
"Elizabeth and Patrick Verona I see we're making our visits a weekly ritual." Ms. Perky says as we walk into her office

"Only so we can have these moments together. Should I hit the lights?" My idiot brother questions making me hit him on the head

"Fucking gross." I groan

"Says here you exposed yourself in the cafeteria, and Elizabeth you threw your lunch on someones head" Perky says

"He was being a sexist jerk!" I defend and she looks at Patrick for an explanation

"I was joking with the lunch lady, it was a bratwurst." he explains

"Bratwurst, aren't we the optimist" I turn to look at Patrick with a face of confusion, him making the same face "Next time, keep it in your pouch okay? and Elizabeth keep your food on your tray. SCOOT!" We turn around and walk out

"Weird one that lady" I scoff


Me and Pat rush into class "What did we miss?" He questions making Kat sigh

"The oppressive patriarch values that dictate our education." She answers

"Good." He says rushing out of the class and I go to do the same

"Hey, Hey! Sit down Verona." Mr morgan shouts so I roll my eyes and take my seat

"Mr. Morgan is there any chance we can get Kat to take her Midol, before she comes to class" Joey interuppts making the class laugh so I throw a pencil at him

"Watch it jerk" I warn making eye contact with Kat

"someday your gonna get bitch slapped and im not gonna do a thing to stop it and Kat, I wanna thank you for your point of view I know how difficult it must be for you to overcome all those years of upper middle class suburban oppression. Must be tough, but the next time you storm the PTA crusading for better lunch meat or whatever it is you white girls complain about. Ask them why they cant buy a book written by a black man!" Mr Morgan says

"That's right mon!" Two boys interject

"Dont even get me started on you two." he warns

"Anything else?" Kat questions

"Yeah go to the office, you're pissing me off." He says gesturing to the door

"What? Mr morgan-"Later!" he interuppts making Kat gather her stuff and going to leave

"See you around Stratford." I salute and get up out my seat and walk out of class

The rest of the day I spent going to class and doing stupid shit with my friends and right now im sitting near the football field smoking a cigarette with my brother and his friends when Joey comes up with his friend

"Hey, how ya doin?" He asks and we ignore him "I ate some great duck last night" he comments so we finally look at him

"Do I know you?" Patrick asks

"You see that girl?" He points over to Kat "Thats Kat Stratford and I want you to go out with her" Joey states making me snort

"Yeah sure Sparky." My brother says looking st me and his friends

"Look. I can't take out her sister until Kat starts dating. You see their dad's whacked out, he's got this rule where the girls are." he begins explaining before he gets cut off

"Thats a touching story it really is. Not my problem"

"Would you be willing to make it your problem if I provide generous compensation?" Joey questions making my head snap in his direction

Patrick scoffs "You're gonna pay me to take out some chick?" he asks making joey smile and nod

"Listen dickhead he's not doing it, so run along." I spit

"Dont listen to her. How much?" says Patrick making me smack him

"20 bucks." Joey offers and we look to see Kat tackle a girl "Fine 30."

"Well let's think about this, we go to the movies. Thats 15 bucks, Uh we get popcorn that 53. And she'll want raisinets right? So uh we're looking at 75 bucks." Patrick explains

"This isn't a negotiation. Take it or leave it trailer park." Joey replies

"50 bucks and we got a deal. Fabio." He states and Joey hands him a fifty and walking off

"No way you're doing that bullshit Pat. Getting paid to take out Kat Stratford. You're a real shithead." I say snatching the 50 and walking off.
