Hi everyone!!

Yes I am here and back after a some time away!

I have been planning for the new book as well as binging on the new episodes!


It was all around fantastic! we go with my review of season 3 of Race to the Edge. 

-There was a lot of character development I believe that kind of put each of the characters in their place in time for the final season and subsequently the second movie. Ruff and Tuff are still their dim-witted selves, but I do believe they have grown a lot since the first movie and you can definitely see that in this season. Obviously, there are many funny moments such as in the episode 'Stryke Out' when Ruffnut tries to seduce the guards and then Tuffnut follows in her footsteps and 'flirts' with the male guards. And then in the episode 'Between a Rock and A Hard Place'. Tuffnut called out Hiccup for being unfashionable. XD The twins give me life! 

-I loved watching Fishlegs become more confident, so much so, that Hiccup left him in charge of the Edge while he and Astrid went scouting (Follow the Leader). He is having a lot more faith in himself and I think that is good, and the other dragon riders are starting to treat him with a little more respect. He also drew up his dragon cards, a nod to the second movie

-Snotlout had the most character development, I think. I feel like he has changed and matured (slightly) from where he was in the first movie. Yes, he is still cocky, egotistical and proud but he does actually have a heart. His relationship with Hiccup also developed a lot and you can see he starts to respect him a lot more, especially in the episode, Turn and Burn, when they worked together with their ever-warring father's to protect the storehouse. Okay, so he still hits on Astrid and even Heather, but I would love to see how his attraction to Ruffnut starts, seeing as she still disgusts him. His bond with Hookfang has also reached the point where they both have some respect for each other. 

-Astrid's character developed a lot in the second season and I do feel this season was more about the bonds the characters have with each other. Astrid's relationship with each of the dragon riders grew and they all do have a stable level of respect for each other.

-Heather's reappearance was great! I was expecting her to make an appearance sooner, but still when she came, she came with swooping colours and I did like the fact that she knew and understood she was not as skilled in dragon training like the others and their help only doubted her abilities more. I think Heather has become more vulnerable after the Viggo incident because she has begun doubting herself and what she can do. 

-Hiccup...I feel has grown the most. We all saw how losing the dragon eye to Viggo affected him and he has begun to doubt his abilites and his strength as a leader. Despite that, there was many times where he showed off who he was - the son of the chief and the leader to the dragon riders. His relationship with his Dad grew a lot too, and that makes it even more sad, considering the man dies in the second movie. I feel like there should be mentions of his mother, but hopefully in the next season. 

-Dagur was the best. I knew he would change sides and I knew he would turn good to protect his sister. His love for her is genuine and the end of the second season showed that. Even he didn't want to believe his sister was working against him. Hiccup and Dagur's relationship was the best and I love his little jokey jibes at him such as when he hugged him and called him small and cuddly (Family on the Edge). Toothless trusts Dagur now, slightly, so I guess that is why Hiccup opened himself up. I do think Heather was too hard on him - he did help her escape and I love everyone's reactions when they found out that Hiccup was training him. As for the end of the episode 'Family on the Edge', my heart shattered!! DAGUR IS DEAD! Or is he? I do not think he is...because that was way too easy and what does it even mean for him to die? I knew there has to be a reason why Dagur stops fighting the dragon riders by the second movie and where Heather is, but maybe he survives and they decide to rule the Berserkers as co-rulers. Makes sense right? But...we'll have to wait and see. 

-Seeing Viggo and Ryker and uncovering more over what they exactly do was interesting and I did see several nods to the second movie. In the episode 'Stryke Out' you saw just how much they needed Hiccup and Toothless (I wonder why?) and in the episode 'Last Auction Heroes', the mysterious buyer meant a lot to the Grimborn brothers. If you actually study the mystery buyer closely, you will see some Easter Eggs from the second movie, including a certain symbol on his brooch that matches the symbol on Drago's armada sails in HTTYD2 as well as the belt buckle of Eret's. I do think the Grimborn's work for Drago in some way, not entirely sure how though. The thing is though, they know him. 

-Gobber and Stoick were hilarious! In 'A Grim Retreat' when the dragon riders went on a vacation. Hiccup left them in charge of the edge and Tuffnut left them in charge of Chicken. The greatest thing was Gobber thought Skullcrusher ate Chicken and Stoick thought Gobber ate him and then scrambling together to hide from the other and also present a chicken to Tuffnut. Granted, Chicken was alive and Tuffnut caught them out, but it shows how deep their bond is, that they were willing to cover for the other. It also shows how well they know each other - Stoick knows Gobber enjoys eating and Gobber knows Stoick would disobey an order. My favourite part had to be at the end when Stoick slightly abused his powers as Chief and ordered for Tuffnut to take his 'chicken'. 

-Hiccup's inventions were seen. We finally saw him use the others tails he had made with different materials. I think this is why he changes his leg into that Swiss Army Knife style in the second movie, and Toothless only has one tail. Maybe he comes up with a material that works well in any situation and he needed a way to control a lot more, hence the prosthetic change. We finally saw him create an early prototype of 'Inferno' and he showed off with it a lot. He really does love his inventions. Also, the goggles he created with Death Song Amber, reminded me of a mad scientist. 

-I do not think there was a weak episode at all. All of them were pretty strong and each one had a good story. The musical episode (Tone Death) was hilarious, and Heather is a beautiful singer. Hiccup...well...he's always got being chief? XD I liked pretty much all of them but my top three have to be 'Buffalord Soldier', 'Stryke Out' and 'Last Auction Heroes', especially the last one because diva Snotlout was the GREATEST THING EVER! And when he slapped Gobber! Haha!! I could not stop laughing! 

-I HATED THE FREAKING CLIFFHANGER AT THE END OF THE DEFENDERS OF THE WING!!!!! Mala is a great character and I think Adelaide Kane did a great job. To be fair, her short hair made me think she was a boy! But the Defender of the Wing tribe were pretty creepy yet cool, like ninjas! Viggo tricking Hiccup like that! Damn, I hate the bastard even more (excuse the language). But you have to hand it to him and his mind-games. I think Hiccup is still inexperienced in handling mind-game players like Viggo, but this was definitely a lesson he's hopefully learnt. I can't wait to see the next part but we'll have to wait till January. I guess there is a down side to binge-watching :(.

-The new dragons were epic! The Singetail makes a noise similar to a velociraptor (have you guys watched Jurassic World?) and I would love for it to come back, probably destroy Berk a little and Spitelout and Stoick save the day. The baby Death Song was so annoying with its constant screaming! They have a lot more patience then me, really, because I would've thrown that thing in the ocean. The Triple Stryke is a very interesting dragon. It did return with the dragon riders when they left the fighting arena and from its hostile nature, it turned into a cutie real quick, so I would love to see where it went. The albino Night Terrors were scary as hell! Don't want to see those little suckers again! The Cavern Crusher was creepy! The way it has a collapsible skeletal frame, and can climb walls and how fast and stealthy it is. It would be interesting to see it again, let's say if the dragon riders set up a nest on the Edge and it returns to throw them out? The Buffalord was cute. Reminded me of a donkey, due to how slow it was eating and also as a puffer-fish, like Mrs Puffs from Spongebob. 

-And yes, finally... HICCSTRID!!! There was so much moments between them and an entire episode dedicated to them (Buffalord Soldier). He really cared for her, and you could tell that he knew something was wrong when she returned to the Edge. And then his beautiful words to her, 'I cannot imagine a world without you...'  Yes...I cried like a baby, it was the best thing ever! It was all about him saving her and that was all that mattered! He didn't care for anyone else...just her! And when Viggo and Ryker came and tried to take the Buffalord, he was devastated he would not be able to save her. He begged with Viggo, something he has never done before and you can tell he swallowed his pride for her, very chivalrous. And finally, when she got better and they did the funeral, she thanked him and repeated his words...'I can't imagine a world without you in it either...' Excuse me while I go cry in the corner. After that, their feelings were solid. You knew that that moment, when Astrid was close to death, brought them together emotionally. They now had a different connection. Even Heather caught on to their feelings in 'To Heather or Not to Heather', when she told Astrid to tell Hiccup how she felt, not that she listened (HEATHER IS A HICCSTRID SHIPPER). In 'Stryke Out', Astrid was worried about Hiccup and even set up the plan to save him, kicking butt with Heather (I love their girl-power!) and running into his arms when she found him. In 'Last Auction Heroes', Astrid placed a reassuring hand on Hiccup's shoulder when Toothless was taken away and he held it, the two sharing a smile and he continued holding it for a while longer, until Fishlegs spoke. Also, in the same episode, Astrid saved Hiccup from drowning when he jumped into the ocean to save Berk's Gold (granted he lost it anyway), a nod to the first two seasons, when Hiccup saved Astrid twice from drowning.  In 'Defender of the Wing Part 1', Astrid was shot in the leg and when Hiccup met Viggo, he questioned him about it, angering Hiccup. Viggo knows Hiccup has feelings for her! Astrid and Hiccup split from the others when they arrived on the island and when they met the tribe and they fired the tranquilizer (Astrid caught the first one like a ninja XD), and were hit, Hiccup lifted his head to check Astrid was okay, before he lost consciousness himself. Later on, when Mala punished them by throwing Hiccup in the pit of Speed Stingers, Astrid tried to jump in and save him, but Mala and her second-in-command, Throck, stopped her as she called for him to be careful and she continued to try and save him. When the tribe's protector dragon went missing, Astrid and Hiccup had their backs to each other, circled by the tribesman. I loved every moment and it just went to show that they have feelings for each other that are there. 

I think the reason they won't progress on them is simple - they value their friendship too much. If they did proceed and the worst should happen, they know they'll never be able to go back to being friends and they cannot stand not being with each other (as seen in the 'Buffalord Solider').

I was actually okay with no kiss in the 'Buffalord Solider' as opposed to everyone else, because why in Odin's name would he kiss her? She has a fateful illness! He cares for her, yes, but he's not stupid. If he got sick, then who would help Astrid then? But telling each other that they cannot imagine a world with the other, was the closest they got to confessing how they felt about each other. And I am okay with that :).

For the next season, these are the questions I want answered:

-Hiccup finally building his new prosthetic and the final versions of 'Dragonfly' and 'Inferno'.

-This sudden attraction Snotlout and Fishlegs have for Ruffnut, considering Fishlegs has feelings for Heather. I do have a feeling, Heather's affection will go elsewhere and Ruffnut will be Fishlegs's shoulder to cry on, enraging Snotlout which causes the two of them to compete for her. 

-The building of the different adaptations on Berk, such as the stables, feeding stations and the fireproof houses. 

-Gobber has his dragon, Grump, after saving him from the dragon hunters in 'Last Auction Heroes', but I want to see how Grump helps Gobber. I mean, in the second movie, he's just a lazy pig. I want to see them in action, maybe with Skullcrusher and Stoick. 

-More father-son bonding between Stoick and Hiccup, definitely, only to make the second movie even more sad.  

-What happened to Heather's father? Dagur did say he didn't kill him and that Oswald was missing, so maybe Heather searching for her father and maybe him coming back, so she is still not all alone?

-I would love to see the parents of the other dragon riders as well, especially Astrid's, and how her father would be towards her love for Hiccup. Would he have to put up with it for his daughter and because he's the future chief, or will he let Hiccup know, he doesn't like him, at all?

 -THE END OF THE DRAGON HUNTERS! Yes, I need to see that and more background on to how they ended up hunting dragons, the Grimborn family and their connection to Drago and Eret. 

-I want Hiccup to be in a position of power...his father is sick or missing and he realises he might have to take over as chief sooner than he expected. It would definitely add to the relationship and also worm its way into the second movie, with Stoick pestering Hiccup to take his position as Chief of Berk. I would love to see that start. 

-I want more details about Valka and Stoick. Their courtship and even their marriage, just to set the scene for the second movie. Don't forget, this is the final season before the final movie (tears!).

-The Defender of the Wing tribe could be a good ally to the dragon riders so it would be interesting to see where that goes. It would be even better, if Dagur is not dead and a little romance develops between Mala and Dagur (opposites attract, right?).

-More new dragons and some old favourites! I would love to see the Screaming Death again and Toothless's Rival!

-Really random, but I would love for Hiccup to be sick and how disastrous it will be for the dragon riders, not knowing what to do...without their leader. It would be good to see what naturally comes to them, if Hiccup is not around as well. 

-If you recall in the episode 'Follow the Leader', Fishlegs uncovered the albino Night Terrors hiding under the Edge, but also the remnants of a lost tribe. It would be interesting to see who it belonged to and what happened to them. 

-And obviously...THE HICCSTRID KISS. I don't want it at the end of the season. I want it near the beginning or middle, so we can see what happens to everyone else and how they react to them being a couple. 

-I would love for Viggo to use Hiccup's love for Astrid against him, giving him ultimatums. Save your girlfriend or your Dad! It will be so good! 

So...there we go!

My review of Season 3 of Race To the Edge.

It was a very strong season and the best one yet. 

Okay...and there is the other thing I promised!!!


It is titled 'Secrets of the Dragon Riders' and here we go...


Three years ago, the chief of Berk, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was officially declared the chieftain of the Hairy Hooligans of the Isle of Berk. From that day, he's had trials and tribulations, even renouncing his claim to be with the woman he loved.

There have been times when he didn't think he would see the light of another day and also days where he was lucky to have loving people and a marvelous council of loyal friends.

But the Dragon Master knows that the peace will not remain.

Now that he is married and a father, life has just gotten tougher and it has nothing to do with the toddler running around his legs all day, or the fact that he now has four night furies on the island or anything to do with the sudden disappearance of masses of wild dragons. 

The tribes are falling apart and the archipelago is brewing a war.

Caledonia is on the brink of civil war with the clans, while the Berserkers, united with the Savages, continue to cause havoc and dismay to all those around. 

And the sudden arrival of a masked mysterious dragon rider only increases the hostility - who is this person and what do you they want?

When Hiccup is shown what will happen if he does not step up and take command, he begins to doubt his abilities. Why him? Why is he so special?

The return of his sister, Adelheid Stefan, who has spent the past three years trying to scramble together information about the Haddock family, only increases that doubt. 

She returns with family secrets that can change the line of succession forever and also make Hiccup question everything he knew about his family and his childhood.

As the other dragon riders contemplate their heritage, the story of a powerful weapon only a true heir to unite the realms can possess, sends everyone in the Archipelago into a frenzy to find it, intensifying the war.

Now, its a test of loyalties for everyone as more secrets are revealed on the quest to crown the once and future King.

But the future the dragon riders foresaw arrives, leaving one question on everyone's lips;

Who will survive?


So, what do you think????

Are you excited????

This synopsis will change considerably as I start writing, but it does give you an idea of what to expect. 

This is set three years after Stoick's death - so 'LOTDR' is a whole year. 'Secrets of the Dragon Riders' is set two years after Hiccup retook his island from Annelise, so three years since he became chief. 

The dragon riders are around 23-24 while Eret and Hamish are 27 and Karolina is 25. 

There will be many new characters as I will be looking into Eret's past and we will meet Heather's family. We'll be meeting Astrid's extended family as well as a certain character from Stoick's past.

Yes, I know in Race to the Edge, Heather's family is Dagur and she is a Berserker, but this is make believe and a fan-fiction for a reason!

There will also be a lot of nods to Arthurian Legends.

Excalibur, the Lady of the Lake, the Holy Grail, Merlin and the Lake of Avalon. 

There will be many funny chapters and there will be some serious ones, so I hope you guys will enjoy it. 

Here's a reminder of some questions you can ask yourself;

-Who do you think the enemy will be? Remember Dagur and Alfons got away and Annelise has been cursed by the dagger?

-Do Eret and Karolina get married? Or does someone break their promise?

-Can Tristan and Isolde be together, despite her being married to his uncle?

-What did Alva mean when she told the different dragon riders their futures?

-Do Hiccup and Ada finally meet properly? And how will their relationship be?

-Does Snotlout find love?

-What about Tuffnut?

-Does Eret find his family? And if so, who do you think it is?

-Will Astrid ever use her powers again?

I cannot wait to begin!

Editing for LOTDR will be slow but I'll just fix up the errors I know about 

Okay, the song attached above is called 'Kingsword' by Heather Dale. It's a ballad about Excalibur, the legendary weapon belonging to King Arthur of Camelot. 

That will give you something to think about, because like I said, Arthurian Legends play a big role in the second book. 

Okay, quickly!



And also a sincere goodbye to King Tommen Baratheon. He just casually jumped out of a window as if it was no big deal.

That stupid High Sparrow should've listened to Margarey! She was trying to save his life...not that he deserved it. 

To be fair, Cersei deserves everything. All of her children are dead and she is now all alone and I do think Jamie will be the one that ends her. She was afraid it would be Tyrion, as the wood witch Maggy said, her younger brother. Although Jamie and Cersei are twins, she is the older one. 



L + R = J

Lyanna + Rhaegar = Jon


He is the true King of Westeros, although he has taken on the position of King of the North. 

Too bad, he does not know of this yet. 

Bran needs to get to him and tell him everything, whether he believes him is a different story. 

Can we please just give a round of applause to Lady Lyanna Mormont? She is such a sass-master, I love it!!! XD

Daenerys left Daario at Meereen and you could tell that was hard for her as she truly loved him. She needs to meet Jon and the two of them need to marry, so they can rule Westeros together.

Olenna Tyrell is in Dorne, meeting Ellaria Sand and her daughters, all of them pledging allegiance to House Targaryen, and the episode ended with Miss Stormborn and her fleet of ships from the Reach and the Lovejoys, sailing towards Westeros. 

You know in the next season, SHIT IS GOING TO GO DOWN!!

I cannot wait, but I have to wait a year!!!!!


So...there you go!!

Everything is done and dusted and I am done with Legends of the Dragons Riders. 

As soon as the book cover is completed, I will begin writing 'Secrets of the Dragon Riders'!!

Any questions? Ask away!

Also, tell me what you guys thought of the season and what you expect to happen next!

