's phone rang. It was Diana.

"Hello,Diana!" Gilbert answered the phone.

"Gilbert! Anne got into an accident!"

Bash paled considerably, which was nothing in comparison to the way Gilbert looked at that moment. The boy didn't even look like he was breathing.

"Please...You have to go to the hospital." Diana said urgently.

This seemed to spur Gilbert into action.

"I'll be there." he said shortly before he hung up.

He looked at Bash.

"Don't say anything. Go. I'll look after Delly." Bash said worriedly.

Gilbert nodded before he rushed to call a taxi.


In no time at all, Gilbert had arrived at the hospital. As he walked through the cold halls of the hospital, he felt a chill up his spine. He hated hospitals. His father had passed away here...and Anne-
No. She will survive it, Anne is so strong. He couldn't afford to lose her too.

He found Marilla, Matthew, Diana and Ruby at the waiting area. Marilla stood in one corner, with Matthew, completely beside herself, tears flowing fast down her cheeks. Diana was comforting a visibly hysterical Ruby. 

Diana was the first to spot him. "Gilbert!"

Matthew looked a little more relieved by his arrival.

"She was involved in a hit and run accident. She's unconscious now." Matthew supplied.

Marilla's sobs became more choked.

Gilbert swallowed thickly. "Can I...See her?"

Matthew nodded and led him to Anne's ward.

"I'll...leave you to it now..." Matthew said softly when they reached in front of the door.

Gilbert sighed and opened the door. All the preparation in the world would not have been enough for the sight that met his eyes.

His heart clenched painfully in his chest. Was this what heartbreak felt like? He hadn't really believed it till now, but as he took in her lifeless form it became very real.

Anne lay on the hospital bed, unconscious. There were visible bruises on her face and neck. She still looked so beautiful in Gilbert's eyes.

"Oh Anne." He breathed, bending down beside her and took her hand ,which thankfully, was still warm.

With door was closed, Gilbert felt that he was free to say anything.

"You have to fight this Anne. There's so much of the world left for you to see, so much for you to discover, to love,"

Tears were flowing freely down his cheeks but he continued anyway.

"You are the fond object of my desire. You and you alone are the keeper of the key of my heart. I am not dating anyone, nor will I be, unless it's to you, Anne. My Anne with an E. It always has been and always will be you."

Anne remained still. Could she hear him though?

Gilbert's breathing began to come out in sharp ragged bursts, he was no longer able to contain his pain. His voice broke.

"Lover, if only you knew how much you mean to me."

Gilbert silently wept, grasping Anne's hand tightly in his.

And to his surprise, Anne squeezed his hand back.


Anne wasn't sure what was going on. She was confused. The last clear thing she remembered was her dashing across the street, a speeding car, and pain. More pain than she had ever felt in her life.

Anne gathered all her strength she could find inside of her and tried to speak. Nothing came out, she was too weak. She couldn't open her eyes either.

she decided it was pointless to speak, so she just listened.

Suddenly, she felt a presence next to her. It was Gilbert.

He held her hand, and this made Anne feel better. If Gilbert was there, then, somehow she knew that she'd be fine.

She listened to Gilbert as he spoke.

"...Lover, if only you knew how much you mean to me."

That sentence was stuck in Anne's mind. Gilbert loved her. He loved her! She loved him too, with her whole heart.

Using her remaining strength, she squeezed his hand.


A few days later, Anne woke up.

The doctor examined Anne and assured that Anne was out of the woods.

Gilbert bowed his head and was so overwhelmed with emotion that he wept in relief.

Marilla and Matthew each gave Anne a kiss on her forehead.

"We are so glad you're okay Anne, you gave us all such a fright." Marilla told Anne, as she quickly brushed tears from her eyes.

Anne almost cried with emotion right there and then. She loved Marilla and Matthew dearly and they both looked so worn out.

Diana and Ruby gave Anne the biggest hug they could muster.

"We missed you so much Anne." Ruby cried, her voice thick with emotion.

"We're so glad you're alright." Diana added and patted Anne's shoulder.

Anne smiled. "I missed you guys too."

Gilbert approached Anne.

"So you could hear what I said the whole time?"

"I heard everything...and I love you too Gilbert." Anne blushed. It was the first time she openly admitted this. Somehow, It didn't feel so scary anymore.

"You do?" he asked, sucking in his breath.

"With all my heart." Anne responded and watched his face light up in a smile.

Gilbert pressed a quick kiss on Anne's forehead.


Gilbert whipped his head around. He forgot Marilla, Matthew, Ruby and Diana were still there. Oops.

"Marilla, Matthew..." He began.

"It's okay Gilbert, you have our blessing." Marilla said.

Gilbert smiled in relief.

"And it's about time both of you got together." Diana piped, causing everyone to chuckle and the couple to blush.

Matthew cleared his throat. "Come on now...I think they want some alone time..."

One by one, they left the room. "Holler if you need us!" Ruby called over her shoulder before she left the room.

They had some catching up to do. Gilbert scratched the back of his neck.


