Chapter Two

Hello peoples, I'm tired (in Phoenix, Arizona its only 7:30 but still,) so this might not be a long chapter. Anyway, I'm going to do Klaus's POV, so if it sucks don't judge cause I'm not a guy.

Klaus's POV:

"DONT YOU EVEN TRY TO TALK YOURSELF OUT OF THIS ONE, WHEN EVERYONE GETS BACK I SWEAR I WILL-" I ran forward, grabbed her, and snapped her neck. I stood over her for a few seconds before realization of what I just did started to creep in.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Elijah's number, he picked up after the second ring.

"Niklaus, to whom do I owe this plea-"
"Elijah, I need your help NOW!" I yelled into the phone.
"Calm down, what is the problem?" He asked sounding both annoyed and concerned.
"I will explain later, just meet me at our house in Mystic Falls as soon as you can." I said, calming down a bit.
"All right, I'm coming now," Said Elijah, sighing.

I hung up and knelt down to pick up Caroline gingerly.
I'm going to regret this, I thought as I sped away.

Sorry it was so short! How did I do though?
Anyway comment, please! I always like to get feedback!
Love you always,
