

"can we go clubbing tonight?" i ask Mia

"i mean, sure? but i thought you hated going clubbing"

"i think i need a bit of a drink to get my head off seeing him"

it had been a whole two weeks since i've seen him, and his face is still engraved in my eyes, i haven't dared coming near the town square in case he's there. and now it's the summer and Uni's ended all i think about is him.


jude's pov

"who's that?" Eduardo asks as my phone goes off in the middle of him saying something

"random number, you want to prank call it?" i joke

"sure" he smiles as i put the number on speaker

"judeee??  you there?" i hear the slurry voice and my heart drops

"oh shit" i look up to Eduardo "i need to take this" i gulp as i turn the speaker off and walk into my balcony


"heyy judeeyyy" she slurs

my heart drops, i hadn't heard that nickname in years, she was the only person who called me that

"Chloe you good bro?"

"im fineee"

"what's up"

"i just miss you innititt, i really fucking dooo"

she's drunk

"chloe are you drunk"

"nope i'd never be so silly to get drunk"

the same reply

she always said it when she was drunk

i still remember when she used to drunk dial me when we were back in school, always on Christmas and new years.

i always found it hilarious, but i know how stupid she gets when she's drunk, she can't do something stupid.

"Chloe where are you"

"a club innit"

"which club"

"it's big, like reallyyyy big big and its next to a coffee shop, that's all i know, Mimi brought me"

"don't move Chloe"


"oi Edu?" i say walking back into the living room

"yeah bro you good?"

"do you know a really big night club next to a coffee shop here in Madrid?"

"thats probably casa de fiesta, that's the most famous club in the country"

"well come with me, i need to rescue someone"

"of course"

we get into my car and Edu gives me directions to the club

i put a beanie on and my hood up and we walk right in

i scan the place looking for the girl, and there she was sat at the bar drinking a beer

"judee???" the girl slurs as she sees me

"keep your voice down!" i tell her as i lift the girl into my arms

"oi where are you taking meeee"

"home chloe, home"

"nahhhh i didn't finish my pint"

i turn around and see the bartender yelling

"she hasn't payed yet" Edu tells me

i take my card out of my wallet and tap it on the machine and head off

i place the girl in the backseat of my car and throw her a bottle of water and begin to drive

i see the notification of the charge on my card from my phone

94 euros, damn she must be seriously drunk

"judeeeyyy" she starts laughing

"chloe drink the water"

"you know a guy tried to kiss me, but i slapped the idiot on the face and told him 'you're not fucking jude bellingham'" she slurs sassily

she always got sassy when she's drunk

Edu looks at me confused and i tell him i'll explain later

a couple minutes later of her drunk waffling about how she misses me and stuff that i don't think i'm meant to know about, she falls asleep, or blacks out, i can't tell the difference

we arrive to my house and i carefully lift the girl in my arms, up the stairs and lay her into my bed


"who was that?" Edu asks confused

"my childhood best friend, she fucking hates me"


"long story short, we were basically together when we were 17, and i left to Germany and didn't tell her, and she's hated me ever since, and honestly rightfully so"

"she was literally talking about how much she misses you and how much she likes you in the car, she doesn't hate you" he states, confused

"she was drunk waffling"

"alcohol doesn't make people lie Jude"

i gulp

"do you like her?"

"i fucking love her Edu, and i hate what i did so much"

"well i hope she'll see that very soon" he smiles


crazy chapter bro

but next chapter is even crazier frr

-hanaa <3
