New expierences

•sorry I had writers block(block b... Hehe) for a while but I found inspiration by re reading my little teaser thingy anyways hope you like it! Also SMUT WARNING!•

*Suho P.O.V*

Baekhyun quickly walked over to the table and sat down. He started to devour the food that kyungsoo had given him.

"Slow down why don't you?" Chanyeol said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Mind your own business" baekhyun replied sharply while his mouth was full of food. Kyungsoo scolded him telling him to keep his mouth shut while he was eating.

I walked over to sit next to baekhyun and gave him a quick smile as kyungsoo set down a plate for me.

"Thank you!" I said while eating quickly but not as fast as baekhyun. He looked over at me and I gave a goofy smile in which he laughed quietly so he wouldn't get scolded by kyungsoo again. Me and baekhyun talked in between bites and later on Kai had joined in on the conversation.

" I know right?! Everyone says swimming make you look slimmer but have you seen whales?!?" Baekhyun said giggling with a serious yet playful face. I hadn't notice until now as I took a glance around the room that kris was shooting death glares at baekhyun. I waved at him and beckoned him to come over to join in.

* Kris P.O.V*

Suho gave a toothy grin as he beckoned me over. I returned the smile as I got up and walked over to them and sat next to suho listening in on the conversation. I noticed that baekhyun had glanced over at me and turned back around quickly in surprise.

"Hey baek." I said loudly to gain his attention.

"W-what?" He asked obviously shocked that I spoke up.

" Wanna go on a walk?" I asked as I smirked knowing what was going to happen later on.

"Sure..." He replied with a look of surprise plastered across his face.

I got up quickly walking towards the door with baekhyun following behind. I reached to grab the door knob but suho grabbed my wrist stopping me from doing so.

"Where are you guys going?" He asked worriedly.

"Don't worry umma were just going on a walk I got bored and wanted to have a laugh as I got fresh air." I said teasingly towards my adorable little suho. He pouted and huffed as he said,"well just be careful okay?".

"We will don't worry" I said quickly as I started to walk away after he let go of my wrist. Baekhyun followed quickly after me after giving suho a hug.

"Come back soon!" He yelled from the doorway.

"Okay!" I yelled back.

*Baekhyun P.O.V*

"So where are we going?" I asked suddenly.

"A special place." That was all he said and for the remaining time of the walk we didn't speak again.

We arrived at a weird club looking area. "are we gonna party?" I asked myself under my breath.

Suddenly he turned around and pushed me against the wall. We were in an alley way.

"Don't go near suho ever again got it?" He growled as he whistled and walked away.

I stood there dumbfounded as people were walking out from the corner of the building towards me.

I was too scared to run so I just stood there. It started off with a punch to the stomach then after I fell they started to kick over and over. I coughed up blood as I screamed out for help.

One of them had pulled out a cloth and nearly choked me with it as they stuffed it down my throat. I whimpered out in pain as I cried not being able to move.

*Kris P.O.V*

I walked back after letting them deal with that dumbass. I can't believe I'm only paying them for an hour because he deserves more.

I arrived at the house and gently knocked on the door. Kyungsoo had opened the door but then gave a confused expression.

"Where's Baekhyun?" He asked.

"Oh he wanted to go shopping for awhile so I just came back because I got bored." I said obviously lying.

"Okay..." He said and opened the door for me to come in.

I walked in and noticed that nearly everyone was gathered up in the living room sat anywhere available.

"What's going on here?" I said smiling.

Some looked up from the tv and smiled at me as luhan replied saying, " we're having a movie night! Wanna join?" I perked up a smile as I nodded and went over to sit next to suho. He glanced over and came me a smile scooting over so I could sit.

"Where'd Baekhyun go?" He whispered quietly so he didn't disturb anyone watching the movie.

"He just went shopping but I got bored so I left. Don't worry he's fine he'll text me if anything goes wrong" I replied quickly. He nodded and then snuggled up closer to me. I reached over to grab a blanket that was hanging off the side of the couch and wrapped it around us.

He smiled at the warmth and gently closed his eyes as he laid his head on my shoulder. I shifted my hand down under the blanket so it rested on his small thigh. He flinched and started to blush at the contact but started to lean in closer to me leaving no space between us.

I started to move my hand upwards close to his crotch. I heard his breath hitch as he groaned lowly. I leaned my head down and started to lick his neck and covered my face with blanket so no one could see. He moaned quietly and started to shift uncomfortably until he was basically on my lap. Both of my hand were on his hips and he started to grind down slowly causing me to groan.

"How about we take this somewhere else?" I whispered in his ear.

He nodded and told everyone he had to go to the bathroom and I simply said I got bored of the movie.

We both made it quietly to my room. I picked him up and walked over to the bed. I placed him down gently and hovered over him.

"Suho are you sure?" I asked concerned.

"Yea...I've liked you for awhile now so why not?" He said smiling.

"Well then I'll just have to continue then won't I?" I replied as I leaned down to capture his plump lips with mine. We moved in sync with each other and he bucked his hips up to meet with mine. I grabbed his hips and held them down. I teased him and ghosted my hand over his growing bulge. He groaned at the contact and gripped the back of my shirt. He hastily removed my shirt and started to kiss down my chest until he got to my waist and ran his hand across my boxers.

*Suho P.O.V*

"C-can I?" I stuttered blushing. I cant believe this is happening! The love of my life is in front of me without a shirt! And we're both on a bed! Okay suho calm down you got this its only sex...I've never had sex with a guy before though...oh god... Okay just calm down! I said to myself.

"Are you ok?" Kris asked as he stared at me with concern. I nodded as I gulped.

"Also you can baby don't worry." Kris whispered in my ear answering my question form earlier. I ghosted my hands over the zipper and carefully but quickly pulled his pants down. My hands started to fumble as I tried to get my zipper undone.

"Need help?" Kris chuckled and reached down to help me with my pants. He pulled them off and then went to my shirt and pulled that off as well.

He pushed me down onto the bed so I was laying on my back facing him. He kissed up and down my chest leaving hickeys all over my body. I moaned at the feeling and started to grip the sheets as he went farther down.

He pulled off my boxers and threw them elsewhere in the room.

"Are your sure your ok about this?" Kris asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Yes I'm sure! Now just fuck me!"I said impatiently.

He smirked and pulled down his own boxers letting his member free.

He went over to his drawer and pulled out what looked like a bottle of lube. He squeezed it onto his fingers and went down to my hole. He slowly pushed in one finger as I moaned loudly.

"Oh god...Kris!" I moaned as my face twisted in pain.

"I'm sorry babe but it'll feel better soon I promise." He whispered reassuringly.

He thrusted in and out slowly then picked up the pace as he inserted a second finger then a third finger. I gripped the sheets tightly as he continued thrusting in and out. He pulled them out and then applied the lube to his member. He slowly started to insert his member into my entrance.

"Ow! Fuck!" I groaned loud enough for the others to hear. Soon he was fully inside me.

"God Kris your so big!" I moaned loudly.

"Are you ok?" He asked concerned. I nodded and he started to thrust slowly. The pace picked up as we both neared our climax. The room was filled with moans and the sound of a bed creaking.

"K-Kris! I'm c-close!" I said as I gripped his back.

"Me too baby" he grunted as he continued getting faster while he was at it.

I moaned loudly as I reached my climax as he came inside me. We laid there for a while panting hard. He then pulled out and laid down next to me.

"I love you, you know that right?" He whispered in my ear and he pulled me to his side.

"Yea... I know...and I feel the same way." I replied with a smile as I cuddled into his side.

We fell asleep naked and on Kris' bed and it was the best night ever.

+Authors Note+
• How was it? It was first time writing smut so it's prob horrible but I'll try to fix it in the future! Also I hoped you like it and I'm sorry I didn't write for a while it just took a while to think of what to do. Anyways love you!•
