Chapter 63: Pregnant


Nobody's POV:

"GIYU!!!" Shinobu screamed in terror after he was shot by Daki. After taking the bullet, Giyu immediately fell on the ground.

Shinobu also fell on the ground after Giyu pushed her. Daki on the other hand was shocked and pissed at Giyu's action.

"Tsk!!! That idiot!!! That was suppose to be the path of him suffering! Hmph, no matter. I'll just find someone else who an replace Giyu. Someone who actually has a brain." Daki said and was about to leave. Until...

Shinobu grabbed Daki from behind and slammed her against the wall. Daki looked at Shinobu's face, only to see a pitch black face, red eyes and a demonic mouth. Daki was starting to feel extreme down her spine as soon she saw Shinobu's face.

"Go to Hell... You bitch..." A demonic voice came out of Shinobu's mouth.

With that, Shinobu slammed Daki's face on the other side of the wall. After that, Shinobu bashed Daki's head on the ground began to repeatedly smash her face. A few seconds later, Shinobu picked Daki up and snapped both her elbows.

"ARGGHHHHHHHAAA!!!!" Daki was in a pain unlike anything.

Shinobu then threw Daki on the ground and with one last ditch effort. Shinobu used her knife to stab her back head, delivering the killing blow.

"Rot... in... Hell..." Shinobu panted and twisted the knife.

After Shinobu killed Daki, she immediately ran to Giyu to check his wound. Giyu, thankfully, was still alive. But barely. Giyu looked at his Shinobu, who was trying to patch the bullet hole.

"Shinobu..." Giyu uttered.

"Shhhh. Don't talk, I'm gonna take you somewhere sa-" Shinobu said but was cut off by him.

"It's no good. Where Daki shot me is more se-" Giyu was immediately ut off by Shinobu.


"But..." Giyu didn't really know how to respond.


"Shinobu..." Giyu began to tear up as well. And a few moments later.

"IS ANYONE HERE!?!" Gyomei arrived at the summit level with two Void company. One of them being a paramedic for this particular group.

Upon hearing a voice, Shinobu immediately screamed for help.


Hearing and seeing Shinobu, Gyomei and the medic quickly came to her aid and checked on Giyu who was starting to lose consciousness.

"Hurry!!! Patch the blood and I'll carry him to an ambulance van!!!" Gyomei yelled.

"Yes sir!!!" The medic replied and began to patch the bleeding with some special equipment.

"Excuse me, sir?" Shinobu uttered.

"What is it?" Gyomei asked.

"My fiancé is not the only person here. There is also a little girl in this building." Shinobu said.

"Oh yes. Nezuko Kamado. She as well as the others who were associated with her are now safe." Gyomei replied, making Shinobu a little curious.

"Who are the people associated with Nezuko?" Shinobu asked.

With Nezuko's group...

After the intense fight between Koinatsu's group and Tanjiro's group. Kaigaku and Gyokko, who were the only ones still alive, were arrested by the Void Company. Tanjiro, who was shot, was carried to an ambulance van to get his bullet wound treated.

"We should go now..." Zenitsu uttered.

"Okay..." Nezuko replied, and before they left.

"You two go ahead. There is something I gotta grab in this room." Muichiro said.

"You sure?" Zenitsu asked.

"Yes. Now go." Muichiro replied.


With Sanemi...

Outside the R.A.D HQ, Sanemi as well as the remaining police forces managed to arrest the all of the remaining criminals, including Douma's former subordinates, Huzo and Rako. Although the police achieved a great victory, they lost a lot of noble policemen. Shinjuro later went to where Sanemi was to have a little talk.

"We will have a memorial for our fallen comrades." Shinjuro uttered.

"Of course. I... I might retire after this." Sanemi sighed.

"Understandable. But at least wait until everyone has fully recovered. The police still need a warrior like you." Shinjuro said.

"Fine. I just don't want to worry Kanae anymore. In time, she's gonna have a baby and Kanae is gonna need me." Sanemi replied, which surprised Shinjuro quite a bit.

"A baby? I see, well congratulations." Shinjuro congratulated him.

"Thank you, sir." Sanemi thanked him.

"CHEIF!!!" The second in command of the VC has finally came out the building the with the captives and prisoners like Hantengu, Kaigaku and worse of all, Enmu.

"What happened to him" Sanemi asked while looking at Enmu.

"I don't know. We just found him like this. He was just crying. Not to mention that his tongue is gone, so asking him questions might be impossible." The second leader said.

'THAT CAT IS THE DEVIL!!!!' Enmu cried in his thoughts.

Even though Cuichi did not kill Enmu. He did something that might be worse than death. Cuichi tortured him. Cuichi cut Enmu's tongue off, shaved his hair off his head, removed all of his teeth, and pulled all of his nails off his fingers.

"Meow." Cuichi was being carried by Nezuko.

"Can't believe this is over. I thought this suffering will never end." Nezuko uttered and looked down.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't able to protect you from being captured." Zenitsu said.

"Hm." Nezuko hummed quietly.


After Nezuko's group were escorted to one van. Shinobu finally came out of the building with Gyomei and the others. As soon Sanemi saw Shinobu, he immediately ran towards her.

"Shinobu!!! What on earth were you doing!?!? Why did you do what you just did?!?!" Sanemi asked with extreme worries.

"No time for explaining! Right now, Giyu needs medical treatment immediately!" Shinobu replied.

With that, Giyu was placed in one ambulance van with Shinobu by his side. Giyu was receiving even more treatment afterwards. After that, almost every in the R.A.D drove back to Paraiso.

At the Paraiso Hospital...

With Tsutako and Kanae...

Tsutako, Kanae, Kanao, SabiMako and Kokushibo were the only people in the hospital while the rest were waiting at the Infinity Hotel. Because of the wounds Uzui received, Tamayo from the main city was called for help since she was considered one of if not the best doctor in the world. Several minutes has passed and finally people from R.A.D has arrived. Many trolley beds were being pushed at great speed. Upon seeing the wounded, Kanae's groups immediately stood up to check if any of them were people they knew.

'Please Shinobu! Be safe!!' Kanae worried in her thoughts.

"GIYU!!!!" Tsutako screamed as she saw Giyu laying on the trolley bed. She quickly ran but was stopped by of the police.

"Ma'am. Please step back." Cloyd said.

"That's my brother!!! Move aside!!!" Tsutako cried.

"Tsutako-San! Please! Giyu needs immediate treatment!" It was Shinobu, which shocked everyone.

"SHINOBU!!!" Kanae cried and gave Shinobu a hug.

"Née-San..." Kanao uttered.

"THANK GOD YOU ARE SAFE!!!!" Kanae cried.

"Shinobu!!! What happened to Giyu!?!" Tsutako asked as Giyu was being sent to one room. Shinobu pulled away from the hug so she can explain.

"Well-" Shinobu was about to explain but was cut off by a certain someone.

"Let me explain." Douma interrupted.

"DOUMA?!?!" Kanae exclaimed.

"Tanjiro!!!" Kanao saw Tanjiro, who was also being sent a room to be treated.

"Tanjiro too!?!" Makomo said and began crying. Sabito then hugged her to comfort her.

"Now, I don't know what happened to Giyu. But I can explain for Nezuko and the others." Douma said.

With that, Douma explained his perspective to Kanae and the others and soon Shinobu explained her perspective to them which resulted them to fall in silence.

"I can't believe it. Shinobu Nee-San and Tanjiro did something like that..." Kanao was beyond shocked.

"Shinobu!!! What the fuck were you thinking!?!?" Kanae was mad.

"Née-San..." Shinobu uttered.

"Entering the building filled with killers!?!! And killing people?!?! WHY SHINOBU!?! WHY!?!?" Kanae began to cry once again.

"I had to. Otherwise Daki would'v-" Shinobu tried to explain one again but was cut off by Kanae.


"I do. And I knew that would happen. But I couldn't sit around and do nothing while Giyu and Nezuko were suffering." Shinobu said.


"They would've not made it." Nezuko revealed herself alongside with Zenitsu and Muichiro which shocked them.

"NEZUKO!!!" Tsutako and SabiMako exclaimed.

"Muichiro!" Kokushibo uttered.

"If if weren't for Oni-Chan and Shinobu-San. Giyu Nii-San and I would've suffered a fate even worse than death. Yes, they may have killed some people. But those thugs were bad people who have killed many innocent people." Nezuko explained.

"Nezuko..." Muichiro and Zenitsu uttered.

"Excuse me. I want to be alone outside." Nezuko said and left.

"Wait! Nezuko!" Tsutako said but was stopped by Sabito.

"Let her be for now." Sabito uttered, Tsutako just sighed in response.

"Well, I'll be taking me leave." Douma uttered.

"Where are you going?" Kanae asked.

"Somewhere I can refresh myself. And after that, return to Kotoha." Douma answered and was about to leave.

"Wait." Shinobu stopped him.

"What?" Douma asked without looking at her.

"I... Thank you for helping us. I really appreciate it." Shinobu thanked him, which surprised him.

"Hmm, no problem. And sorry for all the things I said or did to you." Douma apologised, and before Shinobu could respond. Douma took his leave.

"Shinobu..." Kanae looked at her.

"Née-San. If you're gonna be mad for the rest of your life. That's fine, I don't expect much after what I did. It's also repaying Giyu for saving me all those years ago." Shinobu said.

"Shinobu, I-I-I *SIGH* It's fine. You did what you had to. Even if it was beyond extreme..." Kanae gave out a massive sigh.

"Thank you, Née-San." Shinobu thanked her sister and gave her a hug to which Kanae returns a few second later. Although what Shinobu did was almost unforgivable, Kanae was glad that Shinobu truly able to fend off for herself and come back with minimum injuries.

Later, a certain doctor revealed herself to talk to Kanae's group.

"Hello. Are you Shinobu Kocho?" It was Tamayo.

"Yes, I am. How is Giyu and the others?" Shinobu asked.

"Tanjiro Kamado will be able to leave tomorrow. For Tengen Uzui, because of his unique muscular build, he'll be able to make it. Although he will have to stay here for five months." Tamayo explained.

"And what about Giyu?" Shinobu was getting annoyed and worried.

"For Giyu Tomioka. Because he was shot at an extremely vital area by a bullet that was revealed to be filled with some drugs. There is a low chance he will make it." Tamayo said.

After hearing Giyu's conditions, everyone were almost speechless. Tsutako fell on her knees and began crying and Shinobu clenched her fist out of anger and fear. Shinobu soon grabbed Tamayo's coat.

"SHINOBU!!!" Kanae and Sabito exclaimed and grabbed Shinobu to pull her away.


"Shinobu!?! What did you just say?!" Kanae asked.

"I PROMISED MYSLEF YEARS AGO THAT I WOULD MARRY THE MAN OF MY LIFE!!! PLEASE DON'T LET HIM DIE!!! I BEG OF YOU!!!" Shinobu cried. It wasn't until someone made to interfere and push her away from Tamayo.

"Don't touch Lady Tamayo again!!!" Yushiro angrily said.

"Yushiro..." Tamayo uttered.

"Yes!" Yushiro stood straight.

"Go back and treat the others." Tamayo said menacingly.

"YES!!!" Yushiro replied and left.

"Look, Shinobu Kocho. I will do everything in my power to save him." Tamayo said.

"You swear?" Shinobu asked.

"Yes." Tamayo smiled.

"Okay. *sniff* I don't care how long it will take. As long Giyu makes it." Shinobu sniffed and wiped her tears off.

"Alright. I think I should take my leave now. The injured needs me. Well I'll you in time. I don't know how long, but in time." Tamayo said and left.

"Shinobu. We should go back to the hotel now." Kanae uttered.

"You guys go. I'll wait here for a bit." Shinobu said.

"You sure?" Kanae asked.

"Yes." Shinobu nodded.

"Okay then..." Kanae replied.

With that, everyone beside Shinobu left the hospital and went to the hotel. However, as they were leaving the building, they saw Nezuko sitting on a bench in the dark.

"We should take her back to the hotel as well." Makomo said.

"Let me do it." Muichiro uttered.

"Wait. I think I sh-" Zenitsu said but was cut off by Muichiro.

"Zenitsu. Let me. I'm the reason Nezuko was captured. Please." Muichiro pleaded.

"Fine." Zenitsu sighed.

After everyone left, Muichiro went to where Nezuko was and sat next to her.

"Oh. Muichiro. If it's alright, I still wanna be alone." Nezuko uttered.

"That's exactly what I want to talk about." Muichiro said, which made her confused.

"What do you mean?" Nezuko asked, and as much as Muichiro didn't want to say it. He had to.

"I-I want you to be happy. Without me." Muichiro said.

"What are you talking about!?" Nezuko looked directly at his eyes with worries.

"I mean. I want you to go and be with Zenitsu and not me." Muichiro replied.

"Why!? I thought we were doing that double date thing!?" Nezuko exclaimed.

"That's not going to work. Plus, I did something in the R.A.D building that made me realise how dangerous I can truly be. I don't want you to be with a monster like me." Muichiro explained, shocking her.

"What?! Muichiro! You're no monster! All you di-" Nezuko was cut off by Muichiro.

"Nezuko! For so long I have been suffering. Never thinking I would regain my happiness. It wasn't until I met you. Talking and dating without a doubt has been one of the best thing ever. But truly, the most perfect thing about you was your smile. But now, seeing you not smile makes me think of my past. Although I may never experience true love, I'll at least be happy as long you are happy. So please, be with Zenitsu and only see me as a friend and nothing more." Muichiro begged.

"I-I-I can't!!!" Nezuko cried, and then Muichiro hugged her.

"Sometimes, things. Whether they are good or bad, they must always come to end." Muichiro whispered.

"But..." Before Nezuko could say anything.

"Here." Muichiro pulled something out of his pocket.

"The earrings! I thought they gone with Koinatsu." Nezuko exclaimed.

"They were. However the earrings were the only thing the piranhas didn't eat. So I manage to retrieve them without getting bitten." Muichiro explained.

"Are you gonna give this to me again" Nezuko asked.

"Yes. At the very least, I want you to remember the time we dated. The time you saw me more than a friend." Muichiro smiled a little.

"Muichiro..." Nezuko began to tear up.

"It's okay..." Muichiro was also beginning to tear up.

Nezuko, although hesitant, took the earrings and put them on. Seeing the earrings on Nezuko just Muichiro smile even more.

"It's suits you. As always." Muichiro smiled.

"Shall we go back to the hotel?" Nezuko asked.

"You go. I wanna have some fresh air." Muichiro said.

"Okay. Well... Thank you, Muichiro. For everything." Nezuko smiled. And out of gratitude, she gave him a kiss on the lip.

Muichiro was beyond shocked at her action, but he was glad to receive this first and last lip kiss from Nezuko.

"Well. I'll see you soon, Muichiro." Nezuko smiled.

"Y-Yes." Muichiro uttered, and then Nezuko took her leave and went to the hotel.

After Nezuko left, Muichiro just stood still unable to do anything. However, a few seconds later, he fell on his knees and began crying because of the decision.

"*Sniff* Mum *Snifff* Dad *Sniff* Nii-San... Did I make the right choice?" Muichiro cried.

As Muichiro was crying, he felt a hand holding his chin. Muichiro looked up only to see his Parents and brother who were surrounded by bright lights.

"Mum? Dad? Yuichiro?" Muichiro uttered.

"You made us proud." Mrs Tokito smiled.

"Keep smiling." Mr Tokito smiled.

"And don't be a doofus." Yuichiro teased and smiled.

"I won't." Muichiro smiled and wiped his tears.

And then, Muichiro's family slowly faded away. Muichiro stood up and walked to the hotel where everyone else was.

In the Royal Suite...

"I can't believe Shinobu-Chan would do something that dangerous and extreme." Mitsuri said.

"Well, I don't blame her. If you were in danger, I would've done the same thing." Iguro replied.

"Five months!? We have to wait five months for Tengen-Sama to fully recover?!!" Suma cried, making Makio smack her as always.

"Did you forget what he endured? A FUCKING EXPLOSION!!!" Makio angrily yelled.

With Tsutako and SabiMako...

While everyone else were chatting or playing games. Tsutako was going through some old photos and videos of Giyu, Sabito and Makomo. Sabito and Makomo soon became curious at what Tsutako was doing.

"Tsutako, what are you watching?" Makomo asked.

"Some old pics and vids of you two and Giyu. Remember this? This was when you were thirteen years old." Tsutako showed Makomo and Sabito.

When the two saw the video. The two had a different. Sabito began giggling while Makomo's left eye was constantly twitching.

"Oh my gosh! I remember that! My magnificent art!" Sabito chuckled.

"Art?! That, back then, basically scarred me!" Makomo pouted.

"Now that I think about it? Wasn't that the dress you wore at prom?" Tsutako asked. (I edited the Prom Dance chapter and changed the Makomo pic to this one since it looked more beautiful, IMO.)

"Yeah, I was so amazed at the dress design that Giichi thought. When I became a model I commissioned a dress designer to make that blue dress." Makomo answered.

"It's a shame Giyu lost his skills after he entered high school." Sabito sighed.

"Yeah..." Tsutako and Makomo replied.


After a long wait, some of the people in the suite were starting to feel sleepy and they went to their own suite to sleep. Muichiro made his return and one hour later, which was basically midnight, Shinobu came back from the hospital. She went to her own suite and slept in the bed. Alone. Without Giyu.


It was morning and everyone were packing and cleaning themselves up. After wards, they all went to the same down to a random parking area and waited for Sabito and Iguro since those two cars were the only vehicles left from the group. However, Chief Shinjuro offered to drive them back home with a swat van to which they accept. While some of them waited, people like Kanae, Kanao, Tsutako, Nezuko and Zenitsu went to hospital to pick Tanjiro up since he was the only one who was able to recover in just one night.

"Oni-Chan, how are you feeling?" Nezuko asked.

"It's fine. But it should heal in just three weeks." Tanjiro replied and Kanao confronted him and pouted.

"Eh? Are you okay, Kanao?" Tanjiro asked.

"Don't you ever do something that dangerous ever again. Understand?" Kanao pouted.

"Yes, I understand. And I'm sorry for scaring you." Tanjiro and gave her a quick peck on the lips, shocking Kanae.

'Ara Ara! Talk about bold!' Kanae happily thought.

With Tsutako and Masachika...

"So, your legs were injured during the assault?" Tsutako asked.

"Yeah, there was an accident with the car and my legs got injured." Masachika replied.

"I see, well... I hope you get better." Tsutako said and looked down.

"Don't worry about me. And don't worry about your brother, I know he will make it." Masachika smiled and cupped her cheek.

"Thank you." Tsutako said and grabbed his right hand.

After that, Tsutako left the room Masachika and joined the others. Tsutako went in Sabito's car with Shinobu and they all drove back home to their home.

Two weeks later...

It's been a week since they left Paraiso City. Because of all the things that had happened. Some people, like Uzui's wives had to close their business down since the main man wasn't there anymore and Makomo decided to take a break from modeling. Shinjuro on the other hand decided to retire as Chief and give that title to Sanemi since he was the only suitable candidate for since Masachika was injured and Gyomei only joined for that one mission. Muichiro alongside his uncle were beginning to practicing to the making of the Sun Cream Puff since that was Muichiro wanted to be.

With Shinobu...

After the one week, Shinobu felt nauseous, headaches and vomiting. She also gained some serious weight. Kanae and Kanao, of course, took care of Shinobu and they believed that Shinobu was sick because of the fight with the R.A.D. However, that was not the case. Shinobu knew exactly what was coming, however this, to her, felt more often and severe than usual. She was constantly hungry and tired almost 24/7. Not wanting to wait anymore, she decided to leave. (I have no idea how pregnancy work xD I just researched it for this one chapter. So if I got anything wrong, Im sorry xD)

Not wanting her sisters to find out yet, Shinobu snuck out of the house went out to seek a professional and take a test. After taking the test, she went back home and waited for the results to come back.

Ten days later...

Over a week has passed and Shinobu got results and it's just as she predicted.

She was pregnant.

"*Sniff* Yes... *Sniff*" Shinobu teared up a little.

With that, Shinobu left her room and went to see Kanae and Kanao.

"Née-San. Kanao. I have some big news." Shinobu uttered.

"Well, what is it?" Kanae asked. Although Shinobu was nervous, she decided to tell them the truth.

"I'm pregnant." Shinobu answered, shocking the two.

"WHAT!?!?!" Kanae exclaimed and Kanao widen her eyes.

"I'm carrying Giyu's baby." Shinobu said.

"A-Are you serious!?!?!" Kanae exclaimed.

"Y-You're not mad, are you?" Shinobu asked.

"Mad!? Of course not! Okay maybe it was much, much earlier. But now? No, I'm really happy for you!!!" Kanae cheered and wanted to hug Shinobu but didn't because she had to be careful.

"Thank you, Née-San." Shinobu smiled.

"Well, should we tell Tanjiro and the others?" Kanao asked.

"I appreciate it, but not yet. Let's for a bit." Shinobu said.

"Okay, if you say so." Kanao hummed.

Nine months later...

During these passing months, so many things has happened. Well one, which is the most obvious, school was reopen. Muichiro and Kokushibo had finally restarted the Cream Puff business, which excited a lot of people, especially Tanjiro and Nezuko. Masachika's legs were finally healed and he visited Tsutako quite often, more often than he intended.

Sanemi soon proposed to Kanae to which she obviously accepted, and three weeks after the proposal, Kanae was revealed to be pregnant, which made Sanemi tear up out of happiness.

Douma had finally return from his redemption adventure and proposed to Kotoha which shocked her beyond belief, but she was happy and said yes. Inosuke however, didn't approve because he always thought Douma was some barbie sellout.

Uzui finally recovered from his extreme injuries, although he lost his left arm and left eye. He still had his looks to which Uzui was perfectly happy with, and after he came back from the Hospital, his wives were crying non stop. A week later, the four of them reopen their cafe to which everyone were glad since Uzui didn't give up what he loved.

Koyuki and Hakuji would visit Mitsuri's restaurant everytime they had dinner. During these visits, Mitsuri and Koyuki became close friends, so close in fact. The two of them decided to set up a blind date for their best friends. Kyojuro and Yae.

And now, inside Tsutako's house since Shinobu wanted her babies to be born in Giyu's original home and not to mention, this was actually Shinobu's first time in this house. It was also revealed that Shinobu was gonna have twins. Inside the house, Shinobu was screaming as well as breathing since Tsutako was the one who was gonna pull the babies out.

"Breathe Shinobu. Just breathe, that's the most important thing." Kanae was on Shinobu's left side and her was essentially squashed by Shinobu's hand. Kanae was also breathing heavily since she was feeling a lot of pain from Shinobu's grip.

'Okay, I didn't expect someone as small as her to be this god damn strong!' Sabito had his hand squashed by Shinobu's right hand. Makomo was there waiting since she was the one had to hold the first baby.

Tanjiro, Kanao and Nezuko were upstairs just waiting for the babies to be born. As they were waiting, all they heard was cries.

"Giyu! *Gasp* Giyu!" Shinobu gasped.

"Breathe! Just Breathe!" Kanae yelled.

"GIYU!!!!" Shinobu cried, not just because of the pain. But because Giyu wasn't here to witness the birth of his babies.

With Giyu...

Giyu's eyes, despite being closed, had tears coming out of it. Yushiro noticed the tears and told Tamayo about it.

"Lady Tamayo, I think he's crying. I think he believes he won't make it." Yushiro said.

"Don't say that! He will make it!" Tamayo yelled, which shocked Yushiro since she isn't someone to yell.

"God. Never thought Lady Tamayo would be so sexy with her screams.' Yushiro thought.

'Please, don't fail Tamayo! You already failed to save Mum and Dad! Don't fail young Kocho!' Tamayo thought.

With Shinobu...

"Okay! One! Two! Three! PUSH!!!" Tsutako yelled.

"GAHHHH!!!" Shinobu screamed which ringed the ears of the four who were present.

"Waaahh!!!" The first baby cried.

"Congratulations, Shinobu. It's a boy." Tsutako smiled, and then wiped some of the liquid off the baby and passed it to Makomo.

"Do you have name for him?" Kanae asked.

"Wait until the second one is born." Shinobu panted.

With that, they went to the second and last round of a baby birth. After another intense scream and breather, the second baby was born and...

"Oh my goodness!! Congratulations, Shinobu!! This one is a girl!!!" Tsutako yelled, shocking everyone in the room.

"WHAT?!" Kanae and Sabito exclaimed.

"Twins and they don't share the same gender. That's something I always wanted, a son and a daughter. May i?" Shinobu smiled and stuck her hands out for the baby girl.

"Of course!" Tsutako replied and passed the baby girl to Shinobu.

"Makomo, may I hold my baby son?" Shinobu requested.

"Are you sure? You sure you can carry two?" Makomo asked, and Shinobu nodded.

"Okay, here you go." Makomo slowly and carefully passed the baby boy to Shinobu.

"They're beautiful..." Shinobu smiled.

Now Shinbobu had both her babies in her arms. Kanae couldn't help but feel jealous that Shinobu got a son and a daughter at the same time.

"I never thought you would have a hold before me. I'm actually jealous." Kanae giggled.

"Is that so?" Shinobu smiled.

"Yeah." Kanae smiled.

"So, Shinobu, what are you gonna name these two? That's if you already thought of one already, which I would be surprised if you didn't." Sabito asked.

"Yes, I indeed have a name for these two beautiful babies. Although I wanted two babies. I never thought I would actually have two child's, so I always imagine myself with a baby daughter." Shinobu said.

"Okay, well what's her name then?" Tsutako asked.

"Mizuki." Shinobu answered. Upon hearing the name, Tsutako's eyes were wide open and she began to cry.

"Tsutako!? Are you okay!?" Kanae asked with worry.

"Yes. These are just happy tears." Tsutako sniffed.

"That's right!" Sabito uttered.

"That's right what?" Shinobu asked.

"Giyu and Tsutako's mothers' name is Mizu." Sabito answered, surprising her.

"Really!?!" Shinobu asked.

"Really..." Tsutako smiled.

"But now. What about the boy?" Sabito asked, and Shinobu looked at Makomo.

"Is something wrong?" Makomo asked.

"This is a name I thought since I was revealed to have twins. A name I use to imagine since the day Giyu saved me." Shinobu said, making Makomo realise.

"You mean..." Makomo uttered.

"Yes. I've decided to name the boy... Giichi." Shinobu smiled.


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I dont do this, but here some memes I found on Pinterest xD
