Chapter 12 (unedited)


"Is it just me? Or is it reality?" I thought as I opened my eyes in the middle of the night when I heard a disturbing noise.

"P-please...don't do it...I'm b-begging you...p-please." Lucy mumbled.

I sat up and saw Lucy sweating madly as she moved her head from left to right continuously. It doesn't looked like she was just having a bad dream, it was a nightmare. I tried to calm her down by caressing her blonde hair and gently swiping her forehead with the back of my hands to clean her sweat.

"Luce. It's okay...I'm here" I whispered, enough for her to hear as I kissed her forehead. I had never seen her acting like that before which kinda made me worried.

"P-please...don' it...I-I..." she said panting hard. I caressed her hair once more before... "HELP!" Lucy shouted as she sat up which led me to instantly reverted my hands back to myself. "Luce..." I said trying to get her attention but instead, she turned her head real quick and stared at the door.

"Luce.." I repeated hoping she would realised that I was calling her. That's when I saw a tear dripped from her eyes, down her cheek until her chin. "Hey Luce.." I called again, placing my hand on her shoulder but she immediately pushed it away roughly leaving me rather shocked.

She looked at me, not with her sparkling brown eyes that was calm and full of light but with eyes that was full of fear and anxiety. She started to tremble as more tears started to flow down her cheeks.

Even though she was looking at me, but she was occupied. I waved a hand in front of her slowly from left to right to see if she would react to it but she didn't.

"Luce...are you okay?" I asked, concerned. She then immediately came back to her senses.

"N-Natsu..." she murmured but quickly turned to look at the door again. She looked at the door nervously like someone was gonna walk it anytime. "What's wrong?" I asked trying to meet her eyes, "did you had a nightmare?"

I placed my hand at her back and rubbed it up and down, trying to calm her down. "Mm.." she replied so I guessed it was a 'yes'. "Don't worry, I'm right here." I comforted while I continued to rub her back.

"Natsu... mind if I sleep inside?" she asked emotionlessly without losing her attention at the door. I nodded and we changed places. "Are you feeling better now?" I asked as I cupped her cheeks with my thumbs but was slapped away by her's instantly.

She started to look nervous again. "I-I'm fine!" she said as she moved further away from me with her back touching the wall behind her. Just looking at her, made my heart ached real bad.

"Let go!" she shouted as I wrapped my arms around her tightly. "I won't let go until you've calmed down!" I replied while she tried her best to shrugged my arms off of her.

"Stop it please...." she begged even though she knew it was me that was hugging her. I slowly let go of her but still held her at her shoulders. "'s me, Natsu" I said looking into her cold brown eyes.

"Natsu...." she murmured. I thought she knew it was me the whole time? "Yes I'm don't have to me scared. No ones gonna hurt you as long as I'm around you." I assured her as I pulled her into a hug again.

This time, she didn't push me away or anything, she hugged me back weakly as I gently rubbed her back again giving her small pats.

"Feeling better?" I asked with a small smile as I slowly let go. She nodded but immediately switched her attention to the door again. "Do you want me to close the door?" I asked as I brushed a string of hair to behind her ears.

"'s okay..." she said softly as she turned back to face me. "Wanna get some sleep?" I asked in a gentle voice so that I wouldn't startle her. She nodded weakly as I brought the bed sheet over her until her shoulders.

I lied down beside her and gave a kiss on her forehead. She looked at me, this time round, there was light in her eyes but it was dim compared to her normal self.

"If you're scared, just hide in my chest." I insisted as I held her in my arms. "I'll wait for you to fall asleep before I do." I continued, resting my chin on her head while she lightly nuzzled into my neck.
The chilly night became warmer as the sun rises from behind the mountain in Magnolia lighting up the whole town and through the windows of all houses.

I slowly opened my eyes upon the sunlight resting on my eyelids. I gave myself a satisfying stretch before I noticed, Lucy wasn't beside me. My heart splat out as I quickly ran to the bathroom, the living room and the store room.

Lucy was no where to be found!

That's when the smell of pancakes got my attention. I rushed to the kitchen, seeing Lucy in her old apron holding a pan. "Oh, good morning!" Lucy greeted as she turned off the fire and slides the last piece of pancake onto a plate that already had three pancakes stacked up.

"I'm almost done with breakfast.." she said as she added honey and a thin rectangular butter on top of the pancakes. I'm so glad she's herself after seeing how she was last night.

I stood at the door and observed her. I was very eager to give her a hug but I decided to take a sit at the dinning table. (The dinning table is in the kitchen)

"Woah...." I said in amusement when Lucy place the plate of pancakes in the middle of the table. It smelt so delicious I didn't realised that I was drooling until Lucy handed me a napkin and told me to clean myself up.

"I'm not hungry so I'll just have one pancake, you can have the rest" she said as she untied her apron. That's when I decided to ask her about what happened last night, I've been thinking of asking her about it but I'm afraid I might mess things up, I'm afraid of seeing her cry again...

Just when I was about to start speaking, she walked out of the kitchen. "Hey Luce! Aren't you gonna eat?" I shouted just to get her back in the kitchen. "'ll take a bath first!" she replied as I heard the bathroom door closes.

"Okay, now that was weird, Lucy never takes a bath before breakfast." I thought as I stood up and walked to her bedroom, decided to wait until she comes out.

I lied down on her bed, making myself comfortable by placing her pillow on my chest and hugging it, smelling her vanilla-and-strawberry scent. That's when I started to fall asleep...well...even though I just woke up.

I walked out of the bathroom with a towel hung around my neck. I took out a hairbrush from the drawer beside my bed when I heard "Lushi....Lu....shi" Natsu murmured.

After I brushed my hair, I walked to the kitchen and surprisingly, the pancakes were untouched. It was good as new and it stayed in the same position like how I placed it earlier. I thought Natsu had ate his breakfast, in fact, I was expecting him not leaving any leftovers for me since he always did that to me and my hungry stomach.

"Hey Natsu!" I called as I walked out the kitchen, putting a pancake into a small paper bag so that I could take it to the guild instead of buying breakfast cuz' I'm actually running out of money to pay for my rent that month.

I walked over to my bed and decided to wake up Natsu...but he was sleeping soundly, I guessed I took away too much of his time in the middle of the night....

"I'll go to the guild first then..." I thought while I gently ran my fingers tips through his flyaway(soft and thin) hair.

1 hour had passed since I fell asleep. I put away the pillow resting on my chest and sat up. It was 11am. I scanned Lucy's bedroom from left to right, she wasn't anywhere. I used my dragon hearing, Lucy wasn't in the house!

I ran as fast as I could to the guild, hoping she was fine as I kept recalling about what happened last night. I never wanted to see her like that again. It really breaks my heart.

"Luce!" I shouted as I slammed the guild's door open. Everyone stopped what their doing and turned their attention to me. "Natsu!!!" a cutie-katty voice shouted.

"Happy! Have you seen Lucy?" I asked nervously while I looked around the guild. Happy then pointed towards the guild bar. "Her eyes was full of fear, I can't let her cry", that's the only sentence that kept on repeating in my mind. "Her eyes was full of fear, I can't let her cry"

"Her eyes was full of fear, I can't let her cry!"
"Her eyes was full of fear, I can't let her cry!"
"Her eyes was full of fear, I can't let her cry!"
The more I repeat, the more I...became crazy.

As I repeat once more in my mind, I realised that I was grabbing Lucy's lower arm. "Natsu?"

"L-Lucy..." I stuttered, suddenly didn't knew what to do. She stared at me who was very blur at that moment. "Lucy...." I murmured as I pulled her into a tight hug without leaving any gap between us. I was so worried she might cry again.

"Natsu!" she whispered. "We're in the guild!"

I froze with my eyes wide opened. "What have I done?" I thought. I slowly let go of Lucy leaving her blushing cheeks face me and the whole guild who's attention are all on us completely. "Sorry...." I mouthed to Lucy who was frozen and speechless.

I turned around to face the guild. All of their eyes were looking at me and Lucy, but from my point of view, all of their eyes were on me which led me to turn pale.

"They rrrrrrrike each other~" Happy teased rolling his tongue as he flew towards us from the guild hallway. Everyone in the guild started laughing, squealing and whispering when they saw my... cheeks...

"Lucy........" Levy said as she covered her mouth with her hands looking surprised but not in a bad way though, because it was very obvious that her eyes were sparkling with delight.

I turned and looked back at the guild but surprisingly, they went back to what they were doing instead of staring at me and Lucy making us feel uncomfortable.

"Lu-", I was cut down by the look in her eyes. Her eyebrows twitched as the side of her lips went up. She tilted her head and glared at me which made me took a step back. Even Levy kept her distance away.

"Natsu~" she murmured between her teeth sending a chill down my spine. "L-Luce I'm sorry! I didn't meant to- to-" I stuttered as she started to walk towards me which led me to automatically move backwards.

She lifted up her leg, ready to 'Lucy Kick' me before someone interrupted her. Lucy put her leg down and turned to face a blue coloured hair mage with two ponytails. "Lucy-san!" Wendy called out waving a hand as she approached her.

I carefully took a few steps forward until I was standing beside Lucy but still kept a little distance between us just in case she gave me a surprise attack. "Lucy-san, are yo-" she said but stopped immediately when she noticed I was standing beside Lucy.

I stood there in confusion until Lucy shot me a look, telling me to go elsewhere. I nodded swiftly and walked off, leaving Lucy and Wendy alone. I wonder what they were gonna talk about?

I went to sit at the original booth with Happy who was trying his best to flirt with Carla the white exceed. And Erza, Gray, and of course Juvia who was hugging Gray's arm like her life depends on it.

I sat beside Erza that was enjoying her strawberry cake. Gray just drank a glass of water while trying his best to shrug Juvia's arms away from his. "Gray-sama~ Juvia is water too!"

"EHHHH Please don't..." Gray begged as he gave up shrugging Juvia's arms away while he leaned his back against the wooden seat. After a while of staring at the ceiling, Gray looked down a brought his attention to me.

                 📜<WRITER'S NOTE>📜
(Hope you readers had enjoyed this chapter!)

