chapter 3

Frnkoreo: *1 img*

Gerawr: what the fuck

Frnkoreo: I saw you yesterday

Geerawr: why didn't you say something, why tf did u take a creepy ass picture of me

Frnkoreo: cuz its funny

Frnkoreo: u look cute

Geerawr: Oh...

Geerawr: Thanks 

Frnkoreo: Who r the ppl ur with?

Geerawr: my brother

Frnkoreo: Who's the girl?

Geerawr: His girlfriend

Frnkoreo: He looks gay tho

Geerawr: yea ik I told him

Frnkoreo: what did he say

Geerawr: he said that he wasn't

Geerawr: I dont believe him tho

Frnkoreo: u changed ur username

Geerawr: ya I know

Frnkoreo: I like it

Geerawr: me 2

Frnkoreo: do u have a girflend

Geerawr: I dont know what a girflend is

Frnkoreo: *girlfriend

Geerawr: What does that matter?

Frnkoreo: I dunno

Geerawr: I do not

Frnkoreo: cool

Geerawr: do u?

Frnkoreo: Im gay

Geerawr: oh

Geerawr: u make penis music

Frnkoreo: WHAT

Geerawr: "music thats good for your penis" -urban dictionary

Frankoreo: Gerard, what the actual fuck

Geerawr: Im right tho

Frankoreo: Goodbye Gerard

Geerawr: Byeeee
