Sturgis Podmore

Dear Sturgis Podmore,

Imperius curse, huh? Doesn't seem fair that you're here over something you couldn't control. At least it's only six months, plenty of people have stayed sane in that amount of time. Was it your idea to break into the ministry? Nope, your idea was to keep the prophecy safe, and help the Order of the Phoenix.

It's pretty funny how everyone will look at you differently because of what you can't control, eh? I've always been a big advocate for the philosophy; never judge a book by it's cover. I mean it would be hypocritical if I wasn't. Everyone thinks I'm evil, because I'm not the easiest on the eyes, but in reality, I'm just a building who has no control on who enters me or not.

Stay with the Order and don't let anyone get your spirits down. 
