
The Felix announced as he placed the bag of chicken on the table. 

This caused Hyunjin to peek out of his room and run toward the table and begin to pull pieces of chicken out. Slowly other members came out to get food as well, Hyunjin scowling and retreating back to his room once Bang Chan came out.

"He needs to just get over it" The leader mumbled as he pulled chicken out of the box and munching on it slowly.

"Where's Jisung and Minho?" Changbin questioned once he realized that some of the members were missing. 

"Oh um hyungs didn't feel well so they went to go rest" Jeongin said slipping out the fake excuse.

Changbin seemed swayed by that response so he just nodded and returned his attention to the food.

"I'll go check on them" Chan says making his way toward their room only to be stopped by the maknae.

"No hyung they really don't feel well and don't want anyone bothering them, you know how mean Minho hyung gets when he's sick".

Chan thought about this a little before pushing Jeongin away. 

"I'll just poke my head in he won't have time to get angry"

"No hyung you can't g-" Jeongin was cut off my Chan pushing straight past him and poking his head into the room. Chan couldn't see anything due to the lights being off but he heard a small whimper.

"Are you guys okay?" He asked and was responded with a yes, the leader nodded then closed the door and turned to Jeongin.

"See, nothing to worry about Innie"


"That was close one" Minho let out the breath he had been holding as he switched the light back on to see a tearful little.

"Hyung I think she's afraid of the dark" the younger male said as he cradled her in his arms, rocking her slowly trying to reduce her on coming tears.

"I'll keep the light on low" the dancer turned the brightness on the overhead light down to low then sat down next to his band mate on the bed.

The two continued to try to cheer up Yeeun but nothing was working so far. The males were scared that she would burst out crying at any minute and blow their cover.

"Hey have you checked in her bag maybe she wants her paci" Jisung suggested as he continued to try to halt Yeeun's small cries. The eldest looked through her back and found a small stuffed animal and a paci, the stuffed animal was rather dirty and so was the paci. Yeeun saw them out of the corner of her eye and made grabby hands towards both items, making her whines get even louder. 

"Hurry hyung" Jisung pleaded as Minho stumbled around the room trying to find something to clean the paci off with. He found a water bottle and poured water over the teat of the pacifier and used a cloth to clean it then slowly pushed into Yeeun's mouth, also giving the small stuffed animal which quieted her cries.  

Both men breathed a sigh of relief and laid back, both cuddling and murmuring words of reassurance to Yeeun who just sucked on her comfort object quietly. Her eyes soon grew heavy again and she slowly fell asleep, entering dreamland.

"So how long can we keep this up before Chan hyung founds out" Jisung whispered to his band mate.

"I give it about 2 weeks tops, you can't hide anything from that man"

I hope this one was a bit better

and you will see a lot of minsung sorry i really like the ship. 
