💍wedding day - the sequel (the finale)💍


i just woke up and braelyn is still sleeping. today is the BIG DAY, i literally been waiting for this day since me and braelyn started dating. i can't believe i'm getting married bro, this is fucking crazzyyy.

i got out of bed, walked to the bathroom and did my hygiene, i walked upstairs to check my babies and jeremiah is the only one up.

"sup lil boy" i picked him up. "jooonnathaann" braelyn yelled from our room. "i'm with the kids!" i yelled back, she comes walking inside. "hi my baby" she kisses me. "hi bae, brush your teeth girl. yo breath stank" we both laughed, i put jeremiah back in his crib and i followed her to the bathroom.

"you look so good in the morning" i smacked her ass. "boy shut up" she continues walking, we get to the bathroom. "today's the big day baby, you ready" i asked her as i rub her shot wound with medicine. "i've been waiting for this my whole life boy, of course i'm ready" she brushes her teeth. "you got a hair and nail appointment in 20 minutes" i wrapped her wound. "where at?" she asked as she flossed. "here, told them to come here cause you couldn't drive" i ran my fingers through her hair. "oh okay, where you gon go?" she asked. "i'm finna go over to malik's house to get ready over there and then my mama gon come over and get the kids ready" i said, "and also yo girls are gonna come over and get their hair, makeup, and nails done too" i continued. "damn baby you doin too much" she kissed me. "anything for my queen" i gripped her ass and walked outside.


i'm getting married to the man of my dreams today and this boy really be spoiling me today. i was just gonna run to the salon to do my nails and then go to my girl ferow's house to do my hair but he brought people to do those things for me. all my girls coming over soon, johns mama already over getting the kids ready, and john left already because he didn't wanna see me get ready. it's getting reallllll!!

"OPEN UP BITTCCHHH!!" vena yells and pounds on the door. "IM COMING BITCH HOLD UP!" i ran to the door. "AHHHHHHHH" keisha, vena, megan, jordyn, and imani yell outside. "HEYYYYY!" we all hug. "okay y'all here's the agenda, you all got a hairstylist, makeup artist, and a nail tech. they all in my beauty room down the hall to the left" i show them. "where you gonna be?" jordyn asked. "ima be in my room getting ready" i walked upstairs and they walked to the beauty room.

i walked into my room and i see my beautiful dress on my bed. i definitely chose an amazing dress.

her dress

her nails


it's only an hour till we start our wedding. i'm already at our venue that we picked out and i'm also already dressed. i got all my homeboys here with me just chilling and waiting for the family to come, i can't wait to see how sexy braelyn is gonna look because i already know she gonna be lookin fine.

jonathan's suit

*ring ring ring*

my phone was ringing and it was meme. i was confused my meme or my baby mama was calling me because we haven't talked in years. "hello?" i said into the phone. "j- jonathan" she's crying. "yo what's wrong? why you cryin for?" i asked her. "john i miss you so much. i really wanna get back together with you" she cried. "are you dumb meme? i'm with braelyn and we getting married today" i said confusingly. "PLEASE JONATHAN!" she cried even louder, i hung up.

is this bitch fucking crazy? she know i don't wanna fuck with her anymore because she's crazy and i'm also with b. she out of her minndddd.

"ayo john, we got a lil problem" malik runs outside. we got outside of the venue and i see danileigh in a wheelchair about to come into my wedding. "woah woah the fuck you doin here?" i walked up to her. "i wanted to come to yalls wedding" she said. "no no get out of here" i stopped her from going inside. "yo can i not support yall?" she asked. "you tried to take my son yesterday and now you wanna support us? yeah no" the security came and took her, i went back inside.

an hour passed...

it's time. i'm standing at the alter and i seen braelyn's limo pull up to the venue. all her bridesmaids starting coming out and all their boyfriends crying, i be laughing because they cryin. then i seen the most beautiful girl walk down the aisle to our song we made and now i started crying. braelyn looked AMAZING, she was glowing. she looked like a fucking goddess walking down.

"you look amazing baby" i said as i'm wiping my tears. "you look handsome" she started tearing up.

the ceremony goes on and now it's time to say our vows, i went first. "Braelyn, the love of my life. the first time i ever saw you was at the VMA awards in 2016, you were wearing this sheer black leotard with white polkadot ruffles around it and i swear it was love at first sight. then the second time i saw you we were shooting the find my way video and that day i knew you were the one for me. 12/27/16 is the date i will always remember because that's when we started dating, that day i knew we were gonna have a bright future ahead of us and now look at us. you are my world, my everything, my ride or die, my bestfriend, the love of my life, my reason, my purpose, and my inspiration. it's gonna be us against the world forever baby. i promise to protect you from everything, i promise that nobody will ever come between us and our kids ever again, i promise that i'll be by your side rain or shine, and i promise that i'll love you unconditionally until we meet our wings. i love you so much Braelyn Simone Greenfield" i looked up and wiped her tears. "Jonathan Lyndale Kirk, 5 years ago you captured my heart by being exactly who you are. the sweetest, most loving, compassionate, and sensitive yet hood person i have ever known. you have been my bestfriend through the good and the bad. you have been the reason that i smile and you have given comfort beyond measure when i have cried. you have believed in me when no one else would, and you have shown me how to love with passion, purity, and unconditional acceptance. i'm not sure if a lifetime is long enough to return all you have given to me, but i promise the rest of my days i'll spend by your side. to laugh with you and cry with you, to believe in you and support you. together we are better than we could ever hope to be alone, and today i give you my love, my trust, and my fidelity forever. you will always be the best part of my day. i love you" she said as she's holding her tears back, so am i. "those were both beautiful vows" the priest says, "Braelyn, do you take Jonathan Lyndale Kirk to be your lawful husband?" the priest asks. "i do" she responded. "Jonathan, do you take Braelyn Simone Greenfield to be your lawful wife?" he asked. "i do" i responded. "by the power vested in me by God and man, i pronounce you husband and wife. you may kiss the bride" we kissed.


IM MARRIEDDDDDD! YESSS BITCHHHHH! i'm finally married to my bestfriend. this is a girl's dream and i'm so happy i'm living this dream!

it's hours after our ceremony and now it's time to say goodbye to our kids and head off to our honeymoon. "john you ready?" i asked him. "yessir" he screams, he's a bit drunk. "mommy! daddy!" the kids come running up to us. "awww my babies, i'm gonna miss y'all so much" we group hugged. "i'm gonna miss you too" amiyah cries. "you guys be good okay? don't cause too much hell to granny" i laughed. "i promise" amiyah and i pinky promised. "we'll see y'all in two weeks!" john yells and grabs my hand. off we go.

"john, we're married!" i hugged him tightly. "i know baby! i love you so much!" he kissed me. "i love you so much more" i kissed him back. "once we get their i'm fucking your brains out" he laughed and gripped my ass. "you stupid boy" i laughed.

they lived happily ever after!


i hope y'all enjoy this LONG ASS chapter. this lowkey made me tear up LMAOOOO. but i really hope y'all enjoyed this book because i sure did. should i start a new story or keep this one going? lmkkkkk. 💖💖💖💖

what amiyah's wearing:

what braxton and jeremiah are wearing:

(just picture then younger LMAO)
