✧ King of Lies ✧

Tooru Oikawa's POV

I looked at Iwaizumi, my chest heaving heavily as I fought back tears. My entire world was crumbling, and so was I. Piece by piece, I had fallen apart. I folded my hands into tight fists, trying to stop myself from shaking.

He did nothing but stare back.

My eyes stung but it was nothing compared to the pain that jabbed my heart. I chanted the same words over and over again in my mind. Don't cry. But I couldn't help it.

God, I'm so pathetic.

"I hate you."

I looked at him with my tear-filled eyes. Flames of anger burned within me. "I hate you so much."

"All of our memories, our time together, that's all it ever was right? A lie?" I managed to say with my trembling voice. I let out a bitter chuckle. "And you know what? I feel for your lies. Every. Single. One."

A sharp pain stung at my lungs as I forced myself to take in a deep breath. I clenched my eyes shut. Tears continued to slide down the side of my cheeks as more memories flooded back to my mind.

God, I'm so stupid.

"But I wouldn't call you the best liar." I laughed through the tears that streamed down my face. "Because I deserve that title. Because I told myself the biggest lie of all."

I gritted my teeth as I forced back my tears, but that only made them more powerful. It took a couple of seconds before I gave in again. I dug my fingers into my palm and closed my eyes.

God, I'm so weak.

"That you cared."

There it was. His lie had been exposed to the world.

"That you cared about my feelings. My feelings about..." My voice trailed off as I tried to find words that would describe what happened without breaking down. "This situation." I was choking on my tears at that point.

"I lied to myself everyday, Iwaizumi. Everyday. I would build up my hope telling myself that one day you'll love me back. One day you'll stop pushing me away. And those lies..." I drew in a shaky breath before continuing. "Those lies helped me live up to my title."

"You. You helped me live up to my title."

This small world of mine was crumbling down. My shaky legs couldn't hold me up anymore. I dropped to the ground. I, Tooru Oikawa had finally broken down.

Shaking. Crying. Hurting.

That's all I could remember doing.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, digging my tear-stained face in it as I cried. No one was there to comfort me. I was alone.

"Iwa-chan..." I choked out through my tears.

I picked up the picture frame I had been talking to from the table in front of me, looking at it through my blurry eyes. I hugged it. "I miss you. Why... why didn't you tell me you had cancer..."

I knew I could live my life without him. But I didn't want to.

"Come back..."




I hope my angst squad likes this.

This one was a quick one because like my other oneshot Cheater, I couldn't drag it. But still, I really hope you guys enjoyed this! More content coming out soon! :D

If you liked this part, feel free to vote! Go get yourself a glass of water and stay hydrated!

With love,
