Finding the truth

(Sandra's pov)

I awoke in Mothman's lap. i sorta liked that i did

I sat up looking at him seeing he was asleep. I decided to get up and cook the both of us breakfast


Mothman walked into the room as soon as i put our plates on the dining table

"Oh morning sleeping beauty. i thought you were going to sleep another 56 years" i laughed, he just rolled his eyes and pulled out a chair and sat down

"How'd you sleep Sandra?" "I slept fine, comfortable as well" i blushed slightly at the thought i was in his lap!

I then looked at him as he ate his eggs "how about you?" He looked at me and rubbed his eyes "i slept good, it's better then sleeping on a cold bunker floor" "wait, for so many years you slept on cold ww2 cement?" He nodded

I frowned at him "well you can stay for as long as you like" he then smiled "thank you Sandra" "no problem mothy" i said as i finished mine, and when mothman finished his, i took his plate and brought them over to wash

As i washed the plates, i looked to the right to see that mothman was watching how i clean my dishes "are you taking notes in your head?" "Yep" he said as he stared like it's a light


"Alright mothman I'm off to work bye!" I yelled "see you later Sandra " he yelled back

And then i went out the door to my car

(Mothman's pov)

I walked downstairs seeing Sandra drive off

I decided to get out and fly


I flew high above the clouds looking down at the town of point pleasant , looking down, but then i noticed something in the far back,  looked like some kind of base.

I dive down and landed to a place to hopefully not to be detected or spotted

I use my eyes and the fence made a me size rectangle and walked in the fence and started to walk around before i hope into a vent and turned into my little moth form to squeeze into the vents

I looked into one of the vents and see, big cages? I flew in and looked to cryptic friends.......





Skunk ape


Jersey devil

Ozark howler


El chupacarba




Beast of bray road

Flatwoods monster

Dover demon


And night crawler

And a bunch of more cryptics that i call my friends

I looked around making sure no hunans were around and before i do so i took the camras out

I turned into my mothman form "what and how and why are you guys here?" I asked and they look at me with a small smile to see me

"Well to answer your questions, we are captured and humans captured us and they are apart of this organization called "cryptic catchers" witch they basically catch us and keep us away from the public and we are here cause of you" bigfoot explained sitting against the wall and throwing pebbles against the wall

I looked confused "why me?" "Because your the only cryptic left not captured on the planet, you hid for so long that they decided to come here and find you" Nessie explained

"That's because I've been out for 56 years. The necklace was removed from Point Pleasant. Now that this organization is after me, i got more of a problem" i said and they all look at each other

"Guys if they find me, I'm pretty sure they'll kill us all at the same time, i wish to get you guys out but i saw to many humans in the outside, + i want to get guys home and safe" they all looked at me and looked down

"Don't worry we understand, just stay hidden and get a plan to get us out of here, we'll survive, just go before the humans get down here and find you" wendigo said

I nodded and flew out in my mouth form and flew through the vents


I flew and landed home and went through the window and the same time Sandra came into the house "oh hey i didn't think you'd even leave the house today" she said putting her keys on the hook and badge and her bag on a side table near the door

"Well i did, because why not? How was work?" I asked trying to process my mind around my friends being locked in a base near point pleasant "it was good, i told my boss about what jack tried to do to me and he made jack do the tours instead and i did the cashier, it was good, i got a lot of questions and attention"

I looked at her and sighed feeling happy and glad that i found her. She might be a hooman. But she's a good hooman who deserves happiness and attention and love

All good things "is something wrong? " Sandra asked and i didn't realize i was making a worried face "it's just that.....when i went out.....i went across a base behind the mountains of point pleasant and they had all my cryptic friends there, bigfoot, Nessie, Wendigo, Rougarou, Skunk ape, Yeti, Jersey devil, and all the others are locked up. This organization is after me. I'm the only one who hasn't been captured yet and if they do I assume either they will show us to the world or kill us so we never see the light of day again." I looked down nearly breaking down in tears that my dear friends are in danger

She went over and hugged my crying a little "don't worry, we will get this organization shut down and we'll get your friends home and safe and free i promise you mothman" she said looking up at me

I hugged her back and i couldn't resist the urge but kissing her head and rubbing her back with my six arms. "Thank you Sandra for understanding and caring"

"Of course, I'll help you for whatever you need and now let's figure out how to get your friends out and saved" she said looking up at me and kissing me on the nose and we stand there blushing and smiling at each other
