Love at First Sight

He was the hottest. He was the most popular guy in the school. His name was Mr.Perfect, kidding it was Nick. However I didn't see what everyone in school found so stunning about him. He wasn't that attractive to me, although he was the best dancer, had the latest car, had a hipster sense of style, those things didn't really attract me. It probably didn't attract me because someone like me won't get someone like that. So no point of even admiring his looks. 

I remember this one specific day when everything was going smooth, my mood was great, my outfit was great, everything was looking good till someone pushed Nick into me. I never wear make up but of course someone has to ruin it on the day I finally decide to wear it. He fell rubbing his hand against my face to the floor, ruining all my make up! He didn't even look up at me, however his friends were like "Damn Nick you literally fell for that girl." I didn't know weather to help Nick up, but he avoided looking directly at me. Who knew the most popular guy was also pretty darn shy? Did he even know that every girl wanted him and every guy wanted to be him?

The next day I didn't wear make up just in case some idiot decides to bump into me again. I remember seeing Nick and I felt so confident, his friends were even staring at how confident I looked. Suddenly I noticed more people staring, I felt to much of the spot light on me. I looked away from Nick and looked down, my chest started beating like crazy. Is this how love at first sight was? I looked back up at him, he was still watching me. Actually everyone was still watching me, but my eyes were only on him. Time  seemed to stop for me and there was probably even some love music playing in the background. I felt as if I was in a movie, my hair even flowed as I walked down that hall way. I smiled at him, and he smiled back, and then I bumped into the door. I held my head sensing a bruise was forming. Damn nothing can get more embarrassing then this, I thought. I looked down to my shoes avoiding eye contact, and I was wrong; something can be more embarrassing than that. Which was when I noticed some tissue stuck to my shoe, and realized why everyone was staring. 
