Changbin's POV

I have been starring at my laptop screen for almost an hour. I'm not used to having to do songs by myself, but Chan was busy today. My phone kept going off but I chose to ignore it. Sleep keeps threating to take over my body as I add more to the beat. I can't go to sleep, not now. The door opens slightly and small whimpers come from the opening. "Binnie let's go home. We've been here all day." I sigh and shake my head before geting back to work. I hear a sigh as the door closes again, showing that my boyfriend has left already. I rub my eyes and looks at the door. "Not yet," I whispers to myself. I look back at my computer and sees my reflection staring back at me, bag visable under my eyes.

I know this one is short but I'm currently sick. Who do you think Changbin's boyfriend is?
