He Who Hides a Mask Behind a Mask

This time everyone was again laughing in the Batcave. However, they no longer were laughing at Damian. Oh no. The shoe was on the other foot and this shoe belonged to none other than Dick Grayson. Dick crossed his arms and glared at his 'brothers'. "You're all just jealous that I'm so romantic" This however made the birds laugh harder. Jason draped an around around his brother's shoulder and wiped away a fake tear. "Hopeless loser is more like it" Alfred raised a grey eyebrow and with a smirk calls back, "On the contrary Master Tod you took a rather.. Different approach to Miss Gordon" Instantly cheering up Dick raced over to join Tim and Damian in hearing the story.  As Jason was ready to facepalm himself with a blade.
Jason had just came in from patrol with Bruce and they both had decided to stay in the Batcave. Bruce was working on a case and Jason was training, burning of his over hyped energy. Bruce got up and moved out of the cave when Babs had just arrived. She was drenched in rain and her skin tight Bat suit clung to her. Jason smirked and walked over to her. He tried to lean up against the car but fell. Quickly he caught himself and stood up straight. 'Hello there Barbie"

Finally noticing Jason's appearance she gave him a small smile. " hey Jay. I need to get out of these clothes. They're skin tight" as if to demonstrate to the young boy what she meant she tugged on her collar only for the material to barley budge. Jason's grin widened. "You know I could help you take it off" Babs eyes went wide before her lips spread into a smirk. "And may I ask how old you are?" Jason's smirk didn't fault.

"Thirteen and a half"
"thirteen-" Jason quickly cut her off "and a half!"
"Right. Well I'm seventeen.. And a half"
Jason frowns. "If this is about my height I have years to grow, baby"
"Baby?" She questions with a laugh.
"Do you prefer hunny?"

And that's how Bruce found Jason with a busted lip, black eye and sprained ankle. Off course no one ever found out how the rest of the conversation went. All that is known is that Jason put his hands somewhere he shouldn't have...
Jason grumbled as Alfred finished his story.
"Wow Jay, who knew you could get your ass handed to you by Barb?" Tim gave a cocky smirk.
Damian snorted. "You got beaten by Gordon. How pathetic!"
Dick smirked and nudged his two sidekicks, " hey now! He was only thirteen... And a half" They all broke out in howls of laughter as Jason began to plot their deaths.
