Chapter 3

~time skip~

I've been in the hospital for one week already.Today I get to go home.Hannah's been skipping school just so she can stay with me.She said that if she was ever hurt I would be there for her.That's not a lie either.My classmates stopped by every now and then to give me homework or flowers.Everyone's just to kind.I am currently sitting on a bed and waiting for my mom and the nurse to get here.I'm reading a letter while Hannah's asleep.





I almost jumped in shock from the last name.No way Mrs.Johnson got Adrian to sign.Unless he doesn't know it's me.I forgot that he was in my calculus class.I hear Hannah moan in her sleep."Hey goofball.You up yet?""Shhh more sleep.""No today I'm leaving.""Oh why?""I feel better.""What about the rib cage?""Tomorrow I'm going to sleep at home and then after that I'm free to go to school.""Yea tomorrow can I hang out with you?""If your dad allows you.You have missed a week of school.""It was for a good cause.""Says the same girl who kept throwing skittles at the homeless and told her dad that it was for a good cause.""Yea I was giving them free food.""I offered to buy pizza.""I know but skittles are better.""I know but pizza is better at filling you up quicker.""I get it."I watched as the redhead looked out the window.She already knew I was gay but sometime I don't think she fully accepts it.I look down at the card.Why would he sign it?Does he not know me?Is he truly sorry for what he did?"Lucasta you look deep in thought.""Yea...whose Adrian?""I thought I told you to stay away from him.""Oh but who is he and has he always been in our calculus class?""Why do you ask?"I looked down at the card."He signed the card.""Teacher probably forced him to.""Most likely.""Ugh your mom and I were talking.You'll start working at 'Jack's Pizzeria' once you feel better.""Why?""She says you need to get money cause once you're eighteen you'll be kicked out.""I know but I would rather work at Walmart.""Suck it up pussy."I looked over to see my mom leaning on the doorway."Is dad coming home?""Nope."I sighed and looked down."You expect your dad to come home to a wimp like you?""No.""Mrs.Jones I can't believe you.He's your son and yet you act like he's a piece of shit.He's not broken nor destroyed.He's your goddamn son and I would like it if you acted like his mother.""Hannah?""Lucasta no I'm getting tired of your mother.Why do treat him like this?Is it because he's gay?""Shut it.My sons broken.He likes men.Thats not normal for any boy.Its suppose to be girl and guy.Not guy and guy.""Well the rules are meant to be broken."I watched as mom stormed out."Hannah why did you say that?""Its true.""You know my mom just needs some time to accept it.""Yea how long?It has been four years since you told her.""She's been through a lot and finding out her son was gay must've tooken a big impact.I understand her mean ways.She can't help it.She loves me she doesn't like the fact that I'm gay though.""Your day accepted you as soon as you told him.I think your mom is a homophobe.""No she doesn't understand.I'll talk to her later.I will force her to understand.I will do everything in my power to make her understand.""Ok...just don't get hurt.Please be careful.I need you to answer me honestly.Do you know who did this to you?""I don't know.""I won't tell anyone if you tell me.Was it Adrian?""I don't know who it was.I wish I did because I'd tell you.""I can tell you're lying to me.Why would you protect thar person over our trust?"I could see the pain in her eyes."Hannah I'm sorry but even if I told you then I know you would tell the cops.""You do know who did this and yet you're keeping it a secret.Why?""I think it's better to forgive and forget.""I will never forgive you for not telling me who do this."I could see the tears forming in Hannah's eyes.I looked away from her."I'm tired could you please leave."I heard her footsteps hit the tile and the door open and close.I just snuggled up to the blanket and felt like crying.
