Yn pov

I heard some ruckus downstairs so I went to go check it out, when I headed downstairs I saw my step siblings, my step dad and I also saw six other people I never seen in my life that were all talking and arguing. "this is our house" a girl said I just listen in the conversation "y'all have five minutes to get out of our house or else" Marcus said

I decided to walk downstairs and when I did all eyes were on me, I just walked beside
Sloane everyone continued arguing I whispered to sloane "what going on?" "These people are saying they live here" sloane said and she looked confused as I did

I saw this really big man come up to Marcus and he tried to punch Marcus but Marcus dodged it and he kick him. I just thought to myself {how all of this is stupid and I have do fight just over a stupid argument}

Ben and this young boy were physically fighting but Ben then lost the fight so I had to jump in, when the boy turned around I swiped his legs that made him fall to the ground. Ben then got up and he saw I was handling it better than he was so he left

The boy got up "are who are you suppose to be?" The boy says then he tried to punch me in the face but I grabbed his arm and I put it over my shoulder I then flipped him over my shoulder so he fell "worry about your self okay" I say I walk away

I went to find my dad, I found him in the office "dad who are those people?" I say, I then see another random person "who are you" I say I get closer to him "am Klaus" he says backing up against the wall

"Why are you here, how did you get here, why are you in my dad's office?!" I say in a rush since I was eager to know what was happening "honestly I don't know but this is our house and what I mean by our is me and my siblings" Klaus says I could tell he was telling the truth since I used my powers
To tell if he was telling the truth

Before I could ask Klaus another question a man with knives came in "let's go these guys are to good" he said, I looked at him and I crossed my arms. Klaus and the man left, when I looked at dad he was writing in his notebook so I just went downstairs

When I get there I see a person in the middle of the ground and my siblings where surrounded the person, I see they were glowing blue so I used my power to create a shield around me, all my my siblings fell to the ground and glass shattered on the floor

"You should leave" Marcus entered the room and said that the person left, Marcus saw all of my siblings on the ground and glass shattered I knew for a fact this was going to be a lecture later today of how could we get beat up so quickly in a matter of seconds
