Chapter 4. Knotted

Uttkarsh was acting weird around me. He would avoid my stares and whenever I would ask him what was wrong, he would wave me off and run away. His friends would also not tell me what was going on with him.

He had come for a meeting with Rajesh sir yesterday, but he didn't pay me any attention. He wouldn't even reply to my messages frequently like he did earlier.

What was wrong with him? Was he distancing himself from me? Why?

I caught him when he was leaving our office and told him to tell me why he was avoiding me. He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. He fumbled with his hands and looked at me. I narrowed my eyes, and he opened his mouth to say something but closed it again.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"No... you didn't do anything. It is just me," he replied and looked away.

"You can tell me if something is troubling you or if you are just not comfortable around me. I won't mind."

I would greatly mind it.

"It is not like that, Sadhna. I... I just don't know... I just don't know how to... " he trailed off.

I sighed and gave him some space. I would not force him to tell me something he didn't want to. We were just friends. Just friends, nothing more. I didn't like that thought though.

Should I tell him that I still liked him? Well, I got to know about his secret too but what if he had changed his mind?

"It's okay, Uttkarsh. You don't have to tell me but remember if anything is troubling you, you can always count on me." I smiled at him.

He let out a breath of relief and we stared at each other for sometime; none of us saying anything. Again.

"I am holding a housewarming party this Saturday. Will you come?" he asked, his mood brightening up.

"Of course I will come. Do you need help in decorating the place?" I asked.

"Umm... No. It won't be necessary since all the arrangements are already done. But can you stay back later to help me?" he asked with caution.

"Yup. I can. Don't worry." I gave him an 'Okay' sign, and his face lit up like sun.

"I should get going then. My assistant must be waiting for me. See you later, Sadhna."

"Sure. Bye, Uttkarsh," I replied and waved him goodbye.

He smiled back, and I noticed the lightness in his steps. He seemed to be in a good mood which made me really happy. I wanted to make him happy whenever he was with me.

I took a deep breath and clenched my fists. I would do it. I didn't care about the consequences as I had to do it in order to not ruin someone's future. I called up my parents and told them about my decision for the marriage.

It took me a good one hour to explain everything, and fortunately, my parents always considered my happiness as their priority.

I felt at peace after the call. It was like a big load was taken off my chest. I could breath freely now. I didn't care what future held and decided to go with the flow.

I completed my work and took my leave from the office. My mood had lightened up by a hundred times, so I decided to call all of my friends which I hadn't been able to contact for months.

I spent the whole night catching up with them and learned a lot of new facts. Like, my best friend from middle school was expecting her second child, one of my male friends was getting married next year, and the famous couple of our college had finally broken up after seven years of being together.

I finally fell asleep around 5 a.m. and got only three hours of sleep. But I wasn't cranky like other days when I didn't get my beauty sleep. I checked my phone and saw that Uttkarsh had messaged me.

It was a simple 'Good morning', but it was enough for me to go through the entire day without any problem. It was like my daily dose of Serotonin. I replied him back and got ready for the office.

Next week was Uttkarsh's housewarming party. So, I decided to go shopping after I completed my shift. I bought a few dresses and shoes for myself along with two gifts. One was for his house, and the other one was for him.

I knew he would like the first gift, but I wondered if he would like the second one or not.

Oh well. Let's see what happens.


The moment I entered Uttkarsh's house, everyone's heads turned in my direction. I didn't know any of the guests present except Rhea and Oscar. I said a quick 'Hello' to everyone, and they all returned the greeting.

Rhea spotted me and came towards me. I mentally thanked her. I was getting that 'new girl in the school' feeling. Everyone's eyes were glued on me and tracking my every moment. Or was I the only one thinking like that?

To confirm my doubts, I waited for someone else to arrive and bingo! Any time someone new arrived, others would look at that person, and this time I was a member of the troup too.

I was waiting anxiously for the host to arrive, but he was nowhere to be seen. Rhea sensed my anxiety and nudged me. She teased me, and I teased her back. I laughed when she turned into a tomato when I pointed out that she and Oscar were wearing matching clothes.

"Shut up, or I will tell Uttu that you still have a crush on him," she threatened.

"Oh yeah? Then I will tell Oscar that you like him," I fired back and wiggled my eyebrows.

"Tell me what?" Oscar asked and glanced between Rhea and me.

"Where is Uttkarsh? Why is he taking so much time to get ready? It isn't like he is getting married today. Tell him to come out and start the party. I am hungry," Rhea complained, and I complimented her for changing the topic so easily.

"He will be here in five minutes. Why don't you eat something then or are you waiting for him to feed you himself?" Oscar retorted.

Whoa. I could literally smell the jealousy.

"What?!" Rhea yelled.

She glared at him, and he returned the look. Where the hell was Uttkarsh? And why didn't Rhea clear the misunderstanding already? Oscar was totally into her.

"Hello, everyone. Sorry to keep you all waiting," Uttkarsh announced as he came and addressed every guest present.

He was wearing a navy blue button up and white trousers. His hair were neatly combed; not even a single hair falling out. He was clean shaven and looked like a baby.

"Matching, matching," Rhea teased when she saw me admiring Uttkarsh.

I shot her a playful glare and looked at my dress. I had chosen to wear a floor length gown with a round neck. And yes, it was navy blue in colour. No, I didn't plan it beforehand. It was just pure coincidence. Yup, it was.

"Thanks for coming, Sadhna," Uttkarsh said and gave me a quick hug.

"Nice house," I complimented, and he beamed.

"We are also here," Rhea said, and Uttkarsh also gave her a hug.

She glanced at Oscar, who had clenched the juice glass in his hand tightly. She smirked, and I knew she was doing it on purpose. Poor guy. I so wanted to laugh at the situation, but I would have been laughing at myself too then. Poor me.

After Uttkarsh met with each and every guest personally and thanked them, he brought out a cake from his kitchen.

His house was really huge. It was a 3BHK apartment located in a posh area. There were floor-to-ceiling length glass windows which provided a great view of the Arabian sea. Everything was great.

Uttkarsh cut the cake, and we all wished him luck and prosperity. Then, we started handing out gifts to him. For every gift he received, he had a return gift ready. So considerate.

I would also do that when I would get my own home.

It was my turn to hand him the gift. He smiled at me when my turn came, and I picked up the medium sized box. He took it and tried to guess what I had brought him. He shook the box, and I stopped him.

Others laughed when I scolded him because he wouldn't stop shaking the box. He put the box on the couch and pulled me in a hug. He almost crushed me. My heart was running a sprint race, and I tried my best to hide my blush. After a few seconds, he pulled apart and thanked me for the gift.

I gave him a huge smile and asked for my return gift. He didn't give me one.

"You will receive it later," he said.

"What? But why?"

"Have patience." He winked, and my heart stopped completely.

Did I finally die? What a sweet death.

"Move, Sadhna. It is my turn." Oscar tapped my shoulder.

I nodded and moved aside. Rhea got a hold of me and pulled me aside. She said that Uttkarsh was up to something, but I wasn't paying attention to anything she was saying. My eyes were glued to him, and when I saw him look back at me, I gulped.

He smirked, and I glanced at my bag. I hadn't given him his second gift yet.

Should I rethink about my decision?

"Hey, dude. Are you even listening to me?" Rhea shook me.

"Yeah. I am."

"See that idiot Oscar flirting with Diya," Rhea grumbled.

"Why don't you tell him then?" I asked.

"Yeah. I will do it today. He is a jerk, but I love him." She pouted.

She was so cute. I hugged her and told her to just go with her heart. I would also do the same. Finally.

The party was great. We had all varieties of foods and drinks. We played a lot of games, danced and bonded together. Uttkarsh was a really great host and looked after everyone's needs. I caught him looking at me a few times when he was talking to someone else, and he didn't hide it.

I felt like I was on cloud nine. I was feeling like a teenager again.

Soon, the party ended and people started leaving. They complimented the host for his hospitality and Uttkarsh being the humble person he was, waved it off like it was nothing. Rhea and Oscar also started leaving, and I giggled when I saw Oscar trying to make up with Rhea.

She was giving him a hard time, and I winked at her when we made eye contact. She secretly shot me a smile and left with Oscar in tow, carrying their bags and gifts.

"I should also start going," I announced as I noticed that only Uttkarsh and I were left in the house.

"What? You are not leaving. You said you will help me," he complained and gave me puppy eyes.

"Sorry. I forgot about that," I lied, and his face became relaxed.

I picked up the dishes which were lying all around the hall and put them in the dishwasher, while my crush took all the gifts and stacked them up.

I picked up the broom and began cleaning. He told me to use the vacuum cleaner, but I refused. I never liked that machine. I preferred using broom, no matter how big the place was.

While I was dusting under the sofa, I glanced at him. He was busy picking up the balloons and taking out the decorations. I stopped my work and just admired his profile. He was such a nice guy. I wanted to confess to him, but I was waiting for the right timing.

I averted my eyes when he moved his head in my direction. I hid behind the sofa and continued my work. He went in the balcony to put the trash in bags and came back. I was also done with brooming, so I joined him in taking out the decorations.

"Are you and Rhea dating?" I asked, not wanting to waste any more second.

He stopped after hearing my question, and I raised my eyebrows at him. He thought for a moment and then answered.

"Yes, we are. Why do you ask?"

"Well... I thought she was your ex. So you decided to get back with her?"


"Really? Since when did you start lying, Uttu?" I teased.

He froze at his nickname, and I controlled myself from laughing. His cheeks turned red, and he darted his eyes around.

"I asked Rhea, and she said that you guys were just friends, and she already liked Oscar." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you spying on me now?" he asked and stopped his work. He took a step towards me, staring me down.

"Why don't you just answer the question? Why did you lie?" I accused and stared at him directly in the eyes.

I stepped forward and asked him again. "Why did you lie to me, Uttkarsh?"

"Are you jealous?" He tilted his head.

"No, I am not. Why would I be?" I replied.

"Then what about you? Why did you lie about your engagement?" He inched closer and there was only a hand's distance between us.

"Oh, so you are accusing me now?" I took a step ahead.

"You broke off your engagement one week ago and didn't even bother to tell me. I should be the one complaining here, not you."

"Oh, yeah? Then what about you lying about your live-in partner. Last time I checked, you were never with a female roommate." I pointed a finger at his chest.

"So what if I changed the gender of the person? Why does it concern you?" He grabbed my left hand and pulled me closer.

My chest collided with his, and our faces were just mere inches apart; our breaths mingled together. I placed my right palm on his chest and pulled my head a little away to look at him. His hazel eyes shone in the dim light, and I could see myself clearly in them.

"How arrogant of you," I commented as I felt his heartbeat through my palm.

The vibrations resonated through my skin and matched the rhythm of my heart. We kept staring at each other; trying to read each other's thoughts. I saw his pupils dilate to the maximum and turn entirely black. I believed mine were the same because I grabbed the collar of his shirt, as his right hand moved to cup the back of my neck.

In a snap, we were pulled together like magnets and our lips crashed. We kissed like there was no tomorrow and if we let go, we would vanish. We didn't want that moment to cease.

All of our emotions flowed through the kiss; need, love, jealousy, desperation - every emotion you could name.

We pulled apart to catch our breaths but he announced, "I love you," and before I could respond, he kissed me again.

I enjoyed every microsecond of it; our lips doing all the talking as our bodies perfectly molded together. I smiled in the kiss and he did the same. After we had sucked the breath out of each other, we pulled apart and started laughing.

"You know you are a boomerang that I threw six years ago, and it hit me back when I was least expecting it. But I don't complain," I said, and he laughed.

His laughter was so contagious. I admired him as he held me in his strong arms, close to his chest; closer to his heart.

"If I am a boomerang, then I assure you that no matter how many times you throw me, I will always come back to you. I love you, Sadhna. I always have," he confessed and pecked me on the lips.

"Rahiman dhaaga Prem ka, mat todo chatkay. Toote se phir na jude, jude gaanth padi jaaye (Never break this fragile thread of love; once broken, it won't rebond, and if it does, there will be a knot forever)," I recited and caressed his cheek.

"Why a Doha all of a sudden?" he asked and pulled me closer.

"My heart had a knot when you left for your studies abroad. I never got to tell you my feelings. But I guess that knot was responsible for why I couldn't find any other guy serious. It always reminded me of you."

"Then I should thank it and be really grateful because I had already wrapped you in a knot in my heart six years ago, and I am not planning on letting go ever."

I blushed like crazy, and he chuckled at my reaction. He told me that he had also liked me when we were in college but was afraid to confess, just like me. He kissed my forehead and rubbed my back.

"Let's get legally knotted then," he suggested and stared at me with a hooded expression.

"What? Are you... like are you...really? No, but are..." I fumbled as I couldn't believe what he just said.

He nodded his head and kissed my nose. He bent down on his knees and took out a tiny box from his pocket. He opened it up and showed me a platinum ring with a small heart shaped diamond embedded in it.

"Will you be my wife, Sadhna Tiwari?"

He proposed!

I was too overwhelmed, so I ran from there.

"Where are you going? Is that a no?" he asked, getting worried at my reaction.

I quickly ran to the cabinet beside the TV and took out my bag. I opened it up and took out the tiny red box from it. I smiled like a kid and ran back to him.

I bent down on my knees and opened up the box in my hand. His eyes widened, and he kept glancing between me and the ring I had brought for him.

"Will you be my husband, Uttkarsh Khurana?" I proposed and saw his eyes becoming glazed.

He nodded, and I threw myself in his arms. He stumbled back with the impact, and I hugged him tightly.

"I thought you refused when you ran away," he said with a heavy voice, and I giggled.

He sat on the floor cross legged and pulled me in his lap. He caressed my hair, and I wiped his cheeks which got stained with the tears. He also rubbed his thumb under my eyes, and I realised that I was crying too.

"Will you always love me?" I asked.

"Forever," he replied as he kissed my eyelid.

"I will always love you too," I said.

He looked at me with pure love and adoration in his eyes, and I returned the look with equal sincerity. We exchanged our rings and entwined our fingers. He loved me and I loved him. He was my crush, and I was his crush.

He was mine, and I was his. Duly knotted.

