Chapter 19

Jill's pov:
The hug of my best friend is comforting even though it's in a microscope part of his fault: if he had left me alone at the beginning, this wouldn't have happened, but it doesn't matter, I like it this way. The important thing is I'm not alone. I've been alone for all my life, without friends and with people ignoring me and I can tell it's not a good sensation. My shadow was my best friend and my books were my portal for an imaginary world, where I was in peace. Now I have Jack, even though he doesn't love me like I love him, but it doesn't matter. Every time he hugs me, I am in paradise. After what seems forever, he breaks the hug.

"Come on freak, we have a job to do" I remember now that we have to finish cleaning up the eggs which those vandals threw at my house. I feel better than before, worth to Jack's reassurances. I even begin to sing for myself. After we finish the cleaning, I invite Jack inside to offer him some candy to thank him for the help. He sits on the couch as I pass him my famous bowl of candy. While he is eating, I head to my room to change myself because, while cleaning, some egg fell on my outfit. When I return downstairs the candy in the bowl has vanished and a very uncomfortable Jack is looking at me.

"What's the matter?" I ask him.

"I need to tell you something."

"Go ahead, tell me."

"The first thing is that Julia is in the hospital. Emil beat her because she did something to Amber"

"Oh I remember that. I feel sorry for Julia because she is one of the few that actually stands up for herself. How do you know?"

"Well freak, there is something called social networks, you know, it's a place where people post useless things and news-" He smiles.

"I know what a social network is."

"The second thing is a bit more important, but as soon as I tell you the thing, I must go if I don't want another lecture from my mom"


"Jillian Nox Midnight, you give me emotions I never felt before, you make me feel whole, your voice enchants my ears and your beauty is to compare to Aphrodite. I love you." I don't believe my ears! Jack loves me? I can't describe how I feel. My heart is beating crazy in my chest and my brain is like: I'm in holiday, don't count on me to think of something intelligent to reply. I'm so immersed in my thoughts that I don't notice Jack isn't here. I run to the door and I see him still in my garden with tears on his face mumbling: "she doesn't love me." What have I done? I ruined everything. I rush to him: "Leave me alone Jillian, I want to stay a bit myself."

"Jack, I-"

"Leave me alone!" He runs away directed probably to the park. I chase after him. Fortunately for me he isn't very fast and I reach him easily.

"Jack, let me finish speaking."

"No! I know what you're about to say: 'sorry Jack, I only see you as a friend or a savior' I was wrong to think that you love me back." He's very angry. "Amanda was right about you." Ouch, that hurts. My eyes water up and my vision becomes blurry. With tears on my tears I spat out: "I only want to say that I love you since you first spoke to me, but now that you seem to hate me, my feelings aren't important! I was right about my heart getting broken by you!" He stops while I run back home crying. This is all my fault: if I hadn't stared at him after he confessed his love to me, this wouldn't have happened. I arrive at home and I run upstairs, locking my door. I lay on my bed crying all my tears, soaking my pillow and feeling like crap. Once I finish crying, I fell asleep, ignoring the door bell which is ringing since I got home.
