
Word Count: 1045 

(I've republished this a couple of times. Sorry!)


I look at the ring I picked out for Y/n, biting my lip nervously.

What if she hates it?

I sigh and look at the ring again. It was a gold ring, matching mine, with an oval sapphire in the middle. The light bounced off of it beautifully but I was still worried.

I needed this to be perfect.

"Y/n, you're the most important person- No, no, how about, I don't know what I'd do without you?" I sigh once more, closing the ring box.

I am so scared; I might faint before I even get to say anything.

- Timeskip -

I stand outside of Y/n's door, feeling more nervous than I've ever been before. I stand with a bouquet of Y/n's favourite flowers that had been growing in my garden for a while now. I dressed somewhat formal but mostly casual in a knee length dress and a coat which held the ring box. 

I take a deep breath and hesitantly knock on the door.

I wait for a minute. She doesn't reply.

My shaky hand reaches for the doorbell. I press it with one hand and hold the bouquet with the other. Again, no reply.

Now I'm slightly worried.

I adjust the hold I had on the bouquet and pulled my phone out of my pocket to text Y/n.


I'm at ur door :)

Come in pretty eyes <3

I walk in and call out to Y/n. I find her in the bathroom moments later. 

I watch as she washes her face with cold water aggressively.

"Hi my love! I brought you flowers." I said with a smile.

She turns the tap off and turns to face me, my eyes widen.

Her nose was red and her cheeks looked warm and rosy. Her eyes looked tired with eye bags accentuating them.

"Thank you so mu-" She says in a nasally voice but I cut her off.

"Okay, I'm cancelling dinner, we can go another day when you feel better. Now, I think you should lay down."

"Pretty eyes I'm fine." She says with a sniffle which was followed with a sneezing fit.

I basically drag her to her bed and she reluctantly lays down.

"I really love the flowers pretty eyes, they're so beautiful, like you." She smiles and I blush slightly.

"Stop flirting with me; we can do that when we reschedule dinner."

"I feel bad though; we can go. I'll be fineee." She drags out the last word almost like she's trying to make it seem more truthful.

"No, rest. Just rest my love." I say which makes her sigh. "Have you had medicine yet?" I ask and she nods.

"Okay, wait here; I'll grab a few things." Before she is able to protest, I'm out of her room. 

I search her kitchen cabinets and living room for things I may need. I walk back to Y/n's room with my hands full. 

I put a tissue box on her bedside, a glass of water in her hand, and a book in her lap. She looks at me with a wide grin. 

"What?" I ask with a small, confused smile. 


"What?" Lizzie asks with a small, confused smile. She sits at the edge of the bed.  

"Your eyes are gorgeous." You whisper which makes Lizzie check your forehead's temperature with the back of her hand. You chuckle. 

"I was just trying to distract you from panic mode." You smile; Lizzie gives an unimpressed look. 

"Hey it worked, didn't it?" You both smile brightly at each other. "Come lay next to me." You shuffle to one side of your bed, leaving room for Lizzie to lie down and cuddle into you. 

You place your water down and lay on your back as Lizzie gets comfortable.  

"If I get sick I'm blaming you." Lizzie jokes as you both wrap your arms around each other. 

You shrug at her words. "Just more time I get to spend with you." 

After a few moments, Lizzie is focused on playing with locks of your hair so you inconspicuously move your hand to her coat which she mistakingly left on. 

"Nope." Lizzie's voice was slightly muffled by your chest. She pulls her head up and stands up, takes her coat off and lays her head on your chest again. 

"How could you even tell?" You ask with a sigh. 

"You're not that sneaky my love." She smiles. "What would you like to do love?" 

"How about we binge watch all of your movies?" You say, batting your eyes. 

"You're lucky I love you." Lizzie says after a groan. 

"I love you too pretty eyes." You say after sneezing. 

"Now since we already watched Age of Ultron, shall we watch Civil War??" 

"Nope, we're watching Age of Ultron again." You say with a mischievous smirk. 


"Nope, Emo Wanda is too hot to pass up." You shake your head, smiling even though you feel stabbing sensations on your head due to the killer headache you have been given. 


You watch the movie and cuddle Lizzie which numbs the pain slightly. When Wanda first appears, Lizzie can't help but groan and hide her face in your chest. 

"Pretty eyesss?" You teasingly call her nickname. She lifts her head to look at you and you kiss her lips. 

"Now can you watch without complaining?" 

"Hmm... Maybe after one more kiss?" She answers cutely. You kiss her once more and reach to turn the movie back on when your phone and Lizzie's phone begin to ding rapidly. 

"Did you post something on Instagram or TikTok?" You shake your head at her words and you both pick up your phones. 

You unlock it and find quite a few articles which you immediately show Lizzie. 




"Well it was a good thing we didn't go out." You say in a joking tone. 

Thanks for reading! 

I'm still conflicted on what to write for my next story. So far I'm thinking Natasha x reader and maybe adopted Wanda. 

Idk it's not a final decision so lmk what you think.  
