Chapter 14

"You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time."

  Lincoln, ( A.K. McClure: Lincoln's  Yarns and Stories.)

Days went by and soon the leave Latha had taken was over. She had to return to work and the baby was left to the care of her mother during her absence. Her mother did not mind the chore of attending to the needs of the baby. After all she belonged to the earlier era and it was bringing her memories of her early days when Latha was a baby.

The work in the office was taking much of Latha's time. She tried to finish her work as quickly as possible. But her energy level was not so great as it used to be in earlier days. She did not want to bring home her office work. Many officers in government have the habit of wasting their time during office hours either in gossiping with colleagues or in delivering bragging dialogues to their subordinates, who encourage it to be in the good books of their bosses without doing good work. Such officers also squander their office time by pandering their superiors who call them to indulge in long soliloquy on their greatness. They usually bring the files home and it also impresses the wife and family members. The wife and parents of such officers would proudly say to others that the man of the house was so important in his organisation that working in the house also was necessary. Latha would rather sit a little late in the office and finish her work so that she could come home and spend all her time with the baby.

As days went by the late coming and incommunicado of Bhaskar became more and more pronounced. What was he doing so long in the office ? Latha always wondered. Is it too much to expect the father to come home in time to be with his baby girl? She was quite busy in the office trying to clear her work as fast as she could, in order to return home without burden of arrears of work, so that she could come home to fondle and play with her baby. Hence she could not find out or talk to her friends and those of Bhaskar to know what was he doing even in late hours of the evening. That is how many a good and dutiful officer is unaware of what goes on in office around them and even at home. Taking the genuineness of persons close to you may be a mistake if the person is not loyal and committed to human values of life and work. You are judged as gullible at home and outside if you are taken for such rides. That was the case with Latha also.

But conduct especially that which involve a man and a woman not already connected by normal relationship come to light as people around are always watching and talking. All that gets propagated by word of mouth have embellishments of sordid or lurid details that covers the basic truth. But the basic truth cannot be wished away. There is no smoke without the fire they say. Bhaskar was not coming for taking lunch with his wife even after she joined duty. The much patronised gathering of the crowd of lady officers in his wife's room for lunch hour was not there as before. He was usually going out with Geetha to nearby restaurant to order lunch for both of them and he was always eagerly looking forward to the lunch time with her. It was also the time when he would plan their evenings and early night outings to different nice places in Delhi. Sometimes they would spend their time in Lodhi gardens and sometimes in interesting places in old Delhi. Taking chat in Chandini chowk, sitting in the lawns of Kutb Minar, or simply chatting in a good restaurant was crowning happiness of the day for him. Geetha also made him feel wanted by coy gestures, raising the eyebrows and pouting her lips at appropriate time.

Extra-marital relationship not necessarily going to the end of the lead has harmed many a man. It is the attention of a new girl that makes such men feel that they are conquerors. It may not be very different from the pride and victory of a tiger that treads new territory in search of a female of his species. If a lady is impressed the man feels exuberant. The initial feeling on ethics of right or wrong, gets brushed aside by the thought that he was not to be blamed since there were no signs forbidding trespassers. Married man who resorts to such escapades always think that he is not to be blamed for disloyalty to his wife because he treats the affair as due to his charm, manliness and personality and at heart rejoices at his victory.

These happenings and togetherness with Geetha were noticed by some and soon and the rumour mill went around adding colour and substance to the episodes of evening outings. Then one day, not so fine a day, a friend of Latha, a little older colleague came to her house to see her and her baby. It was in the evening after Latha had returned from office. She presented a pretty frock for the baby and wished her well. Latha's mother brought some sweets, biscuits and coffee for her.

After her mother had left the room, she asked Latha, "Where is Bhaskar ? I do not find him returning home in the evenings to be with you and baby. I find him out in the world" Latha became inquisitive at the subtle statement about the behaviour of her husband.

"He is busy in the office and office work makes him work late hours in the office. Too much of work. Poor man."

Her friend looked steadily at her and said, "Is it so ? Are you sure ?"

"What ? What are you saying ?"

"Oh ! I am saying nothing new as most people seem to know about him. Only you seem to be in the dark."

"Please be more open. I am lost"

"You are like a babe lost in the woods, though you have a baby of your own now."

"I would like you to tell me plainly what you know and what is true."

"O.K. I would not like to talk now and here as I have come for a good occasion. I have come to see your baby and wish both of you health and happiness. I would talk to you in the office", she said conclusively.

After she left Latha was quite upset. What has she done to deserve all this ? And why when she has presented Bhaskar with a baby as a token of their marriage ? What she was hinting seem to have terrible implications.

When she was so lost in depressing thoughts, her baby started crying as it wanted attention or was hungry. Latha took the baby from the cradle and started singing a lullaby. She had a good voice and she could also sing well. But now it was not a good performance and she realised it. But the baby did not evaluate but was enthralled by her mother's voice and soon stopped crying. After sucking some milk it started sleeping. Latha also felt sleepy more by mental fatigue and onset of moroseness. She kept her baby next to her in the cot, embraced it and soon the elixir of life, the innocent sleep overwhelmed her also.

End of Chapter 14.
