Chapter 3

Marina looked at the vent that hung above the monitors. "Trisha," she said. "We're not actually trapped. We just need figure out how to open the vent." Trisha looked up at the vent and back at the door. "I don't know," she replied. "What if the person outside finds us escaping?" Marina took Trisha by the hand. "They won't," she said. "Trust me." Trisha nodded as they climbed onto the desk. Marina pushed the monitors and studied the vents appearance. Four screws were bolted in tightly on each corner. "Try and look around for a toolbox or something to get these screws off," Marina said. Trisha jumped off the table and started looking around. She cocked her head towards the table to her right and found a power drill. She grabbed the drill and handed back to Marina. Marina turned the drill on and started to remove the screws. Once all of them were gone, Marina turned the drill off and removed the vent. "Let's go," she said as she crawled in. Trisha trailed behind her, leaving the drill on the desk. "Where are we going?" Trisha asked. "Wherever the vents lead us," Marina replied. They ventured through the vents for a certain amount of time until they decided to stop Infront of the next vent door. Marina slowly crawled back and kicked the vent door. It dropped to the floor with a loud crash. "Come on Trish," Marina said. "We're safe now." She crawled towards the vent door and jumped down. Trisha jumped after her. The room was nearly crowded with large glass boxes lined up in rows. They started looking around for the room for an exit. Trisha wondered into the second row when she was startled by a loud bang. She looked to find a person, banging on the glass. The person had long wavy red hair with blue eyes, clogged with tears. She wore a long white hospital gown that stretched to her knees. She was yelling something, but Trisha couldn't make up the words. She started pressing buttons on the cell's keypad to try and open it. After multiple tries, the door suddenly flung open, causing the girl to topple on Trisha. "Thank you," the girl said. "No problem," Trisha replied. "What's your name?" The girl turned her arm to reveal a grooved tattoo on her wrist-


"Seven?" Trisha asked. "That's your name?" Seven nodded as she stood up. Her legs were shaky. "It's okay," Trisha said as she stood up and slung her arm across Seven's shoulders. "I've got you." Trisha stuck out her foot and took a small step. "See?" she said. "Take small steps, I'll be right here to guide you." Seven slowly stuck out her foot and placed it back on the ground. "There you go!" Trisha bloated. "You can do it!" The two started taking small steps, slowly making their way back to the entrance. Trisha stopped. "Door," Seven said. "Yeah, that is a door," Trisha replied. "But we have to wait for my friend." "Friend?" "Yeah, friend." Trisha glanced behind her to see Marina walking towards her. "Who's this?" she asked, looking at Seven. "Oh, this is Seven," Trisha said. "Interesting," Marina replied. "Now let's get out of here." Marina placed her palm on the knob and opened the door. "Follow me," Marina said. "We're getting closer to Landon." Marina walked out of the room but suddenly stopped. "What's you guys taking so long?" she asked. "Seven can't walk that well," Trisha replied. "So, I wanted to help her." "Why can't we just get her a walking stick?" Trisha stood in the hall, thinking about Marina's question. "Well, I'm not sure ther-" A loud crash, followed by a man's scream interrupted Trisha. Silence waved over the hallways. A shadow suddenly ran out of the room, charging towards them. "Run!" Marina yelled. Marina, Trisha and Seven all turned around and started running down the hall. "Quick in here!" Trisha shouted as they all ran into another room. Once all three were inside, she closed the door and locked it. The room had tables crowding the nearby space along with a door. The door had a single lock on the knob. Marina slowly approached the knob and tried to open it. "The doors locked," she said looking back at Trisha. "Look around to see if we can find it." Trisha slung her arm off Seven and started to look around. A loud bang erupted at the door. Seven approached it, the same shadow from before was trying to enter. Trisha moved some stuff around and found a sliver key. "Marina I found it!" Trisha yelled as she tossed it to her. Marina caught the key and unlocked the door. It slowly opened as she entered. She gasped. Landon was safe. She ran towards him and wrapped her arms around him. Tears stinged her eyes. "I'm so happy to see you," she said, her voice soft and shaky. "I am too," Landon said. "Now let's get out of here." Marina unruffled her arms and unlocked the handcuffs. Landon stood up. A loud raspy shriek. "Marina?" He asked. "What's that?" Marina stood quietly. A shadow suddenly ran into the room, letting out a loud shriek. "Run!" Landon yelled as he and Marina ran out of the room. The shadow followed. Marina stopped when she got to the other room. "Trisha?!" she shouted, "Trisha where are you?!" The shadow ran into the room. It extended its arm and latched onto Marina's neck. She gasped for air, but the shadow's grip was stronger. Her sight became shaky and blurry as her eyes fluttered close. "Marina!" Landon yelled. He ran towards her but was striked to the floor by the shadow. He strained to get back up, as the shadow approached him. Before it could pounce on him., it stopped. Landon looked up to find Seven holding it down with her telekinesis. "No," she growled. She started to tilt her hand to the side until the shadow dissolved. Once the shadow's grip let him loose, Landon sprung to his feet and ran towards Marina. Her body was limp and weak. He heaved her into his lap and softly started crying. "Aw how unfortunate," a voice said. Landon turned around to find Strass, holding Seven in one arm, with a gun to her temple. "A brother loses his sister to a shadow." He chuckled. "Nowhere to run now." Landon stood up; Marina tightly secured in his arms. "You," he said slowly. "You did this to her!" Strass flinched. "Come on now," Strass recalled. "Let's not point fingers here. We all know it's your fault for jeopardizing your sister." Landon looked back at Marina. A wide black hole was carved into her neck. It was his fault. He glanced back at Strass. "Let her go," he demanded. Strass let Seven go as he pointed the gun towards Landon. Strass chuckled. "Now stay still," Strass said with a smile cracking onto his face. "Soon enough, this will all be over." Before he could pull the trigger, Seven knocked the gun out of Strass's hand and threw him outside with her telekinesis. "No," she said. Trisha came running down the hall. "Seven!" She cried as she hugged her. "I'm glad you're okay!" She walked into the room and faced Landon. She glanced at Marina. "What happened?" She asked. "A shadow attacked her," he replied. "Choked her." Trisha buried her mouth behind her hands. "I'm so sorry," she said, muffled by her hands. Landon looked askance. "But I do have something for you," Trisha said as she removed her hands from her mouth. "I've found some guys that were captured here in the lab who can help us." She walked towards the entrance. "Levi! Lindsay! Jamie!" She shouted. "I have someone I'd like you to meet!" Loud crashing footsteps boomed outside as a man walked into the room. He had emerald, green eyes, framed by black glasses. His hair was a short light brown that dimly shined in the light. He wore a white shirt, black jeans and a lab coat that said "STRASS LABORTOIRES." He slowly approached Landon. "Lindsay Oliver," he said. "Pleasure to meet you." "Nice to meet you too," Landon said. Lindsay kneeled down and looked at Marina. "Who's this?" he asked. "That's my sister Marina," Landon replied. "A shadow attacked her." Lindsay stood back up and examed her. He noticed the hole in-graved into her neck. "Oh no," he said. "The shadow attacked her badly." 
