Knotted Connection

Dr.Kim kept the coffee mug in front of Beomgyu, apparently Mrs.Han sent some coffee for him. He almost forgot how much he enjoyed her coffee. It has been 3 months since Beomgyu came to Dr.Kim. His doctor told him that Mrs.Han was elated Beomgyu's conditions improved so much. Beomgyu had been talking to others and opening up to Dr.Kim. He has been eating well and sleeping well too.

"Beomgyu I have seen many recover from their PTSD after coming here and usually they always talk to me and take their medicines on time. In your case you hardly spoke a word to me at least not until recently and skipped your medicines frequently. Tell me what made you change, what happened now that I can see more colors on your face."

"I made some friends, four of them, they made me realize the blank canvas of my life can be painted with colors, it maybe a tint first but gradually a beautiful colorful picture can be painted. Yeonjun taught me to look at the bright side of every situations, Soobin told me it's okay to face the rain because the rays of sun after the rain is the warmest, Taehyun taught me the concept of togetherness with it without being with each other and Hueningkai taught me no matter what happens in life egg tarts and grape juice are the best." Beomgyu had to hold his laughter at his last sentence.

"Did you say you met Yeonjun, Soobin, Taehyun and Hueningkai? It's impossible,they died in an accident that happened here few years back." Dr.Kim said eyes wide.

Beomgyu felt his heart skipped a beat.
"I... have been talking to them all this time."  Beomgyu stammered.

"It was tragic... they were all good boys, gone too soon, always trying to help others. I guess they never stopped helping even after their death."

This is too much to process. Beomgyu excused himself rushing towards the rooftop.

Dead? How could that be? I talked to them and had fun with them. Is this what Taehyun meant when he said they would always be together even if they are far aways. The heart to heart connection. Beomgyu thought to himself.

"Is anyone here." Beomgyu shouted panting. He was struggling to breath.

"Beomgyu what's up?" Yeonjun asked. Beomgyu turned around and saw them together.

"Is it true? You guys are dead? Why didn't you ever mention it to me. Please tell me it's not true..." Beomgyu said, sadness visible on his face.

"Because we didn't want to freak you out, it's not your every scenario to meets ghosts. We just wanted to make you smile again. Now that you have finally started smiling, it's time for us to say goodbye until next time." Soobin said.

"No!!! You cannot go, you can't just leave me, you guys are the best thing I ever had in my life, I lost my parents, I can't lose you too." Tears fell down his cheeks.

Suddenly he felt a warm sentiment around him, as his friends hugged him.
"We are sorry but it's time for us to go, we may not be psychically present with you but spiritually we are always connected remember the knot it's in our hearts and they will always be linked, all five of us. I think we can call it our knotted connection." Yeonjun said.

"Whenever you play the piano, I will always be there with you complimenting how cool you are." Soobin said, holding back his tears.

"And when you look up at the sky we will be probably smiling at you. Cliché." Taehyun said.

"Don't forgot, whatever life bring you... how hard it gets or how easier it gets... these snacks are a savior." Hueningkai said.

"Dude seriously! That's your last words?" Taehyun said raising an eyebrow.

"It's time for us to go now, live well, treasure the connection."

The precious friends he made faded slowly never letting go from Beomgyu till the last moment. Their warmth spread the area as they finally disappeared giving Beomgyu their best wishes. Beomgyu looked up at the sky, the knotted connection he made, he will never severe it. Never.

(This is my first fan-fiction and thank you to everyone who read this short story, I hope you liked reading this as much as I enjoyed writing <3)
