iiii. illuminated

"So, when did you get there?" Agent McCall asks.

"At the same time." Stiles answers.

He's sitting beside Scott with Kira next to him on the couch. Beside Kira, Asher sits on the arm of the chair next to the couch and Lydia sits in the seat.

"At the same time as who?" McCall presses.

"At the same time as me." Scott points to himself.

"By coincidence?" McCall raises his eyebrows. "Wait, when did you get there?" He points a finger at Asher.

Asher, who he still knows as Isabella James, rubs her hands together. She flexes them before balling them into fists. She wanted to go home and watch New Girl with Deaton, and maybe invite the twins over. What she didn't want to do, was talk to Scott's insufferable father.

"At the same time as them." She lazily gestures to the boys.

"And what do you mean coincidence?" Stiles squints.

"That's what I'm askingyou." McCall answers. "The three of you arrived at the same time. Was that coincidence?"

"Are you asking me?" Scott furrows his brows.

"I think he's asking me." Stiles looks over at him.

The two then look over at Asher. "I dunno, boys, he could be asking the smart one, AKA, the woman." Asher smirks.

"I think he's asking all three of you." Lydia stops them, giving Asher a look.

"Okay, let me answer the questions." McCall says.

Asher smiles slightly, meeting Stilinski's eyes behind the desk. He uses the hand covering his mouth to shake his finger at her, telling her not to say anything.

"Let me ask the questions." He corrects himself. "Just so I have this absolutely clear. Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town." McCall recites from his notepad.

"Sounds about right." Stiles answers.

Asher sends the man a thumbs up, Lydia nodding beside her.

"How'd you know he'd take her to a power station?" McCall looks at Stiles.

"Well, 'cause he was an electrical engineer." Stiles scratches his temple. "So, where else would he take her?"

McCall smiles sarcastically. "That's one hell of a deduction there, Stiles."

Stiles smiles brightly back. "Yeah, what can I say? I take after my pops. He's in law enforcement." The boy winks at his father.

Stilinski snorts, quickly covering it up with a cough when McCall looks back at him. "Stiles, just, uh... Just answer the man."

"We made a good guess." Stiles adds, correcting his behavior.

"What were the two of you doing?" The Agent glances at his son and Kira.

"Eating sushi."

"Eating pizza."

Kira and Scott answer at the same time.

"Eating pizza."

"Eating sushi."

They try to fix their mistake.

"Eating sushi and pizza."

The two finally correct.

"You believe this?" McCall asks Stilinski.

"To be honest, I haven't believed a word Stiles has said since he learned how to speak." He starts.

Asher chuckles. She scoffs in offence when she feels Lydia smack her on the thigh.

"But I think these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time and that girl sitting there is very lucky for it." Stilinski finishes.

"Kira, is that how you remember it?" McCall gets her attention.

The girl looks at Scott as Stiles and Lydia lean forward to persuade her answer. Her gaze moves towards Asher, who shrugs. Kira finally looks up at McCall and nods.

"Yes. Could I get my phone back now?" She asks.

The Agent nods. "Sorry, but no."

After a few minutes, McCall opens the office door and hands Kira's phone, AKA evidence, to an officer. He steps back and lets the kids out.

"Kira, a deputy is going to take you home. But we'll need you to fill out some paperwork first." McCall tells her.

Kira glances behind her at Scott, getting a tight-lipped smile before looking at Asher.

"See you tomorrow, Kira. Glad you're alive." She smiles.

Kira laughs silently and watches her leave.


It's the next morning and Asher is pushing open the door to the coffee shop she works in. She always goes in before school and works two to three hours. And then after school, she works around five.

"Nicole, please say you've made the bagels." Asher calls from the back room as she puts her stuff in her locker.

"You know I did, Ash." Nicole hums.

"You're literally the best." Asher smiles, coming up beside her.

She ties her apron around her waist before running a hand through her hair, looking surprised momentarily when it stops short.

"Keep forgetting you cut it?" Nicole raises her eyebrows.

"Yeah." Asher sighs.

Nicole stops and leans against the counter. She looks the girl up and down. "Something's going on with you. What is it?"

Asher gives her a confused look. "No idea what you mean."

The girl starts to lay out the food display.

"Come on, Asher, give me the gossip. I'm getting old, I need the drama to survive." Nicole begs,

Asher scoffs. "Old? You're in your, what, mid-thirties?"

"Exactly, old." The blonde woman nods.

"Well, nothing is going on." Asher licks her lips.

"Ah-ha! I saw that. You were marinating your lies." Nicole points.

Asher shakes her head in denial. "I don't do that."

"Just tell me, Asher, please. Maybe I could give you motherly advice." Nicole grabs her shoulders from behind, her brows furrowing when she feels them tense up.

"I don't want motherly advice from you." Asher snaps, pulling away from the woman.

"Aunt-erly advice?" Nicole says slowly.

"Just... I need to do my job so I can go to school." Asher changes the subject.


"Class starts in five minutes!" Coach announces into a mega-phone as he walks the halls. "Just because there's no power don't expect there to be no school."

"That was a triple negative. Very impressive, Coach." Stiles calls as he passes.

"Copy that." The man says back.

"School in Washington was so much better." Asher grumbles, leaning against the lockers.

"Yeah? How come?" Stiles asks.

"Well, for one, it didn't have you, but mainly 'cause we wouldn't be having school if the power was out." Asher explains.

Stiles flicks her in the forehead.

"Dude." Asher scrunches her face up.

Stiles smiles sarcastically as he leans down to pick up his keys that he knocked on the ground. He squints his eyes, noticing a key attached to the chain that wasn't there before.

"Hello. Where did you come from?" He mutters.

Asher looks down at him. "Why're you talking to your keys?"

Before he could answer with a sarcastic comment, the doors open and the two look over to see Scott. Stiles sends his best friend a wave, but he isn't paying attention. Asher furrows her brows, following Scott's gaze to see Kira.

The girl turns on her heel, pausing. Kira shakes her head before walking away.

Scott quickly goes to follow after her, but Stiles holds his arm out in front of him to stop him.

"No. No. Stop. Stop it." Stiles blurts out.

"What? I need to talk to her." Scott tries to reason.

Asher looks over at the girls locker, meeting Kira's eyes.

"No, you need to remember someone left a coded message telling Barrow to kill her." Stiles reminded him.

"Which is why I need to talk to her." Scott continues.

"Scott, no way. Until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's gonna start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interaction." Stiles rambles.

Asher sighs and rubs a hand down her face. "I guarantee you that she is perfectly innocent." She flicks Stiles, getting him back for earlier.

Asher then starts towards Kira and Stiles grabs her arm.

"Any and all interaction, Asher!" He gasps.

Asher clenches her jaw, looking down at his hand gripped around her arm. Stiles tries not to show any fear, tightening his grip.

"Any and all interaction." He repeats.

Scott looks between them, his eyebrows raised.

"Stiles-" He starts, but Asher cuts him off.

By grabbing Stiles' hand with her other one, pulling it off of her. She twists him around to where he is now facing the lockers before bending his arm behind his back. Asher forcefully shoves him against the lockers, the sound making people look over.

"You don't touch someone without their permission, Stilinski. Now, do it again and I won't be so gentle." She whispers.

Scott sighs. "Asher, can you please let him go?"

Asher nods at him, releasing the boy. "I'm gonna go talk to Kira now. Bye, Scotty... You." She waves, walking off.

Kira, who planned to walk off, got distracted by the violence between Asher and Stiles. Because of this, Asher didn't have to run after her to talk to her.

"Kira!" Asher walked up to her with a bright smile and open arms.

Kira gave her a tight-lipped smile.

"What's going on, my new best friend?" Asher ran a hand through her hair.

Kira shrugged. "Well, someone tried to kill me yesterday, so?"

Asher nodded awkwardly. "No, yeah, totally understand."

The girl smiled, gesturing with her head to ask if Asher wanted to walk with her. Asher glanced back at the two boys, seeing Stiles rolling his shoulders and Scott staring. She quickly turned back and nodded.

"So... You got a crush on Scott?" Asher smirked as the two started to walk.

"What? No! I mean- I don't know."


"Hey, Red." Asher sits down next to Lydia in Biology.

Lydia looks over and smiles. "Hello, Asher."

"How- Ow!" The brunette is suddenly pulled up and shoved away.

She looks over and sees Aiden sit down next to Lydia. Asher scoffs, glancing around and yet no one seems to care.

"Fine. But only because there's a seat open next to Danny." Asher pounts. "Have fun with with this dumbass, Lyds."

Lydia chuckles.

"Hey, Dan." Asher sighs, lowering herself into the seat next to him.

"Ash." He nods.

"Something wrong?" She furrows her brows.

"Nope." Danny shakes his head, but he avoids eye contact.

A playful expression makes it's way to Asher's face. "You're upset because I chose to sit next to Lydia and not you, huh?"

Danny finally meets her eyes with an offended look. "What? No- Yes."

Asher laughs. "Okay, I'm sorry, Dan."

Danny smiles just a little. "I guess you're forgiven."

The two look up as Ms. Martin walks by, handing them worksheets as she does. Asher gives her a two-finger salute and gets a chuckle back.

The best friends do their work for a little when Aiden turns around, setting a hand on the table to get Danny's attention.

"I think I know a place where you can have your party." Aiden tells him.

Asher's jaw drops slightly. "What? You're having a party?" She turns to Danny.


"Where did you say the guy was that lives here?" Danny walks up to stand beside Ethan and Asher.

Aiden's idea was to throw the party in Derek's loft. Which the other two immediately agreed with because, one, annoying Derek, and two, helping Danny.

"He's out of town." Ethan smiles.

Danny looks over at Asher for conformation.


The three turn to look out the window to check on Aiden and the generator. He pulls the cord one more time and the engine hums to life. Aiden throws a thumbs up in their direction.

Ethan nods and walks off to a support beam with a light stuck to it. He turns it on and the black light shines.

"Oh, yeah." Danny smiles.

Asher smiles, biting her bottom lip out of excitement. "This is gonna be awesome, guys."

Ethan looks at her, happy.


It's just about an hour til the party starts and Asher is rummaging through her clothes. She's not usually one of those people to care about what she's wearing, but it's Danny's party so she wants to wear something good.

"What are you doing?" Deaton asks, making Asher jump. "Did you not hear me coming?"

"No, I'm too stressed. I'm trying to find something to wear to Danny's black light party." She answered, sighing and rubbing her hands together.

"Wear the clothes you're wearing now." Deaton gestured to her outfit.

Which was a pair of light blue distressed jeans, a baggy t-shirt with a black long-sleeve shirt underneath and her vans.

"This? To Danny's super cool, amazing, probably a lot of sexy people, and very hot party? Doc, I would look like a joke." Asher flops back on her bed.

Deaton leans against the door frame. "Well, I don't know much about... "very hot" parties, but let me see what you have."

Asher sighed, gesturing for him to continue her rummaging. She listens to the boxes move around and the hangers in her closet clink together. A grunting noise leaves her mouth when she feels clothes fly at her face.

"Doc!" She pushes herself up to a sitting position.

Asher grabs the random clothing Deaton threw at her.

"I think those would look nice on you." He smiles before exiting the room.

A smile slowly makes way to her face.


Asher adjusts her outfit as she walks up to the door to the loft. She sees Isaac and Allison there together, making her smile.

"Alli! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Asher tackles her in a hug.

"Asher, you saw me almost everyday at school." Allison hugs her back.

"Yeah, well, we haven't hung out in forever." Asher retorts when they pull away.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Isaac looks her up and down.

"What do you mean? Do I look stupid? I feel like I look stupid. I wanted to look better because it's Danny's party and he's my best friend. But I feel like I overdid it and I don't want to-" Asher rambles, a frown adorning her face.

"No- I mean, it's not bad. Just different than how you usually look." He shrugs.

"Yeah, you look different, but it's a good different." Allison smiles.

Asher takes a deep breath. "Great, because this is slightly out of my comfort zone."

Isaac smirks. "Well, get ready."

And then he pulls the door open.

Inside is a much bigger party than Asher expected. There are multiple lights flashing everywhere, music blasting loudly, painted people dancing incredibly close together, and Asher was not ready for it.

"Derek can never know about this." Issac's voice is distant in her ears.

She looks around, trying to take it all in. Asher watches Allison and Isaac walk in, not noticing her start to back up.

"Nope. Can't do this." She shakes her head, backing against the wall.

Asher slides down the wall, bringing her knees up to her chest. She feels her heart rate spike and fangs poke against her gums.

"Asher?" A soft voice enters her ears.

The brunette fights off her fangs before looking up and seeing Kira, Scott, and Stiles.

"Are you okay?" Kira crouches down next to her.

Asher nods. "Oh, yeah, fine. Just refusing to go into the party."

Stiles and Scott look at each other.

"You nervous?" Kira asks.

"Uh, something like that." Asher nods again.

"I'm gonna go find the twins." Stiles points.

Scott nods before listening in on the girls heartbeat. And he doesn't hear it slow down. He looks back to see Kira got Asher to her feet, trying to lead her into the party.

Asher hesitantly lets the girl do it, bringing a small smile to Scott's face.

"Okay, I'm good. Go have fun." Asher pushes the two together when they get far enough in.

She watches the two leave before everything breaks loose. Her fangs protrude from her gums and her claws exit her skin. Asher's breathing gets heavy and she quickly runs out of the loft. She launches the door shut behind her. The girl quickly walks down the hall before falling against the wall once more.

"God, what's wrong with you?" She asks herself.

Asher brings her hands in front of her face. They're shaking slightly and her fingertips hurt from the claws.

"You can't even go into a party without losing control." She grumbles.

"Ash?" She hears Aiden's voice call for her.

Asher pushes herself further into the wall as if she was trying to hide from the world. Aiden finally finds her, concern written across his face.

"Stiles told me you were out here, uh, hiding." He repeats. "What's up."

The boy kneels down in front of her, taking note of her claws, fangs, hair, and eyes. Which have now started to shine.

"I can't go in. I can't do it. There's so many people and I know that no one will stick with me the whole time because they all have people they would rather, I dunno, dance with or whatever." She explains, tears forming. "It's just so many people."

Aiden sighs and moves himself to sit next to her. "You can stick with me, Ash."

"You'll find Lydia and then ditch me to be with her." Asher sighed, her voice muffled slightly because of her fangs.

"If I do find Lydia, there's no way I'll ditch you in a situation like this. Because first of all, she doesn't really like me right now. Second of all, she would kill me. And third of all, what kind of brother I would be?" He grabs her hand.

Asher watches her claws slowly go back into her fingers, making her confused. She looks over at Aiden, noticing he has the same expression.

"I- Even if I gain control, it's still too many people. I can't do it, Aiden." Asher sighs.

"Okay, then don't. No one will blame you if you go home and watch New Girl instead." He tells her. "Or you can come in with me. Have a great time with your best friends and get some really cool face paint. Or body paint." Aiden smirtks.

Asher looks over at him again, just now seeing the paint all over his body. She chuckles, feeling her fangs go away and her eyes fade away. "You look pretty good, I guess.

Aiden stands up, holding a hand out. "I look hot, thank you very much. Now come on."

Asher takes a deep breath before grabbing his hand and allowing him to pull her up.

"You look hot, too." Aiden nods at her outfit.

"Don't be gross." Asher smacks him.

She looks down at her outfit again. It's a pair of black cargo pants, a tight long-sleeved white shirt, her usual combat boots, and a gold chain with a lion charm hanging from it.

"Wait, didn't I get you that necklace?" Aiden points as they walk towards the door.

"Yeah, you did. I found it in the bottom of one of my boxes and figured I'd wear it." She smiled.


Aiden leads Asher through the party. They spotted Lydia and he wanted to surprise her. The wolf jumps in front of Lydia, baring his fake teeth in her face with a growl. Asher rolls her eyes with a smile.

Lydia jumps slightly, closing her eyes out of annoyance.

"Not as a good as the real ones." He smiles.

"Or as lethal." She retorts.

Asher raises her eyebrows.

"Okay, sure. I deserve that." Aiden nods. "I deserve basically everything you say about me. But, you know, I was pretty instrumental setting this up."

Lydia leans against the wall next to her, raising her eyebrows as she looks out at the crowd. "All this? If I wanted to go to a rave, I'd get into a time machine and go back to the ninety's."

Asher smiles. "Oo, could I come? I wanna see Courtney Cox in her prime."

Lydia shakes her head with a smile. "Mmmm.... Only if you help me invent it."

"You know I would." Asher scoffs.

Lydia then pats Aiden on the arm and walks off. The boy looks down, his teeth bared and his eyes glowing. He lets out a low growl.

"Well... You just got rejected." Asher laughs.

Aiden glares at her. "Don't even."

"Uh, hey, could you walk with me over to Lydia?" Asher asks.

Aiden sighs. "Yeah, sure." He wraps an arm around her shoulder. "Can't believe she likes you more than me."


"Red." Asher gets her attention.

Lydia looks over from where she's leaned against a support beam. "Hey, Asher."

"What're you doing?" Asher glanced around her.

"People watching. Wanna join me?" She smiles.

Asher nods, walking closer to her. "What's in the cup?"

Lydia holds it up. "Oh, it's just juice." She looks at Asher, looking at the expression on her face. "Fine, have a sip."

Asher smiles. "You know me so well, Lyds."

"Lyds or Red? Pick one." The red head turns to her.

Asher looks at her in shock. "What? How am I supposed to pick one? They're both so great!"

"Because I can only handle one, Asher. Unless you want to only ever call me Lydia." She crossed her arms.

"Okay, fine.... Red." Asher smiled.

"Of course you would pick that one." Lydia shakes her head. "Now, back to people watching." She takes her drink back.

"Whatever you say." Asher complies.

Lydia looks around before spotting Isaac and Allison. She nods towards them. "Oh, finally."

"I could cut the sexual tension with my dagger." Asher adds, getting a nod from Lydia.

"Awkwardly." Lydia points out Stiles dancing with a girl.

"I don't understand how he ever leaves his house." Asher shakes her head in disgust.

"Be nice." Lydia slaps her shoulder.

She sees Aiden off in the distance dancing with two girls when she did.

"Predictably." She scoffs.

Asher turns to where she's looking. "Wow. I leave him alone for one second and he's already whoring it up."

She watches Lydia turn back forward, exhaling.

"You're out of his league anyway, Red." Asher shrugged.

Lydia turned back to face her, a smile present on her face. "That's your brother, Asher."

The lion shrugged. "And? It's also you I'm talking about."

Before Lydia could respond, she hears something. She doesn't know what it is, but it's something. Her head snaps around as she looks for the source of the sound.

"Lyds- Uh, Red? What's wrong?" Asher grabs her wrist as to not loose her in the crowd if she starts to walk away.

"There's something here." Lydia whispers.

Her breathing starts to get heavy and shes stumbling around.

"Scott... Scott!" Lydia calls.

She suddenly turns around, grabbing Asher's hand and pulling her with her. She pushes the door to the balcony open and walks out. Asher closes the door behind them, watching Lydia in worry.

Lydia pants as she walks forward a little bit, looking in the window before turning out to face the world. She stumbles forward and leans on the railing.

"Hey, Red..." Asher comes up next to her. "It's okay."

Lydia looks over and meets Asher's brunette eyes. She can see the worry in them and she feels bad for always making them like that.

Asher eyes then leave hers when they hear a weird snarling sound coming from their right. The two slowly turn and see black shadowy hands emerging from the ground. They watch in confusion as a ninja like creature with a silver mask floated up.

Asher rolled her neck as she shifted. She stepped forward, growling. Lydia turns around with a scream, but another ninja stops her. It holds it's hand in front of her mouth and it basically stops her scream. Asher glances behind her, seeing this. She sees the ninja grab the side of Lydia's face, making her fully turn around.

But just before she could do something, the ninja in front of her grabs her shoulder and pulls her back. Asher lets out a loud roar in it's face, but it isn't fazed. The ninja grabs the side of her face before she could make another move.

The shadow pits where it's eyes should be glow a neon yellow-green. Asher freezes, letting it stare her in the face.

And then she collapses to the ground next to her redhead.


"Aiden! Over here!" Danny yells when he finds Lydia and Asher unconscious on the ground.

Lydia is convulsing slightly as she lie on her side and Asher is completely still on her back.

"Asher?" Aiden mumbles when he sees his sister on the ground.

Danny rushes over to crouch down next to Asher, leaving Aiden to go next to Lydia.

"Lydia? What happened?" Aiden questions as she starts to move. "What happened to them?"

"I don't know." Danny answered. "But they're freezing."

Asher suddenly shoots up to a sitting position. She lets out a loud roar with her eyes glowing bright. Then she falls back to the ground, shivering.

Aiden looks at Danny in horror.

"I know, it's fine." Danny waved it off, checking on his best friend.

"We gotta get them inside." Aiden says. "Grab her."

The two carry the girls inside, Danny using his back to move people out of the way.

"Over here, there's a heating vent!" He rushes off, Aiden following with Lydia in his arms.

Danny sets Asher on the ground next to the vent to leave room for Aiden to carry Lydia in.

Asher opens her eyes again. She pushes herself against the wall to give Lydia room. She feels the heat flowing over her body as she gains control of her body again.

"I'll try to find a blanket." Danny says before rushing off.

Aiden holds Lydia close, occasionally glancing at Asher.

"Lydia?" Aiden whispers.

"They came out of the dark." She says.

Her head turns and he notices the backwards 5 mark behind her ear.

"Asher." He looks over.

"What?" She grumbles.

Blood is dripping from her palms since she decided to stick herself with her claws to trigger the heeling.

"Feel behind your ear. Is- Is there a mark?" Aiden questions.

Asher slowly brought her, quite bloody, finger to touch behind her ear. Her brows furrow when she feels a scar.

"What the hell? That can't happen." Asher said.

"Yeah, Lydia's got one too." Aiden tells her.

Asher's head suddenly turns to the side when she hears a loud roar from below her. "Derek?" She mutters.


Aiden and Danny help the girls into the main room after Derek arrived and everyone ran out.

Asher grabs Aiden by the arm, turning to Danny. "I'll be fine. Get her out of here."

Danny nods, taking Lydia from Aiden's arms.

"Find Scott." Lydia tells them.

"We will, don't worry, Red." Asher assures.

Aiden wraps his arm around Asher to keep her on her feet. "Danny knows?" He says through gritted teeth.

"He already knew. I didn't tell him." Asher scoffed.

Then she sees the same black ninjas that did this to her. And they all turn to face her direction. Staring directly at Aiden.

"Guys. They're all looking at me." He says. They take a step forward. "Why are they all looking at me?"

Asher pushes him backwards, forcing herself to regain her strength.

"Don't touch him." She growls, baring her fangs.

Scott and Derek quickly start running at one each, leaving Asher to fight one more.

One of the ninjas send a kick towards her chest and Asher catches it, pulling it forward and swiping her leg under it's other one. It fades away before reappearing behind her. The ninja punches her in the face as she turns around, sending her to the side.

Asher looks up at it and roars. She pounces at it, transforming into a lion mid-air. She honestly forgot Kira was there, not that it was mattering much. The lion tackles the ninja to the ground, but it just fades away into black smoke before appearing again.

Asher shifts back into human form. She sends an elbow at the ninja, but it grabs her arm and throws her across the room. She lands on the ground behind Aiden after hitting the wall. She looks around, seeing all three of them on the ground.

Isaac suddenly drops Ethan's arm and runs up behind the ninja. He flicks his claws out, growling. The ninja man swiftly turns around. He brings a hand up to his chest, turning his hand and pulling out a ninjato.

"Is that a fucking sword?!" Asher yells from her spot on the ground.

Isaac takes a step back as the ninja does a bunch of moves and twists with the sword. And the wolf takes a few more steps back.

"Somebody do something." Allison says as two of the ninjas grab Aiden by the arms.

Asher growls, pushing herself to her feet. But she's too late as the ninja grabs the side of Aiden's face. Asher doesn't touch them, scared of what it could do if she stops it. After a moment, the ninjas let the boy go and he falls to the ground.

They then turn towards Scott and Kira, making the alpha quickly stand up. He moves to be more in front of the girl, his eyes glowing a brilliant red and his fangs protruding from his gums.

Asher runs over to Aiden, crouching next to him. She pulls him into her lap and into a half hug to try and warm him up.

Scott turns to glance at Kira, not caring that he's shifted. Kira looks at him with wide eyes but she doesn't move or say anything.

Everyone watches in confusion as the ninjas start to fade away in grey and black smoke. They turn to the window wall, watching the sun come up.

Ethan jogs over to his siblings, helping Asher hold him.

"What the hell were those things?" Scott asks the room.

Isaac looks at Allison beside him. "You're dad's twenty-four hours are up."

"Yeah, look, I don't give a shit about twenty-four hours or whatever. Those demonic ninjas attacked me, the twins, and Lydia. So, I am very pissed off. Oh, and I have work in a few hours and I haven't slept. Now talk." Asher snapped.

authors note:

asher having social anxiety is super important to me, because its something i really struggle with. but she has aiden, so everythings okay!! :)

the ashydia this chapter is so cute omgggg.

thanks for reading! hope you enjoyed!!
