Kira's favorite thing in the world was to read, whether it was a book, an article, or even the ingredients on the back of food packages. She loved it. She would go to a lot of bookstores, she made it a thing to go to a new bookstore every month because she believed every bookstore had something new to share. Although she had one bookstore that she always found herself going back to. Today when she woke up she felt a need to go to that bookstore, she didn't really think anything of it she needed new books to read. So after school she went to the bookstore, when she entered one of the workers recognized her 

"hey kira, I haven't seen you in a couple of weeks how have you been?" said the brunette girl who kira assumed was the same age as her, they only talked in the bookstore so she didn't feel the need to have to ask her personal questions.

 "Hey mia, I know its just that i've been trying to find new bookstore but none of them seem to have books like this one, but i've been good how are you?" Mia let out a little laugh " well i'm glad to hear that, I'm good too there have been a lot of new customers recently!" "oh really, well that's nice. I'll see you at the register in a bit i'm going to go look for some books" Mia gave her a nod and with that kira walked away to go look at the books.

She made it to a section that carried all the books that she loved, there was a guy in that section. Kira ignored him and just carried on with looking for new books. 10 minutes had passed and kira managed to have the books she had chosen scattered through the section she was in. While trying to reach for a book the guy that was in that section made a sudden movement which caused kira to trip. The guy turned around to help kira but when kira took his hand there was a shock that made them both shiver. The shock wasn't painful but it wasn't pleasant either. The guy put his hand out again but this time kira thought it would be better to get up on her own so she said "um no thank you" His face turned red and he took his hand away while saying "okay then.' and he left. KIra continued to look around the store but she felt distracted. Once she felt she had all the books she wanted she went to go check out, but once she got there mia had said 

"are you sure you want these books? They don't look like the type of things you read" With that sentence kira was snapped back into reality and it took a little to process what mia had just said but she wasn't wrong. She took a look at the books on the counter and they were all kids books, not at all the type of book she reads. She was confused and said

 " oh you're right, i'm not sure why I picked these out. I'm gonna go put these back and go home" she was about to leave but mia had stopped her "no need i'll just put them here and you can go home" "oh um okay thank you mia see you next time" Mia waved goodbye and kira left.

Once kira had gotten back home she went to her room and felt this sudden coldness, something that she had never felt before. She didn't understand why she was so cold she had a hoodie and sweatpants on, she still put a blanket on and tried watching something but she still felt cold. So she went to sleep hoping that in the morning she didn't feel so cold. What she also didn't know was that the guy she had met at the bookstore had also felt a sudden rush of coldness. Kira woke up in the morning and she thought that she felt a sense of warmness so she pulled off her blanket, but once she had gotten up she didn't feel that warmness any more, it had been quickly replaced with the coldness that she had once felt.

3 years later.

Kira had gotten used to the coldness that she felt in her heart, she pretended it wasn't there anymore. Kira had not been to the bookstore where she had met the guy in over 5 months, she thought it was time to go again. When she walked into the bookstore she had expected to see mia, but she then learned that mia hadn't been working there for a while. Kira still went on to go look for books. After 10 minutes of looking she felt a sudden rush of warmth, this had happened before and everytime that it did happen she was always confused. She didn't put much thought into the sudden warmthness, she was thankful for however long it would be with her. When she walked towards the front of the store, there he was the guy from a couple years back. When they made eye contact it was like a spark ignited in the both of them, they felt like they had finally met the part of them that was missing. She still had no clue who he was though, she felt lik she had seen him before but just didn't know where. She didn't know that they had met for the first time 3 years ago. Still trying to figure out where she had known him from, she didn't realize that he was walking towards her. She only realized that he was right in front of her when he spoke to her. "Hi my name is scott" "kira." she said back with a smile on her face. 

From then on it was history.

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