Aomine x Kuroko - Kuroko Angst

More Kuroko angst because for some reason the first chapter wasn't enough for me.

CONTAINS: Panic attacks, bad language and other things that may trigger you.

"Hey Tetsu!" Aomine shouted from behind Kuroko, who was making his way home after a long day of basketball. 

"Oh hey Aomine." Kuroko said as Aomine caught up to him. "We've got a practise game against each other tomorrow."

"Well no shit. That's why I wanted to talk to you." Aomine smirked to himself. "Considering how you annihilated us in the Winter Cup, it would reasonable to believe that you would win against us tomorrow. But Too has been working extra hard to make sure that doesn't happen so come at us with everything you've got!" 

"Ok." Kuroko said.

Aomine looked suddenly defeated. "C'mon at least make it interesting for the reader!" He shouted. 

"Why? Seirin was going to give it everything we've got anyway, especially since Kagami went back America." Kuroko looked down at the ground as a sad expression seeped onto his face.

"Hey. We're all bummed out about Kagami going back to America, but he did what was right. You said so yourself." Aomine wrapped his arm around Kuroko's shoulder.

"I know. But I just miss him, y'know?" 

"I know alright. He was a great opponent." Aomine sighed. "But there's no point thinking about it now. I know from experience that Seirin is strong as hell even without Kagami and Kiyoshi." He ruffled Kuroko's light blue hair, smiling.

"Cut it out." Kuroko said. 

The two boys made eye contact one last time before walking in opposite directions, tension tying them together like a rope. Aomine jammed his hands in his pockets as a determined smile formed across his face. "I'll get my revenge on you, Tetsu."


"Alright, is everyone ready?" Riko said. "Our starting line up is Hyuga, Furihata, Kuroko, Izuki and Koganei. Now give it your best out there!"


The 1st quarter went somewhat smoothly and as expected, ending with a tie. It was the 2nd quarter when things started to head downhill. Aomine had broadened his play style, now incorporating teamwork into the mix instead of trying to win all by himself. This combined with the his strength and the rest of Too's strength put Seirin at a disadvantage. They were scoring flawless 3 pointers one after the other.

"Get it Furi!" Hyuga shouted, watching as one of Imayoshi's shots bounced off the rim of the basket. Furihata jumped to the best of his ability, catching the ball and passing it to Hyuga. Hyuga followed by making a marvellous 3 pointer. 

Kuroko watched as it all went down, not being able to keep up with what was happening. He was usually more than good at observing people and working out their habits then finding a way to do something beneficial, but not today it seemed. It was all happening too quickly for him to process it properly, a shot, a rebound, a steal, a sudden change of pace in the game. His eyes darted back and forth as it all took place, and whenever he tried to make a move it would feel like his feet were superglued to the floor. What was he supposed to do?

"Great job Izuki!" Hyuga praised.

"Thanks captain!" Izuki responded. He looked to his left, only to see Kuroko hyperventilating and looking as if he was about to cry. "Kuroko!" He ran over to his teammate, worried. "Are you okay?!" Kuroko said nothing. Tears spilled from his eyes as he collapsed to his knees. Izuki crouched beside him, rubbing his back encouragingly. Everyone else caught onto the situation as the ref blew his whistle, signalling a pause in the game. 

"Tetsu!" Aomine shouted. He ran over to Kuroko and shoved Izuki out of the while everyone else stood spread out across the court, concerned but unsure what to do. 

 "C'mon Tetsu..." Aomine muttered, helping Kuroko to his feet and out of the room. Aomine heard the ref's whistle blow a second time and the game continue as Kuroko sobbed into his shoulder. 

 "Imsosorry" Kuroko spluttered through his tears.

 "Don't be. It's fine, really. Just try calm down." Aomine said. 

Kuroko continued to sob as Aomine comforted him through out, until tears began to run him dry. He pulled away from Aomine, revealing his tear-stained face and red eyes. Aomine looked at the shoulder where Kuroko had been crying. 

 "Great. Now my shirt's all wet and snotty. Thanks a lot, Tetsu." He said, earning a soft chuckle out of Kuroko. "In all seriousness, do you think you could tell me what was wrong?"

"I don't know..." Kuroko brought his knees up to his chest. "I think I just got overwhelmed for second. Sorry."

"It's alright." Aomine smiled.

I'm starting to think that I might have a bit of an obsession with angst... so yeah...

I take requests if you have any. Thanks for reading!

Word count: 806   
