Birth of new God and Goddess

Krishna shouted, 'Karna, I think now it's time for you to know the second part of the prophecy. The time has come, when the God of Dharmyudh and Goddess of Balance will accept their Divinity. Now only you two can save the universe.'

Karna, 'Pravu please tell me how can I save everyone.'

Krishna, 'There was a second part of the prophecy. In absence of Suryadev a person, who is mortal and a Dev, who has something evil but pure, who has both sins and purity within himself, who has Surya's radiance, Sangya's strength and Chaya's loyalty and is an Ardhang of a woman who did not born from a father or a mother is going to be the one who can sit on Lord Surya's place and spread his holy light to every corner of the world, only then the Devs and all positive energies will come back. Only that person and the Swyamvu woman will not be affected by the eclipse. But both the man and woman shall have the power from birth not acquired by tapasya. Karna it was all predestined, that's why your mother wanted to have a son with similar power like Suryadev. She went for Tapasya to get a son with strength, purity, loyalty and balance. Otherwise you will just be a normal dev. While Avni you are Swyambhu, you had born from Devi Prithvi's power without a father or mother. Both of you are each other's strength and unknowingly Avni you became Karna's shield during this time. So now both of you shall bring your divine powers and became the Dev and Devi you are destined to be.'

Both Karna and Avni closed their eyes. They concentrated to summon their inner powers. While the entire atmosphere was in disarray. The volcanoes erupted, an earthquake shook the entire Aryavart. Even Kailash also started shaking. Both Mahadev and Devi Parvati used their Yogic power to stabilize Kailash and the surroundings. In Brahmmalok, all sages including Saptarshis realized that all their sacred knowledge was fading from their minds. 

On earth, Dwarka was shaking very badly. Everyone realized that it was the end. Suddenly they saw a bright light which was so intense that everyone closed their eyes. After some time they opened their eyes and saw two bright lights, one was golden like rays of sun and other was blue like the ocean were present side by side on the roof of the palace. Then the lights dimmed and they saw two divine persons standing there. Their aura radiates immense strength and purity. The Dwarka and Hastinapur Royals watched them in awe and then realized that they were none other than Karna and Avni but in a completely different look. 

Karna stood there with a bright golden aura around him. If someone said that he was handsome before but now there was nothing to compare his look. On one hand he looked like a strong, powerful Dev whose aura could only be matched with Tridevs in their eternal form while he also had a calm and gentle aura which gave everyone a sense of peace and safety. He wore a red Dhoti with Golden Angvastra. He had a crown with nine gems engraved on it and his entire body was covered with gold jewelleries. He was taller like the Devs with dark hairs and big lotus-shaped amber-colored eyes. His well build body could put any warrior into shame.

Avni was no less than him. Her aura and beauty could only be compared with the Tridevis. There was a strong but controlled aura around her as if she was controlling immense strength in her. She wore blue and green drees with gold jewelleries. She also had a crown with seven blue stones (representing the seas), numerous pearls (representing the rivers and water bodies), many green emeralds (representing forests) and had numerous other gemstones. Her long hairs are darker than the night sky itself while the color of her eyes were brown. 

Seeing them Krishna cried, 'All hail to Surya- Sangya putra Dev Vasusen, the God of war. All hail to the God of Balancer of Navgrahas. Praise the Yuvraj of Suryalok, savior of the universe, Avnibhallav Dev Adhavan.'

They also cried, 'All hail to Prithvikumari Devi Avantika, the goddess of Balance and control. All hail to the Goddess of protection. Praise the Yuvrani of Suryalok, savior of the universe, Vasusen Patni Devi Vrushali, who gives happiness to all.'

Everyone except Hastinapur Royals and Drupad cheered. The people of Hastinapur were shocked beyond expectations. Adhirath, Radha, Sarthak and Renu all knew that their kids were divine but seeing them in their eternal form shocked them today. While all Kuru elders knew their true identity but seeing two powerful God and Goddess in front of them gave them Goosebumps. Drona was scared thinking that he always insulted Karna and Avni but today he realized that for that sin he might be sent to Hell in his afterlife. Bheesm felt proud that in his Kul one of the most powerful Dev had been born.   Duryodhana and Bhanumati could not believe that they were looking at the same two persons who were their friends and brother/sister. They remembered how Karn and Avni played with them, jocked with them or help them with their work. Kunti felt immense pain as this was the boy whom she abandoned but he was a Dev now. Pandavas and Draupadi were in the most difficult situation. They respected Karna-Avni after their help but they had no idea that their Jyasht and Bhabishri were not only Dev/Devi putra/putri but actual God and Goddess themselves. Drupad realized what mistake he had made on the Draupadi's Swyamvar. Draupadi was also a Swyambhu, she could also be the Goddess like Avantika but because of his wrong parenting and Draupadi's ego, she had lost the opportunity not only to get divine power but also to be the wife of Dev Vasusen and become the Yuvrani of Suryalok. If he could reverse the time, he would gladly give Draupadi's hand to Karna and kick that useless Arjun out from Swyambar. In fact which husband could accept to share his wife with four other men and stayed silent when his wife was staked on Dyut? But alas, nothing could be done now.  

Then Karna smiled and said, "Pravu thank you for helping us in knowing our own power. Don't worry we will stop this disaster.' 

Avni looked at Krishna and said, 'Pravu, we are going to Suryalok. Please don't allow anyone to go out of Dwarka until you see Sunrays.'

Then they hold each other's hands and vanished.


When Karna and Avni reached Suryalok, they saw that the ever vibrant Suryalok was completely dark and gloomy. They entered inside.

Seeing the condition Karna panicked, 'Mata, Chayama, Bhrata Nasatya, Dasra, where are you?'

They heard someone groaned in pain from inside. They rushed and saw both Sangya and chaya were injured and laid on the floor. Seeing their conditions Karna was enraged, 'Ma, Chayama, who did this? Is it Bhayankarasur, Where is Pitashri? I am not going to leave that bloody Asur.'

Avni, 'Arya please calm down. We need to help Matas first.'

They rushed to them and helped them to sit on a bed. Karna also found his two Ashwini brothers as well as his sisters Yamuna and Tapi, who were also injured badly.

Karna asked, 'Mata how did this happen? What about the protective shield?'

Sangya cried, 'Son, the Asurs had made a dangerous conspiracy.'


Suryadev, Devi Sangya, Chaya,and Ashwinikumars along with Arun were sitting inside the shield. Suddenly they heard a commotion and realized that Asurs attacked Suryalok but they were safe inside the shield. But when the Asurs came in they were stunned to see both Devi Yamuna and Tapi as their captives.

Bhayankarasur smiled, 'Suryadev, you made the shield to protect around yourself but what about your daughters.'

Suryadev roared, 'You monster, leave my daughters. My daughter Yamuna is the wife of Lord Vishnu himself. He will send you to hell for these.'

Bhayankarasur, 'ha ha, Vishnu himself is so weak that he did not even realize that we kidnap his wife. This eclipse had destroyed all positive energies. If you want to save your daughters then come out. We just need you not your family.' 

Suryadev reluctantly came out as he was a father and he could not risk his beloved daughters' life. Devi Yamuna cried, 'Father please don't come out. The entire universe needs you.'

Tapi, 'Yes father, please don't worry about us. But don't surrender yourself. The entire universe will be destroyed.'

But Suryadev was a father and no father could see his daughters in danger. He knew if he came out of the shield then he could be captured as he could not fight with Bhayankarasur. Only a person who by birth was not a complete mortal not a complete Dev and who had all weapons of Tridevs could fight with this Asur,  but still he tried. But Bhyankarasur overpowered him and imprisoned him.

Suryadev screamed in frustration, 'Asurraj, you may make me your prisoner but don't forget about the second part of the prophecy.'

Bhyankarasur, 'Ha one can fulfill that part. You are the only Surya and there is none other who had the same radiance or strength as you. All your children are different from you. So now no one can defeat me.' Then he took Suryadev with him. He also kidnapped Arun as only he could be the charioteer of Suryadev.

flashback ended

Karna roared in rage, 'That monster, how dare he touch my family?'

His roar shook the universe more. Avni calmed him down and said, 'Arya please now it's time to bring sunlight back. We can fight with Bhyankarasur later.'

 Karna, 'I can mount on my father's chariot but who will be the charioteer. As without him, I cannot give light to everyone. That's why Bhayankarasur kidnapped Arun kakashree as well.'

Sangya, 'Son, apart from Arun, Arya's chariot can only be pulled by a person whose devotion is as strong as Himalaya itself. A Bhakt whose Bhakti is equal to God himself. He shall be as strong as Vajra and as fast as Pavandev himself.'

Karna smiled, 'In that case, I have a perfect person in mind.'

Then he closed his eyes and call Devarshi Narad.

Devarshi Narad also was losing his divine power but suddenly he felt a pull towards Suryalok. Unknown energy engulfed him and then he found himself standing on Suryalok's palace. He saw Sangya, Chaya, Ashwinikumas, Yamuna, Tapi along with both Dev Vasusen and Devi Avantika.

Narad, 'Pranipat Devio, Ashwinikumaro, Pranipat Dev Vasusen, Devi Avantika. It's my pleasure to see you.'

Avantika, 'The pleasure is all ours Devarshi. But we need your help.'

Karna, 'Devarshi, please go and call Bhrata Pavanputra. At this moment we need all the forces to fight against Bhyankarasur. I am giving to a part of my energy so that you can use your power to go to RamVatika. Give him some part of our energy, as well as now everyone, is affected by the eclipse. Ask him to come to Suryalok as soon as possible.'

Narad, 'Sure Putra Vasusen.'

Both Karna and Avni formed a ball of energy and gave it to Narad. He took it and rushed towards Ramvatike there residing place of Lord Hanuman.

Lord Hanuman was meditating. Devarshi came and informed him and he also rushed to Suryalok along with Devarshi Narad. Seeing him Vasusen told him the entire situation and said, 'Pravu Maruti, now you are our only hope. Please help me to give sunlight to everyone. I know I am committing a great sin by asking the Avatar of Shiv himself to be my charioteer. But I am helpless today.'

Lord Hanuman, 'Son, it will be my pleasure to help you. No work in this world is small my dear. For everyone's sake, I will be your charioteer gladly.'

Karna asked Avni to take care of Suryalok and his family. He also asked Avni to use her power to get Navgrahas back to their positions. Avantika sat in a lotus position and invoked her inner strength to balance everything. Karna also mounted on the chariot while Lord Hanuman sat on Arun's place. Karna raised his inner strength and his radiance increased. he himself changed himself into the sun as he was the part of Suryadev himself. Entire Suryalok again filled with bright light. Then he requested Lord hanuman to start the chariot and took it to the same path as his father took everyday. Lord Hanuman once traveled with Suryadev's Chariot to get knowledge from him. So he knew the path and took the chariot.


Bhyankarasur was celebrating. Now both Suryadev and Arun were his prisoners. The entire Universe was imbalanced. He knew that soon all Devs along with Tridevs would request him to save the universe. Then he would demand to be the supreme ruler of all the Lokes. He would be more powerful than tridevs as there was no positive energy now. All the Asurs were also happy except Guru Shukracharya. he knew that there was another person who could complete the second part of the prophecy and be the sun himself. But this stupid Asurraj would never hear anything and due to his promise to Mahadev, Shukracharya could not say anything to him now. Seeing Shukracharya tensed Bhayankarasur said, ' No person can fulfill the condition Gurudev. So just relax. No new Dev has been born. So now no one can save Suryadev or the entire universe from me.'

Suddenly Trilok were engulfed with pure sunlight. As if Surydev himself came out in his chariot. All the positive energies slowly again got back their strength. All the places that were in turmoil, again retained back their balance. The Asurs realized that Navgarhas were again back to their positions.

Bhyankarasur screamed, ' is this possible? Suryadev is my prisoner. Then who is giving sunlight.'

Adrishyasur, his spy rushed in, 'Pravu a new Dev is sitting on Surydev's chariot and giving sunlight. The chariot is pulled by Rambhakt Hanuman himself.'

Bhyankarasur, 'No it is impossible.'

Adrishyasur, 'Yes Pravu, everyone is saying that he is the youngest son of Suryadev.'

Bhyankarasur, 'But no other son of Suryadev has his power. Then how did he manage to be like the sun?'

Shukracharya roared, 'Bhyankarasur, you fool. He is not just Lord Suryadev's son, he is part of the sun himself.'

Next - upcoming Mahayudh

Hi all, 

Thanks for reading my book and supporting it. I did not find any proper picture for Karna and Avni as God and Goddess. If you have anything in mind please send me, I will use it here. And Thanks to our beloved writer _Historywriter_ who made a perfect cover for my book Karna the legendary ruler. I will use it when I will upload my new episode. Stay tuned.
