Chapter 10

Mama went into labor but no one wanted to help her. The midwives were calling her a witch. When she came out of the tent asking for me the blocked the path to my tent. They were concerned that she might use magic on me. Its been couple of days since mama been in the tent. Everyone wanted to leave but when I step out of my tent they all looked at me.

" do not leave my mother to defend for herself. She does not know. She wanted to save my father your khal. The maegi tricked mother into thinking she was good. You swore your lives to her. " I said. I may be only three summers old but my father is the khal he taught me how to speak to the khalasar.

20,000 men women and children stayed. Ser Jorah came out of the tent and straight to me. When he was about to pick me .up Cohollo, father bloodrider hissed at him and took out his arkh.

" the khalakki will not go with you. You brought magic into our horde and took our Khal away. You will not take his daughter." Cohollo said pointing his arkh to ser Jorah. Then ser Jorah pulled his blade out and Cohollo pushed me away and into the arms of Rakharo and Irri. There was a battle soon Ser Jorah sliced through Cohollo and killed him. Rakharo stood In front of me and Irri and I tool that time to run to the only place I could think of.

My father.

Apparently he is not dead that is what the maegi says. I went and laid right next to him. I put his arm around me and fell asleep. When I open my eyes I was in a field that had many horses and dothraki sitting on them. One of them ran to me, I couldn't make who the person was. But as they got closer I realiezed it was a woman. When she got near me she jumped off her horse and walk to me.

" who are you" I asked curiously

She just laughed and said " you are so much like your father. Sweetling I am your mother." She got down on her knees so I look at her.

but I already have a mama. I thought. ( please remember she is barely three years old) " haha I am your birth mother. I have watched over you ever since I died. It is okay that you think your father new wife is your mother I do not mind"

Suddnely I felt a presence behind me and I turned around and saw daddy holding a baby. I smiled and he knelt down so I could see my brother. Daddy finally looked at the woman behind me.

"Nefertari" he said. " you are as beautiful as the day you where killed. Neytiri this is your mother. She killed a khal that killer her." Suddenly daddy horse appear and I look at him

" will I ever see again. I don't want you to leave daddy." I said and he picked me up with one hand and held me close to him.

" we will see each other one day. But before that day comes. You will be a khaleesi with a khal. You will rule a khalasar. Along with Daenerys, you will do great things. Now it is time to open your eyes my Khalakki." He said

I closed my eyes for a second and when I open them again I see mama sitting beside me.

When she saw me open my eyes she hugged me." Oh thank the gods when I found you I thought you were gone to. You will never be touch by magic." She said she picks me up and takes me outside. I saw daddy on a pyre and I feel sad. Daenerys hands me to Irri. I guess my handmaiden and blood riders left because of the magic they feared.

Mama lite the pyre and then walked inside it. I tried to get out of Irri arms but Rakharo just grabbed and hold on to me. Soon we fell asleep. Waiting for morning to come.
