Chapter 8

This song really explains how Harry's feeling, if y'all were curious :) 

Harry's POV:

I drummed my fingers against the railing of the ship impatiently. I knew I had said that we were going to be leaving tomorrow, but I couldn't take another minute here. Everything was welling up inside me and it was pissing me off, especially seeing the palace in the distance.

Plus seeing Bella through me for a loop. She was supposed to stay happily out of my life and two idiots thought that bringing her to me would somehow let me give them a free pass on my seas. Like hell it would.

"Niall!!" I shout, seeing the blonde turn towards me, raising an eyebrow. "Captain?" he asks and I frown. "Where's Louis? We're about to leave! He should be able to tell everyone is loading boxes and cargo up early." I fume and he lets out a sigh.

"I'll go get him. It won't take me long." he says and I huff, seeing him run off the ship to go look for his friend. Well, my friend as well.

Some grumbling made me turn my head, seeing two men heaving up a barrel that was full of gunpowder, struggling to get it below deck. "They sure make gunpowder a lot heavier nowadays." one mutters and I narrow my eyes.

"Stop complaining and get it down to the brig. The more you whine, the less materials we'll actually have before we cast off." I order and both men nod hastily, growing quiet as they heaved the barrel up and started carrying it down to the brig with the rest of the supplies. 

Looking back out to the shore, I frowned slightly when I saw Bella's old house. I don't even know if she's living there still. But why should I care? She's dead to me now. 

Turning around, I stalk back over to my quarters and open the door, irritated when I saw the two dead bodies still on the ground. I haven't dispatched them yet. Grabbing both of their shirts, I dragged the two men from my quarters and over to the side of the ship.

One at a time I threw them overboard, the satisfying splash of water from each body making me feel better. With a sigh I walked back to the main mast, looking as the rest of the crew was gathering up on the deck. They were all close by whenever I made my decision to leave early, so I don't have to leave people behind this time. 

That's a first.

Niall came up the bridge again and I looked at him expectantly, smiling smugly as Louis appeared behind him. "What happened to staying her until tomorrow?" Louis asks curiously and I shake my head.

"I don't want to be here any longer. The sooner we get out of this town and go searching again, the better." I grumble and he lets out a sigh, both him and Niall exchanging a look. "Harry...don't you think you shouldn't be running away?" Louis asks and I give him a glare.

"I'm not running away!" I snap and he let's out a sigh. "Harry, that's what it appears like to all of us. You haven't been to this port in six years...yet you choose to come here now. You had to have had a reason other than just getting supplies." Louis says pointedly and I let out a laugh.

"You think I actually came to get her back?! How absurd! I won't allow that girl on my ship until I have fulfilled my promise. I came here because the supplies were good, no other reason." I sneer and he frowns at my response. 

"Harry..." Niall trails off but I turn from him, irritated that they kept thinking I'd come for her. That wasn't why I was here. I forgot that this was her town until we docked and I saw that stupid mansion on the shoreline. 

"We're casting off. Get the last of the supplies on board and then lift the anchor. I need to start searching again." I say seriously and I hear them mutter a yes before telling my orders to the rest of the crew. 

Within minutes we were all packed up and ready to cast off, the anchor being raised and at the movement of my ship, a feeling of relief washes over me. 

All the bad memories from what's happened in this place have been beginning to come back to my mind and I want nothing to do with my past anymore. I've moved on from what has happened back then, and I'm a new man now. One better than who I used to be.

"Everything is ready to go Captain! Do we have our heading?" Jack asks from the helm and I nod. "Begin to head South! We'll start heading Southwest after we get about four miles out into open waters." I order and he nods his head, beginning to turn the wheel to lead us out of Eastbourne's docks. 

The water began to slosh around the bottom of the ship as we creaked forward and I walked to the front of the ship, crossing my hands over my chest. My hair was long now, so feeling the breeze made it blow back and forth, which was slightly annoying but not at the same time.

I had debated on cutting it off for a long time now, but I decided against it. It was another symbol of me moving on...a new part of my life. And people seem to fear me more now with everything as it is, so why change it?

"Umm...Harry?" Niall mutters and I turn around, raising one eyebrow to him as he shuffles his feet awkwardly, looking quite worried. "What is it?" I ask in a quipped voice, not really in the mood for people to be interrupting my train of thought. I could easily go off on him right now or send him away to wait to tell me another time, but he looked so tense that I couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of curiosity. 

"Well...we have a situation." he mutters, scratching the back of his head awkwardly and I raise an eyebrow, feeling anger beginning to rise up in me. If this was another one of those damn ships trying to pass us by, I was going to blow them to pieces and continue to blast them to Davy Jones' locker even after the ship sinks.

"What kind of situation?! Who's here this time?! If it's more pirates then we'll kill them! You shouldn't have to tell me something this trivial!" I yell and he frowns, shaking his head. 

"That's not the kind of situation we have, Harry. I know better than to tell you something like that." he says in a controlled voice and I give him a small glare, clenching my fists. 

"Then what is it?!" I snap and he huffs. "We have a stowaway, sir." he says and my eyes widen in shock and confusion. "A stowaway?!" I ask incredulously and he nods, motioning behind him. 

"Yes. We discovered we had one when we did a check over the supplies in the brig." he says and I give him a glare. "Then why haven't you killed him yet?!" I bellow and Niall frowns, looking down and scratching his chin, looking back up at me.

"It's not a 'him', Captain." he says and my eyebrows furrow down in confusion. "What?" I snap and he lets out a sigh, moving to the side so that I could see behind him. "She's just a child...and I think she's here on accident." Niall says and I see Louis holding a tiny girl, struggling against his hands, her body covered in gunpowder. 

"Let me go!" she protests and I narrow my eyes, stalking up to her until I was in front of her, towering over her puny body. She looked up at me and I paused, her bright green eyes throwing me off for a moment before she frowned at me. 

"Tell him to let me go!" she orders and I glare at her. "You're in no position to be making bargains, little girl. Who are you and why are you here?" I ask and she frowns. 

"I was looking for treasure and I thought I found some, but I fell in and got all dirty. Then these nasty men put a lid over me and took me away!" she pouts and I huff. "That's not my problem." I growl, turning away from the small child.

"Louis, dispose of her." I order and I can feel his hesitation. "Harry, she's just a little girl." he whispers and I roll my eyes. "I don't care." he says and I hear the little girl gasp.

"Harry?" she asks and I turned on her, going down to one knee as I look into her eyes, glaring at her harshly. "Don't call me by my first name, girl. You have no right." I snap and she frowns. "I know you." she says and I stare at her in shock.

"No you don't." I say and she nods her head. "Well, I know someone who did know you." she says, a grin growing on her face and my eyes narrowed. "Doubtful. Who is it that I supposedly know?" I growl and she gives me an innocent smile. "Isabella. She's your wife." she says and I stare at her shocked, seeing her grin become even wider. 

"And I can help you tie up loose ends with her." 

Soooooo what is this devious child thinking?? I hope you all like this chapter!! And if I don't update soon it's because work has gotten busy busy!! I don't have a day off as of now so it doesn't give me much time to write or anything like that. I hope you all understand!
