~ Potions ~

Wooo new story!

Wilbur Pov

i woke up from my bed and immediately went over to my desk. i started writing a note to my friend quackity, We have never met in person or seen eachother before. we were both trapped in our houses unless we were sent to get supplies.

i always thought what if we have met eachother before and we just dont know it..? as i finished up my note i re read it and then called over my crow to go send it to him. a few minutes later his bluejay flew over to my window with a paper and dropped it off.

Dear Wilbur,

i think we have met before in town. how about you describe yourself to me? ill go first!
i have a blue and gold witch hat with a duck pin attached to it. i have black short hair and i always wear a black shirt and ripped jeans with a blue jacket wrapped around my waist!

Sincerely, your friend
~ quackity ~

i chuckled at the note and wrote back my note and called over my crow to send it to him until i heard my name being called


i sighed and left to go get them.


i waited for his black crow to fly over to my window to send me the letter. i waited for a few minutes and i saw his crow drop the note on the ledge infront of my window. the note read

dear quackity,

i think thats a great idea! i have a black and yellow witch hat with a bee pin attached to it! i have brown hair with a white streak in it. i wear black ripped jeans with a white shirt and i wear a black and red flannel over it!

Sincerely, your friend
~ Wilbur ~

i could already imagine him in my eyes he looked so cute and dreamy. my thoughts were interrupted when i heard my name being called

"Quackity darling~! can you go get me some supplies from the town?"

i sighed and got my basket and went to go get the supplies.

Wilbur pov

i walked over to the pumpkin patch and looked for a tiny pumpkin. as i was walking i wasnt paying attention and bumped right into someone

"im sorry! please forgive me!"

i looked at him and he matched the description of my friend! i shook it off and i helped him get up

"oh hey if you dont mind asking sir.. what's your name?"

"oh im quackity! what's your's?"

i froze, was it really my friend quackity.?

"oh im wilbur!"

"hey if you dont mind me asking do you have a bluejay?"
(they said this at the same time)
"hey if you dont mind me asking do you have a black crow?"

we both gasped at the same time and we screeched


i gave him a big hug and we both fell down. i helped him get up again and we got our ingredients with eachother.

i walked with him to his house

"meet at the pumpkin patch tomorrow?"


"alright see ya later wilbur!"

"see ya quackity!"

i walked back to my house and returned the ingredients and immediately started writing a letter to him.
