Chapter Four

 I couldn't believe it. All I wanted was my schedule back and it turned into a big ordeal. Not only did I now have a reputation with our math teacher, I also had to sit with Jason for the rest of the year. Just great.

As I walked away I thought about what I could have done differently. I should have just asked for my schedule calmly and let that be that. Then I could have ignored him for the rest of the year. He had it coming though! The nerve of that boy.

I look back at the number on the door I just passed to make sure I'm going the right way. To my surprise, Jason was still in front of the math classroom just... staring at me. He looked determined like he had just made an oath. He narrowed his eyes at me and turned away to go where ever he had to next. It didn't bother me, though. Things seem to slide off my shoulders as soon as it passes. I just get so caught up in the moment. It all comes back as soon as another problem with that person comes up though. So, if there is another altercation, which I assume but dread there will be, it'll come back unless I prepare myself.

The day goes by and I don't run into him again, more like he doesn't run into me, and I walk out of school having had a partially successful first day of Sophomore year. Walking home, all I could think about was my day in math class. Arguing loudly in the middle of class was ignorant of me. It could have waited until later. So, I decided I was going to try and fix things.

. . .

The next day I woke up and went through my process. This time my outfit was a white v-neck and light blue faded jeans. I headed down stairs with water droplets tapping my shoulders and walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Mom." I said as I entered.

"Morning honey." She said with a smile.

"Where's dad?"

"Long day at work yesterday. He didn't get back until you were asleep so he's resting. He wanted me to tell you he hopes you have a good day at school."

"Okay." I tell her. "Did a teacher call you yesterday?"

"No... Why? Did something happen?"

"Oh, no. Just wondering." She looks at me funny. "Okay, mom. I have to go. Have a good day and love you."

I kiss my little brother on the head on my way out and then start on my way to school. I get to the end of my street and turn the corner to see a boy riding his bike in the direction I'm heading. I realize it's Jason and figure he must live close by too.

After getting to school and grabbing my books from my locker, I head to Spanish ll class. Our teacher has us all read the answers from our sheets out loud to the class in Spanish. I recite mine easily and sit down, impatiently waiting to get to math class. When class is over, I quickly gather my things and start to head out.

"Ms.Brodi, can you come here for a moment?"

I halt at the door and inwardly sigh.

"Yes, Mr.Kenny?"

"How long have you been taking Spanish as a foreign language?"

"It's been around 4 years. Why do you ask?"

"Well, that it explains it then," he says with a smile. "Your pronunciation is very strong."

I smile back, "Thank you, Mr. Kenny. I don't mean to be rude but I have to get going. I don't want to be late for Algebra ll."

"Of course. Por supuesto. Way to be responsible. I'll see you tomorrow, Ms.Brodi."

I nod and head out to my math class. As I get to the door I see that Jason is already there, sitting in the seat that was now assigned to him. Right next to mine. I sit down and give him a smile. It surprises him and he gives me a baffled look. I raise my hand.

"Yes, Ms.Brodi?"

"May I say something to the class?"

"Will it take long? We have to get started."

"Not at all, sir." I say while walking to the front of the room. "I'd like to apologize to you, Mr.Palmer, and to the class. My actions in class yesterday were uncalled for and inappropriate. Jason and I had a small misunderstanding that had started my day off on the wrong foot. There is still no excuse to why I didn't wait until after school to discuss this with him. So, I am sorry and it won't happen again. Thank you."

After I sit back down the teacher thanks me for my apology and looks to Jason to see if he'll follow suit.

"Uh..." Jason starts caught in the spotlight. "Yeah, it was uncalled for and won't happen again." Mr.Palmer looks at him for a moment and jason adds, "Sir! It won't happen again, sir."

The class snickers around us and Mr.Palmer gives us an amused nod before starting off the day's lesson. Jason glances at me a few times throughout class still looking a little confused. After class is over, we both walk out and he follows me to my locker.

"What was that?" he asks, "It would have been nice to have a heads up."

"You know," I say narrowing my eyes, "I would have called you but you don't like answering your phone."


"Anyway, I just wanted to clear the air in that class. I could tell that if I didn't the teacher would make it hard on us since we disrupted class on the very first day. That's not something I wanted to go through. This way, it'll be easier on both of us. Let's not make this any more of an ordeal than we already have, okay?"

I actually wait for a reply but he doesn't say anything for a long few seconds. Then, the weirdest smile creeps across his lips. "Okay." He says and walks away.

****How are you liking the different points of view? I hope they're both enjoyable. Don't be afraid to leave any constructive criticism. Thanks for reading! -Laylis Author****
