ᒪᗩ丅 11

Chapter 14

Yuddhisthir was conflicted. The views of the girls and the incidents that could happen which they spoke off were making him worried. Vastraharan! The way said the word was spoken was definitely an incident that was neither natural nor right. He was tensed at thinking a girl was married to five of them - himself and his younger brothers. How is that even possible? The mere concept itself was making him uncomfortable. Any wife of his brothers would be like his little sisters. How could...He shuddered without even completing his thoughts...Something was not right! And why would his mother say something like distributing a girl? She was a girl too!

He was getting a headache and he felt disgusted too. He can't think about all these things anymore. Then his Gurudev dying! He will leave this to Ashwathama. He can deal with this but if he needed help, he will get it.

Sahadev watched his elder brother shake his head, his brows frowning. He knew if he wanted he could look into the future and see if whatever the girls were saying was true or not. But as a warrior, he also trusted his instincts and his own mind. Whatever the girls said had some grains of truth to it. He now hoped that whatever happened could be averted now! After all, a wife of his elder brother should be like his mother....not whatever they were saying!

Bheem and Arjun glanced at each other, both hoping that whatever they heard was wrong. They both saw how their mother looked pale and disgusted with herself. The views of the girls seemed to have affected her! They can't judge because apparently, they weren't any better. Bheem was thinking that all the problems entire root was that Drupad. Because of him, his Gurudev would die and he won't allow that to happen!

Arjun loved his family, his brothers and his mother the most. He just did not understand what was the hearing! He will just kill Drupad if they go into war. He looked at Duryodhan who seemed to be disturbed himself. He also glanced at his eldest brother Karna, who was as usual avoiding everyone like a pro. If needed he would even ask their help, beg if he needed to...but neither is his Gurudev going to die nor he is going to marry a girl who was created only to satisfy her father's ambition! It wasn't fair to either of them! He did not know what will happen but no matter what he won't allow an innocent person to suffer!

For Nakul his family and loved ones were his treasures! Anyone who harms them was cut apart from the middle by his most beloved sword! Drupad would also meet the same end soon. The simple answer to all the problems. He felt sympathy for the unknown girl who wasn't even born yet. After all, she was born just to be a medium for something. She must have suffered so much! That wasn't correct! Why should an innocent girl be used as a pawn? Nope, not happening on his watch. He conveniently ignored the fact that this girl was also supposed to be his as well as his brothers' wife.

So the solution for Nakul was something like this:-

Drupad = girl born + son born + Gurudev dying + a female getting hurt + Mata Kunti's horrified face.

Hence the answer is, Drupad should be eliminated then all the possibilities would also disappear.

Karna was walking through the gardens of Hastinapur Palace when the night was nearly over. The moon shone overhead with its luminescence spreading all around, though the night sky was lightening as if preparing for the Sun's arrival, creating a mesmerizing scene of nature at its best. It was dawn yet though. A cool wind blew creating goosebumps on his bare arms.

His eyebrows furrowed as he noticed a figure standing just a little ways away, near the small and homely temple in the garden. He neared and his eyes widened as he recognized the person. Rajkumar Yuddhisthir!

Karna was hesitating while thinking whether he should go or not, but in the end, his curiosity won. He neared the place where Yuddhisthir was standing.

He stood right behind Yuddhisthir who seemed to have sensed him since he turned around to face him.

"I apologize if I am disturbing, Rajkumar," said Karna, looking at the person who was supposed to be his younger brother.

Yuddhisthir blinked at being called Rajkumar by the person who turned out to be his elder brother. He understood that Karna was hesitating and formality was a very familiar ground in their relationship. They can't simply jump into familiarity since there is no basis for that.

"No Angaraj. I was just thinking, that's all," answered Yuddhisthir with a small smile.

"Oh? At this time? I mean, everyone usually is just waking up at this time." asked Karna.

Awkwardness and formality dripped from the conversation they were having. Yet, both of them was hesitating to let go of the conversation completely.

"Yes,....actually, I couldn't sleep anymore so I came here to get some fresh air and think as well," replied Yuddhisthir softly looking here and there.

"Oh!" said Karna softly, also avoiding Yuddhisthir's gaze. Both wanted to ask something but was hesitating.

After few minutes of hesitating, thinking and stuttering, both asked at the same time, "Are you alright?"

"Uhh...yes...I mean no.." admitted Yuddhisthir, a flush on his face. Though Karna was also embarrassed, he willed it away.

"Oh. Um...do you want to talk about it?" he asked awkwardly.

Yuddhisthir nodded since he was offering. In the end, though they found out only a few days back, he was still his elder brother so talking or discussing with him should not be a problem.

"If you don't mind, you can follow me. I was going to my most favourite place before I noticed you." proposed Karna, eyes hesitant wondering if he would say no or yes.

Yuddhisthir mumbled, "Okay."

Karna walked towards the back gates of the Palace, with Yuddhisthir following.

"Are we going out of the palace?" asked Yuddhisthir softly.

"Yes. Now hush!"

Both waited as the shifts changed and there was a few moments of inattentiveness by the soldiers, which was enough for the two very powerful warriors to slip by.

"Why can't we go like a normal person?" asked Yuddhisthir, as he looked around. He had never wandered the streets of Hastinapur at night before.

" Meaning?" asked Karna as he concentrated on the path that they were taking. He was also making sure Yuddhisthir was following.

"I meant that we could just walk through the palace door. Who would stop us?"

Karna shook his head, "You are being naive or rather you are being too trusting. I understand you see the good in people which is an amazing and rare quality, but you know sometimes it's better to think practically."

"What does that mean?" said Yuddhisthir, a bit defensive.

"I was talking about a certain Mamashree, Rajkumar," replied Karna rolling his eyes.

"Oh," said Yuddhisthir, even he knew that man would be on to them whether they did something or not.

"Come now we have arrived," said Karna.

Yuddhisthir finally noticed the scene in front of him. It was a beautiful scene of Devi Ganga flowing through the various rocks and a fast space. The moonlit night illuminated her glowing waters, creating ethereal sight. It was calming.

Karna hummed, "Come sit."

Both of the brothers sat down on the huge rocks, watching the serene yet turbulent waters. Karna commented after some silence, "I come here whenever my mind has too turbulent thoughts when even Radha maa's calm words could not calm me down. Mata Ganga calms me down with ease, as I sit beside her waters for hours. It allows me to think clearly as well. Perhaps it may help you all well, Rajkumar."

Yuddhisthir stayed silent but simply looked at him with an intense gaze as if trying to figure something out. Karna felt his gaze but did not turn to look at him.

"Why do you call me Rajkumar?" asked Yuddhisthir softly.

Karna gave a slight glance, "Is that not what you are?"

"Yes, but...I am also your younger brother." Yuddhisthir glanced at Karna then, a slight hesitance entered his voice " If you don't want to accept this relationship, it's alright too."

"Will you mind accepting me?" questioned back Karna. He had noticed the hesitance and being an older brother was a familiar role to him as Shon was his younger brother too. He was hesitating because he was technically an illegitimate child of their mother.

Yuddhisthir nodded immediately, "What Maa did wasn't right, but I also know she had no choice." There was a silent plea in his eyes to forgive their mother.

Karna looked at the waters which were a turbulent as his thoughts, "I am not angry with her about what she did. Even I recognize that at moment other than a-b-oo-nd-oon-iing me, she had no choice." He stuttered at the word 'abandoned'.

Yuddhisthir's empathetic nature made him stayed silent and simply listening, feeling his elder brother wasn't finished. Karna continued after he got his emotions under control, "It's just that she stayed quiet even after finding and recognizing me. That is what makes me think that if this machine hasn't come then...I would have found it by the time it was too late."

Karna said, not being able to stop himself from spilling the words on his mind, "I am not angry with her or anyone. I understand she was afraid. It's just...I need time to assimilate myself. My entire world has turned left and right! Suddenly I find my parents aren't really my parents and my brother is not really my brother....." he shook his head, trying to throw away the depressing thoughts.

Yuddhisthir spoke softly, "They are still your parents and your brother. We also got additional adults and a brother in our life. You just got an additional identity. Nothing has changed if you don't want it to."

"I know. I need some time to speak with her...your..no...our...brothers are fine. I can speak with them or mix with them if they allow me to, but her...I need time when it comes to her." admitted Karna, his eyes looking at the water of the Ganges, which seemed to be so calm as if assuring him everything will be fine.

Yuddhisthir nodded and smiled which seemed a bit relieved, "They want to create a relationship with you and so do I. You are our eldest brother. It will be disrespectful if we do not. And Maa is worried that you would reject her." He admitted the last point.

"I won't be able to do that even if I tried," said Karna, a reassuring yet weak grin on his lips.

Yuddhisthir gave a weak smile back and an understanding nod as he said, "Don't call me Rajkumar, please. It's weird when your elder brother calls you Rajkumar." A slight discomfort was present in his voice.

Karna turned to him with an unreadable face before letting his lips turn into a slightly crooked smirk, " As you order, Rajkumar."

Yuddhisthir did something very uncharacteristic of him. He whined, "Jyesht!!!"

An abrupt chuckle left Karna's lips. Yuddhisthir flushed, yet smiled. He felt unknown happiness spread in his chest, it was familiar yet not something he had ever felt. Why did it feel familiar then?

"Because he had seen this happiness on his younger brothers face, when they did something that made him laugh or smile." he thought with wonder and awe in his eyes.

They stayed silent as they watched the birds singing the first melody of the starting day as Brahmamuhurta approached. Both simply enjoyed the companionship and let their mind wander to anywhere they wanted to.

Yudhishthira said softly not wanting to disturb the tranquil atmosphere, "The future that we are being shown is not really what I thought it to be." His mind though had lightened a bit at their previous conversation, as if an invisible weight had lifted from him, which he was not aware of.

Karna hummed, "Do you belief in Niyati (Rule/Destiny)?"

"Yes. I do believe in Niyati. What is meant to happen will happen!" answered Yuddhisthir.

Karna nodded, "Then what is meant to happen will happen. What we can do is live in the present, learn from our past and look forward to the future."

Yuddhisthir nodded, "I understand, but I can't stop worrying."

Karna gave him a wry smile at that, "Then worry about what we will be shown today."

Yuddhisthir smiled at that, his eyes lightening. That was one topic that was safe to worry about.

"Come! We should get going...Anuj!" said Karna as he stood up with a slight smile, a hand extended to help Yuddhisthir get up from where he was standing.

Yuddhisthir's smile was heartfelt as he took the hand of his elder brother.

Both males left for the Palace, with a slight smile on their faces and a relaxed posture.

Devi Ganga who emerged from the water smiled, as she muttered, "Both of you have come a long way, putro!"

It was a start of a new beginning.

Gandhar Raj Shakuni strode through the corridors with his limping leg. He had a frown on his face. He was going towards his eldest nephew's room. These days haven't gone well with him at all. All of a sudden an urgent call have made him leave for Gandhar after that disastrous attempt to enter the lounge which was still warded to only let the people allowed to enter.

"That blasted machine was also still there!", Shakuni grumbled within his mind.

He neared to speak with Duryodhan hoping to find him there. He hasn't managed to speak with him before he left because he was always around that Angaraj!

He knocked at the door with the knocker before he entered, "Bhanjeee! Mere bacche! "

Duryodhan blinked at seeing his Mamashree, as he placed his angavastra over himself. He had honestly forgotten about him, way too busy with the left and right revelations going on in the lounge room.

"Mamashree? Where were you these days?" he asked baffled at seeing him.

"In Gandhar, putra! Some important matter came up! You don't worry, now that I am here I will make sure you get to become the Yuvraja!" said Shakuni.

Duryodhan blinked, as he asked a bit startled, "Yuvraja?"

"Yes, Yuvraja." replied Shakuni, feeling something fishy about the lacklustre expression on his nephew's face.

"Umm..." hummed Duryodhan not saying anything.

"By the way, where is that priye mitra of yours?" asked Shakuni, fishing for information. He hoped his nephew hadn't managed to anger the Angaraj! He was a valuable asset they could not lose after all! Though he knew where Angaraj was.

" Jye.." he stopped himself before said that, before saying again, "I am wondering the same thing, Mamashree." said Duryodhan out loud, while he murmured to himself, "I hope he did not go and hide somewhere! It would be a chore to find him."

Shakuni frowned at that wondering what his nephew was hiding from him. Duryodhan was about to say something else when he changed the sentence. He decided to try another way of finding information.

"I know where Angaraj is, mere bacche!" said a sly Shakuni, looking at Duryodhan carefully.

Duryodhan was still standing in front of the mirror and adjusting his jewels and hair, though they did not need any adjustment. He was just trying to stall his mamashree as much as possible.

"Oh? Where?"

Shakuni frown deepened at a nonchalant reply to the statement. Something was going on here which he had no idea about!

"With Yuddhisthir, mere bacche! I saw them leaving through the back Palace gates! Mere bacche you have to be very careful with Angaraj! We can't let the Pandavas steal him!" advised Shakuni.

Duryodhan almost rolled his eyes before realizing where he was or rather who he was with, "Mamashree, Mitra can handle himself. So much worry will make all your hairs turn grey before you even reach old age."

Duryodhan was praying in his mind to anyone listening, to send someone so he could get out of this with a legitimate excuse. Just then Ashwathama entered without knocking. He blinked at seeing Gandhar Raj present. Shakuni on the other hand was also startled to find the son of Drona enter, without knocking or asking permission.

Shakuni said sweetly, hiding his irritation at being disturbed by Ashwathama, "Putra Ashwathama, you should have knocked before entering. It's manners you know..."

Ashwathama simply smiled back just as much sweetly, " How would I know you would be here Gandhar Raj? We haven't seen a hide or hair of you for the past few days!" Ashwathama shrugged as he continued, "The only who could be here at this time was Karna, who doesn't mind if I barge in when they are talking. As for manners, I am following them Gandhar Raj. You see, Mitra Suyo said that I could barge in anytime or at any moment. If something serious was going on then he said he would inform the dwarpal about it. Since the dwarpal did not say anything it meant I could come in like I usually would."

Ashwathama turned to Shakuni with a small confused face, which looked very genuine, "Now tell me, whom should I listen to? You, who is the esteemed and the respectable Mamashree of my friend or my friend himself to whom this room belongs to?"

Duryodhan had turned the moment Ashwathama had entered and was now struggling to stop his laugh from coming out at the nonsense that his friend was sprouting.

Shakuni blinked irritated but not being able to say anything in case he hurt his nephew's feelings, "Of course you should listen to your friend, putra Ashwathama."

Ashwathama gave him a bright smile, which seems to annoy Shakuni even more.

Ashwathama grabbed Duryodhan by the arm, "Come Suyo! We are getting late. I can't find Karna by the way. Do you happen to know where he is?"

"Mamashree said he saw him with Bhrata Yuddhisthir," whispered Duryodhan, not wanting his Mamashree to find out yet.

Ashwathama nodded at that, as he said loudly, "Possible. Let's go before we get a scolding from your dearest Pitamaha!"

Shakuni blinked as both the friends started to leave.

"Wait! Where are you both going in such a hurry?" asked Shakuni, suspicion rising.

Ashwathama replied cheekily as they crossed the threshold of the room, leaving a fuming Shakuni behind, "To the place where you are not allowed to go, Gandhar Raj!"

Duryodhan and Ashwathama entered the lounge room chuckling with mirth.

The elders and their cousins/friends looked with amusement in their eyes, wondering what had them in such splits. Bhishma and Drona exchanged a wry glance wondering what their children had done in the first place, while Gandhari had a smile on her face hearing her child laugh. Krishna himself was chuckling in his mind at the antics that happened, while Balrama looked partly confused partly amused. He hadn't seen his student laugh this freely in a while.

The four Pandavas were very curious. They hadn't seen their elder brother Yuddhisthir from the morning and even their newly revealed eldest brother seemed to be missing. Now, Duryodhan and Ashwathama were laughing like there is no tomorrow. All of them were utterly confused.

Krishna said, his enchanting smile in place and mischievousness in his eyes, "Splendid! Inform us about your reasons to laugh, Rajkumar, Dronaputra, so that we could laugh as well."

Balrama whispered, "Jaise tumhe to kuch pata hi na ho, Kanha!" [As if you have no idea Kanha!]

Krishna simply smiled sweetly at him, before turning earnest eyes on Duryodhan and Ashwathama who had finally stopped laughing and sat on their thrones.

Ashwathama snickered, "Let everyone come, Dwarkadeesh. We will tell then." Krishna nodded at that, while Duryodhan turned to Bhishma, "Pitamaha, have you met Mamashree yet?"

Bhishma frowned a bit, "No putra. I was informed that he was returning to Hastinapur though, why?"

Ashwathama answered instead of Duryodhan, "Because dearest Mamashree appeared to meet Suyo...and I managed to bring him from there after a lot of troubles."

"Troubles? What troubles? Do you remember what you were saying there in front of Mamashree? Half of which you spoke was made up stories! Permission to enter the room, huh?" said an imitating Duryodhan, before both erupted into chuckles. Gandhari raised an eyebrow at that.

"His face was worth watching though! Karna should have been there! He missed it." lamented Ashwathama with a small smile, making Duryodhan nod. Everyone watched wondering what were they missing as whatever the boys spoke made no sense.

"What did I miss?" asked Karna, as he entered the lounge followed by Yuddhisthir, who looked at the chuckling duo curiously. Both took their seats, while the room sealed itself off like before.

Duryodhan said, eyes twinkling brightly, "Arey, nothing much! Mamashree arrived and before he could grill me for information I got saved, that's all."

Ashwathama snorted, making Karna raise his eyebrow, "What happened Ashwathama?"

"Mamashree arrived was right and the grilling for information is correct.....wait let me get up first." with that Ashwathama got up from his seat and went to stand behind Drona, who looked at his son with exasperation clear on his face.

Karna hid his smile, while Duryodhan narrowed his eyes very sure whatever his brahmin friend was about to say would be utter nonsense. Ashwathama leaned his head in between Bhishma and Drona, both of whom looked at him, "Did you know Mahamahim, what else happened?"

"Nehi, hume gyaat kaise hoga?" Bhishma played along, amused at the antics yet happy for his grandchildren. [How would I know?]

Ashwathama said, "I went to get Suyo, as asked. Now, when I arrived I saw our dearest Suyo busy in setting his jewellery correctly barely answering Mamashree, who was going on speaking something or the other. But the fun fact is his jewellery was already set. He actually was daydreaming about Bhabhishree Bhanumati, right Suyo?"

Everyone burst into giggles and chuckles. Duryodhan was bright red, as he got up and yelled at Ashwathama, "I was thinking no such thing!!"

"Of course you weren't! Why would you agree that you have been thinking of her, right Rajkumar Arjun?" teased Ashwathama, as he wiggled his eyebrows.

Arjun nodded, laughing as well, "True!"

Krishna raised an eyebrow, a teasing smirk on his lips, "So Parth, you were thinking too, huh?" It was Arjun's time to blush, while Duryodhan sighed in relief for the first time glad that attention got shifted to Arjun from him.

"It's nothing like that Madhav!!" protested a red Arjun, pouting a bit at the end. This caused laughter and giggles to start anew.

Ashwathama said to Gandhari and Kunti next, as he sat between them, "I think, Badi maa and Choti maa you both should get them married as soon as possible. I don't think they will be able to wait!!"

Gandhari giggled while Kunti chuckled, both looking at their respective sons, both of whom glared at the Dronaputra, who simply gave a teasing smile.

Gandhari answered, slightly twisting Ashwathama's ear, "Natkhat ho gaya hai! Pareshan kar raha hai apne mitro ko!! (You have become very naughty! Troubling your friends are you?)" Ashwathama simply chuckled at that, "Mitra hu, to itna karna to hak hai! (I am their Friend and troubling them is my right!)"

Kunti said looking at Karna who had been watching everyone fondly, "Waise bhi....The eldest get's married first so...without Karna marrying first neither Duryodhan nor Arjun will be able to marry, Kyu Jiji? "

Karna stiffened a bit but he relaxed when Gandhari answered in a laughing tone, "Absolutely correct!"

The brothers sighed in relief when Karna said nothing and wasn't very tensed either. All of them knew it will take time for him to adjust and accept Kunti and the Kuru clan as family. Krishna simply smiled seeing the effect his decision had caused.

Balrama whispered to him, "Looks like your decision was correct, Kanha!"

Krishna whispered to Balrama, his tone mischievous, " Mei galat nirnay apke bhati leta bhi nehi dau!" ( I don't take wrong decisions like you dau!)

Mahamaya interrupted with hands on her hips, "I understand that Ashwathama and Duryodhan were waylaid by Shakuni, but what happened to you Karna and Yuddhisthir as well! Both of you were late!"

Before either of them could speak, Duryodhan blurted out, "Both of them went outside the Palace right?"

The sudden silence which followed, made Duryodhan blink as he asked, "What?"

"How did you know?" asked Yuddhisthir curiously.

Duryodhan shrugged, "Mamashree saw you both apparently, in case you were trying to keep it a secret, bhrata Yuddhisthir!"

Karna shook his head slightly, "No need of the secrecy and yes we did go out of the Palace walls for a walk." Krishna smiled watching as the brothers trying to form bonds with each other.

"Okay, that's why you are late. It's fine really! No need for excuses, he is your younger brother. No one is saying anything right?" said Ashwathama glaring slightly at the remaining four younger brothers and well Duryodhan.

"Yes, it's fine! We were just curious. Bhrata Yuddhisthir rarely goes out for a walk in the morning." stated Nakul, a smile on his face. The other three nodded along. Duryodhan also nodded at that.

"Okay okay...enough! We need to start now or we will never finish!" said Mahamaya, a small smile playing on her lips, seeing all the brothers including Duryodhan trying to get along.

She started the machine, as she looked at the group who all also straightened, curious faces looking at the screen, as it appeared. The machine spoke, "Before we start it is believed you all should be informed that our girls are about to begin a very dangerous journey. You will of-coarse get glimpses of the future but with it, you shall also see their dangerous journey. That time isn't far when the girls would be here in Dwapar Yuga. Any questions?"

Gandhari asked, "They won't be able to return correct?"

The machine answered, "Indeed Maharani Gandhari!"

Kunti asked this time, clutching Gandhari hand a bit, "What if they don't want to be here?" She had been very moved by the consent part all the girls had discussed.

The machine answered, "You need not worry Rajmata Kunti. Their destiny is here in Dwapar Yug. When the time comes everything will be revealed."

Kunti nodded and everyone exchanged a curious glance.

Bhishma spoke, "Can we start now?"

The machine replied, "Of course Mahamahim Bhishma!"

The screen took centre again and the scene started.

" The scene that was shown was a train cabin. The six girls were seating comfortably. Anjali was seating beside the window watching the scenery passing by. Archita was reading a book, while Sanchali and Sonakshi were discussing something. Ragini and Kirti had two headphones in their ears, paying no attention to anything other than their mobile.

Ragini's brow furrowed a bit as she removed her headphones. She signalled Kirti to do the same, who gave an irritated sigh but she did as asked.

"Di!!" called Ragini, bringing everyone out of their own works.

Sanchali raised an eyebrow, "Yes Ragini?"

Ragini said as everyone watched her, "I have a question."

Anjali gestured for her to continue. Ragini continued from where she left off, "Why did Ashwathama never marry?"

"What??" came the yell from all of the six princes.

"And he was speaking of lessons on romance!" said a sarcastic Karna, an eyebrow raised at Ashwathama, who shrugged, " It's in the future and you all do need lessons on romance!"

Arjun scoffed, "Says the person who did not get married at all!"

Ashwathama gave a small smirk, "I never said I would be the one to teach you all!! I only said you all definitely need lessons"

"Then who?" asked Bheem confused.

" Dwarkadeesh Shri Krishna of course!" replied Ashwathama, looking at Krishna who let out a mirthful laugh, "As you wish Dronaputra!!"

Everyone watched the conversation with mirth.

The scene started again.

"Ashwathama??" asked an absolutely confused Sanchi, wondering why was her little sister talking about Mahabharata again.

"Yes, di! Why did he not marry?" asked Ragini again, an eager tone in her voice.

Sonakshi snorted, "Probably got impressed by Bhishma!"

Anjali and Archita chuckled at that while Sanchi gave an amused smile, "Probably!"

Kirti hummed as she said, "If we ever meet him then we could simply ask!"

"Meet him? That guy is more than millennium-old!" said Ragini, looking at her twin incredulously.

"Don't know about that! I felt like saying that so did!" shrugged a nonchalant Kirti.

Ragini gave an annoyed look, "What nonsense!!" Kirti glared at her, pursing her lips.

Anjali mediated between them before it could escalate, "Alright! How about if we ever meet him you two could get him married?"

Ragini and Kirti blinked before nodding. Anjali sighed at the disaster avoided, while Sanchali whispered, "Humoring them?" Anjali shrugged, a sheepish smile on her face.

Sanchali shook her head, her eyes showing her mirth.

"Looks like even you will need romance lessons Dronaputra!" teased Krishna, while Ashwathama blinked, "Seems like it!"

Duryodhan on the other hand said, "Best of luck!"

Ashwathama looked at him confused, "Why?"

"Because looked like Ragini and Kirti will be behind you with wedding proposals!!" winked Duryodhan, getting a roll of eyes as a response. Though Karna and The Pandavas were snickering while the adults looked amused at their antics.

"We shall see!" murmured Ashwathama.

Bhishma whispered to Drona, "Looks like your chances of getting grandchildren are high!"

Drona gave a small smile, "Hopefully!"

"Why did the Princes and Kings of that time marry so many times?" asked Kirti this time.

"Political alliances, most probably," answered Sona, with a shrug.

"Alliance could be created without marriage too!" said Ragini, questioning it.

"Yes, it can be! But who knows what went through people's heads at that time?" asked Archita instead.

Ragini nodded, "True!"

Kirti asked again, "Say, what if we were ever born in those times, then what would your thought be regarding polygamy?"

"The same kind of thought we have now, right didi's?" Ragini looked at her elder sisters.

"Indeed! Any girl would want a husband who would love her like Lord Shiva loved Mata Parvati or like Lord Vishnu loved Mata Lakshmi!" chirped Anjali, a soft glow on her face.

"Sanchi di?" probed Kirti, noticing her elder sister was very quiet.

Sanchi was startled but she nodded agreeing. She smiled a sad smile, thinking, "Marriage had never been in the cards for me! Anyway, I am glad my sisters still manage to be carefree, even though we are nearing our past!"

The screen froze.

Gandhari spoke, "The girls are correct. Every girl thinks the same. Love should be selfless without expectations! But...we humans rarely manage loving someone like that!"

Kunti nodded a sad smile on her face, "Agreed Jiji."

Balrama spoke up trying to lighten the atmosphere, "Bua, I don't think they will be able to handle one wife...let's not go into multiples!" He glanced at the eight males sitting before them, who all blushed bright red.

Gandhari giggled while Kunti chuckled, "True."

The screen started again.

It was morning time. Sanchali had woken up early as usual only to find her sisters still sleeping.

"I should let them sleep for a while. There is still time." thought Sanchi, as she got up to freshen up. When she returned from taking a bath, she noticed her Bhavna bua was also awake.

"Buaji?" called Sanchi softly.

Bhavna who had been enjoying a cup of warm tea looked up at the call of her eldest niece, "Sanchi beta! Awake already?"

Sanchi nodded, "Yes."

Bhavna hummed, "Ready to face Kakaji again?"

"You still call him that?" asked Sanchi raising an eyebrow, as she used the coffee machine to make a cup of coffee for herself.

"Years of habit doesn't go away in a day, my dear," replied Bhavna, looking out the window, especially with the scenery passing by.

Sanchali hummed, "I don't think I will ever be ready for this."

Bhavna spoke after a few moments of silence, "Today is Holi." Sanchali's eyes widened, "What?"

Bhavna felt her lips curve into a smile, "Yes beta, today is Holi."

Sanchali shook her head, "I had absolutely forgotten."

"It happens! I believe your sisters were waiting to see if you will remember or not!" said Bhavna with a small smile on her face.

Sanchali said wryly, "And I am sure if you hadn't told me then I wouldn't have remembered. Then they would have surprised me, correct?"

Bhavna nodded, "That was the plan." Sanchali hummed, "I haven't played Holi in years."

"How about you play this time..."

"No...I only pay my respect to my elders and the Lord on this day. That's about it for me." said Sanchali, sipping her coffee.

"What about your sisters?" asked Bhavna. Sanchali answered, "They play."

Bhavna nodded, "Breakfast will be in our house, so don't eat anything. You all will be staying with me, right?"

Sanchali nodded, "Perhaps." Bhavna frowned, "That's not a yes." Sanchali replied, "It isn't."

Bhavna asked tensed, "You have something in mind?"

"Depends upon what happens today." Bhavna seemed to frown more at that. Sanchali noticed, placing her hand on her aunt's gently, "Do not worry, buaji. Today we will stay with you. Let's see what happens next, yes?"

Bhavna nodded, trying to be tension free. Sanchi noticed, hence decided to change the topic, "Say, we missed Holika dahan this time, so why don't you tell me the story behind it, as you used to when we were small?"

Bhavna smiled as she spoke, " A king named Hiranyakashipu who like many demons and Asuras, had the intense desire to be immortal. To fulfil this desire, he performed the required Tapasya or penances until he was granted a boon by Brahma. Since the gods rarely granted immortality, he used his guile and cunning to get a boon that he thought made him immortal. The boon gave Hiranyakashipu five special powers - he could be killed by neither a human being nor an animal, neither indoors nor outdoors, neither at day nor at night, neither by Astra (projectile weapons) nor by any Shastra (handheld weapons), and neither on land nor in water or air. As this wish was granted, Hiranyakashyap felt invincible, which made him arrogant. Hiranyakashyap decreed that only he be worshipped as a god, punished and killed anyone who did not accept his orders. His son Prahlad disagreed with his father and refused to worship his father as a god. He continued believing and worshipping Lord Vishnu.

This made Hiranyakashyap very angry and he made various attempts to kill Prahlad. During a particular attempt on Prahlad's life, King Hiranyakashyap called upon his sister Holika for help. Holika had a special cloak garment that prevented her from being harmed by fire. Hiranyakashyap asked her to sit on a bonfire with Prahlad, by tricking the boy to sit on her lap. However, as the fire roared, the garment flew from Holika and covered Prahlad. Holika burnt to death, Prahlad came out unharmed.

Vishnu appeared in the form of Narasimha - half human and half lion, at dusk (when it was neither day nor night), took Hiranyakashyap at a doorstep (which was neither indoors nor outdoors), placed him on his lap (which was neither land, water nor air), and then eviscerated and killed the king with his lion claws (which were neither a handheld weapon nor a launched weapon). In this form, the boon of five special powers granted to Hiranyakashyap was no longer useful. Prahlad and the kingdom of human beings were thus free from the compulsion and fear of Hiranyakashyap, showing the victory of good over evil."

"I loved the story! What an excellent way to wake up!" chirped Kirti, as she smiled from where she was sleeping on her berth.

Sanchali noticed her sisters awake, "Good Morning!!"

A chorus of 'good morning' was heard to her answer. Kabir asked from the other cabin, "Is everyone awake?"

"Yup!" answered Anjali, as she got up. Kabir hummed, "I am still feeling sleepy."

Bhavna said, "Beta, we are about to arrive in fifty minutes so I suggest you forget your sleep."

"What!!" yelled Kabir as he got up hurriedly only to fall down from his berth. Bhavna said, "Careful child!!" while all the sisters were giggling.

"Okay, no time to waste! Get ready all of you!!" ordered Sanchi sternly.

"Yes, di/mam" was heard from all of them.

Anjali while leaving to take a bath winked at Sanchi, "Finally remembered today is Holi, did you?"

Sanchali gave her a mock glare, only for her to laugh.

"So we will be seeing Holi celebrations?" asked Nakul, looking at Mahamaya.

Mahamaya nodded, "Yes, we will."

"Oh it will be so interesting!!!" said Krishna, as Holi was one of his most favourite festivals.

Balrama chuckled, "You would say that Kanha, it's your most favourite!" Krishna simply winked back at that.

"Looks like today will be a light viewing for us," muttered Vidur, who had stayed quiet for most of these viewings.

" I believe that would be a relief, Vidur," answered Kunti, with a small smile. Gandhari was nodding beside her.

"Indeed Bhabhishree." agreed Vidur.

"I wonder how they celebrate this festival in Kaliyuga! It must be different no?" asked Sahadev, eyes curious.

"We are about to find out!" chirped in Ashwathama, with everyone nodding along.

Yuddhisthir on the other hand whispered, "I hope they aren't about to get in trouble again."

Duryodhan who heard him teased, "Why? Worried about bhabhishree?"

Yuddhisthir flushed red, while Bheem and Arjun stiffing their laughter.

"Suyo!" admonished Karna softly. Duryodhan pouted, "Okay, won't tease your little brother anymore."

Karna blinked before shaking his head, "Tease all you want but do check the time. Your dearest Mamashree is waiting for you to come back, I hope you remember." He glanced at Ashwathama, "Especially with the stunt Ashwathama pulled."

Ashwathama shrugged, an unrepentant grin on his lips, " I saved Suyo from interrogation! You should thank me!"

Duryodhan nodded, "Yes he did!! But what should I do now?" Karna hummed, "Taishree?"

Gandhari perked up, "Yes putra?" Karna asked, "Mind keeping your brother busy?"

Gandhari nodded, "I don't mind. I am sure Tatshree would help, right?"

Bhishma nodded, "Yes, of course. Don't worry, we will keep Shakuni busy."

Duryodhan pursued his lips still a bit indecisive.

Nakul said almost hopefully, "How about all of us have dinner with all of you in your room, Bhrata Duryodhan?"

Duryodhan perked up. It was the best option as it may keep Shakuni away or at least baffle him and secondly, Karna get to mingle with his brothers as well.

"That would be nice!! We can ask Dushala to be there too!! If she wants to that is!"

Arjun nodded, eyes going towards Karna who seemed pensive, "Yes, It would be nice to see our sister again! It's been a while."

The elders looked pleased that all of them were mingling with each other and making plans to help each other as well.

Mahamaya commented, "Can we start now?"

At everyone's sheepish smile, the screen started again.
