Dont start something you cant finish

Alissa's pov

"Last week of school how you feeling Alissa ?"

"Sad I'll miss you a lot Theo " I said while kissing his head In a jokey way

"That's what I wanted to hear" Theo smiled at me

"Who are going to miss the most " Adrian asked me

"Me of course I'm her favourite bitch" Blaise said

"Sorry Blaise but I'm gonna miss my baby Brex" I replied sweetly

"What the fuck , what about me ?" Lorenzo said while putting his book down

"Um bros before hoes " brexley replied for me

"Speaking of hoes are you still doing Luna Lovegood enzo?" Theo asked him

He quickly looked at me then looked away

Watch what you say boy

"I was but I stopped "Lorenzo said clearly

"Is anyone still a virgin?" Draco spoke up from the sofa


Everyone turned to me

"Um maybe ?"

They all burst out laughing apart from brex she was doing her makeup

"It's not funny!" I said while throwing a pillow at Draco

"Have you ever been touched before Longbottom ?" Adrian asked me

"Yes only by three people though " I replied while making eye contact with no one

"Three?" Lorenzo said while now staring at me in the eyes

Lorenzo knew he was one of them but he knew non of the others

"Yes " I replied breaking the intense eye contact

I never saw what the rush was to have sex, like is it fun ? Yes? I think,but I guess I just never found the right person yet. I wanted someone who wouldn't just leave me

Scratch that I want Lorenzo

"Who" he asked me his voice slightly raised

"Well I made out with my next door neighbour in France a few times but nothing more "

"The others ?" Theo asked me in a brotherly manor

I missed my real brother , he hasn't spoke to me since I don't get along with harry. Theo was there for me when I needed a big brother , Neville wasn't . That was something I hoped to fix over summer

"Um Draco " I said In a low voice

"Oh yeah we did make out a few times " Draco said In a jolly voice

"What" Lorenzo growled at me

"And I touched her tits " Draco laughed

I slapped him with a pillow , that shut him up

Before Lorenzo could reply Draco spoke to me again , does he not get the hint?

"Who's the other ?" Draco asked with his mouth full of popcorn

Such manners

"Me" Lorenzo said loudly

He then stood up and left


"Shut the fuck up blaise "

"Why's he angry you only made out with three people ?" Draco said

"Not just made out " I sighed

"You mean!?" Theo said now giddily getting up

"Such boys !"

"Tell me about it I have 3 brothers !"

"Onny! Come sit" I said sweetly

Onyx had been here for a while now , we got along really well

All the boys liked her

But Draco hadn't met her yet

I look over at him to see his eyes In awe

"Onny this is-"

"Draco malfoy " Draco said

Oh god

"Cool, nice to meet you " Onny said back

"Open your legs darling " Draco mutters under his breathe

I swear to fuck one day I'm gonna kill him

"Excuse me ?" Onny said while standing up

"Nothing sweetheart " Draco said with a smile

His smile soon dropped

"Listen here you ferret ass looking twig, what gives you the right to speak about a girl like that? Hm nothing that's what I thought now grow a pair cause your 'manly balls' clearly haven't dropped yet " Onny said before walking off

"That's my girl " I shouted after her

All the boys started laughing apart from Draco who just went red

"Wanna smoke ?" Theo said after five minutes of everyone laughing

"What no it's way too early " I replied

"It's seven Alissa it's not early " Blaise replied

"Fuck it's seven!i gotta go see you !" I said before running out

I was in detention with Snape again , I missed last weeks so he moved it to tonight yay!


"Late  again Miss Longbottom would you like another detention?" Snape asked me in his annoying voice

"No just can I have some brushes" I groaned

"Why do you require brushes ?" He asked me

"Well to clean I assume that's what I'm doing -"

"You assumed wrong , your going to have a lesson with me , every Monday when you arrive back after summer."

"What why" I asked him

"You see a seer"

Fuck how did he know I swear to god Lorenzo if you said anything-

"The night at malfoy manor , Draco wouldn't had have time to warn you so I figured it must of been you or mr Berkshire,but I spoke to him and he claims it's not him so that leaves only you Alissa " he said

"I didn't know I was one I'm sor-"

"Do not apologise for your gift, I'm here to help you " he replied nicely

Wait what Snape nice ?

"Are you a seer sir ?" I asked him after a minute

"This is not about me miss Longbottom "he replied

Figured it would only be a one off that he was nice

"Can I go then?" I asked him with puppy eyes

"Fine ! Go!" He shouted at me in a calm tone

It was only around 7:20 so I had time to kill before bed

So I went to the astronomy tower hoping he would be there

I climbed up the stairs and once I reached the top I rested my arms on the railing and looked up at the summers night sky

"Beautiful isn't it"

I knew that strong British accent

"Not as beautiful as you though " I replied in a flirty tone

"Now now Alissa don't start something you can't finish " Enzo laughed lightly to me as he walked to stand next to me

After a minute of silence I decided to speak

I looked up to him and

"What if I can finish this thing ?"

He looked down into my eyes


"There's only one way to find out " I said

I got ahold on enzo's hand and ran through the corridor hand in hand ,like a scene out of a movie .

As we entered the common room, we switched places. Lorenzo leading the way me following close behind .

He opened his dorm room and shoved me into the bathroom door

"Ready " he quickly asked me

"As I'll ever be" I gasped

We passionately started kissing butterflies everywhere

I just hope it meant as much to him as it did me

Draco and Theo must have gone to my dorm or adrians as they weren't here luckily

I pushed enzo onto the bed and straddled myself over his lap

He took his shirt off and then mine

"Are you sure Alissa ?" He asked between kisses

"Yes I'm sure " I said confidently

He then started to take his trousers off

"Nothing I haven't seen before " I said giddy

I just lost my virginity to Lorenzo Berkshire

"Now only I touch you Alissa " enzo said before he kisses me goodbye

It was 100% worth the wait , It hurt though a lot . Probably because enzo is so fucking big , buy I could get used to this .

Lorenzo's pov

"What the fuck have I just done ?"I whispered to myself as I paced around my room

"You all right mate ?"

I look up at the doer to see Draco standing there

"No" I replied quickly

"Woah calm down enzo what happend?" He asked me

"I just took alissa's virginity " I gulped

"What ? Isn't that great ? Congrats man-"

"No Draco she will want to be with me now, I can't be with her not after what my mum did " I said while placing my head in my hands

"What she did is not your fault enzo you need to accept that, I thought you loved Alissa ?"

"I do I love her with my whole heart but I can't bear to see how hurt she would be when she finds out Bellatrix is my mum , the fucking murder of her parents ."

Also uk is now I'm lockdown ! So six weeks of no school and staying home , so hopefully more chapters sooner . I should be able to finish the book soon also thank you for all the reads and votes ! Xx
