Chapter 9 ~ The Dark Clouds Above

Aadrika's pov

These few days were quite productive. I had the chance to meet the kingdom, introduced myself to the royal court and sent out some letters to Dwarka and Manipur. I just wanted my family to know that I am settling in. The palace was still a bit confusing, but everyone in the palace constantly helped me. I was still a bit annoyed at Angraj for leaving so abruptly, but a part of me was still trying to reason on his behalf. Maybe there was an emergency....Maybe Rajkumar Duryodhan truly needed him?
With that thought in mind, I moved towards my chamber. I wanted to change into my nightwear. The heavy jewelery and dress wore me off. Before I could even enter my chamber, I saw the mahamantri run towards me. I knew there must be some emergency but I didn't expect this.
"Maharani, we are under attack."

I sat in the office, conducting a discussion, with a few of the ministers that I had asked to join. Three kingdoms have altogether declared war on us. They have given us three days to prepare or surrender. We had already sent letters to Gandhar and Hastinapur, knowing that these are two most powerful allies of ours. "I find it quite strange, that they were so generous in giving us time to prepare",one of the ministers said. I frown and say,"Its almost as if they knew that it would take Angraj or any of our allies atleast 5 days to reach us". I understood the ploy, since I am new here, my commands or request would bear less significance and with Angraj's absence the kingdom would lack strength. Even a fool could see the vulnerable position we are in right now. The thought of Angraj made my blood boil, now that we are in this mess his reasons would just look like a lame excuse! I stop myself from thinking about him at the moment, and try to solve the problem at hand. It was obvious that they had an insight on Angraj's location and activities, meaning Angraj had a foe in disguise. They already know that any help would take time to reach us, which ultimately force us to surrender.
"Maharani, I think should follow our battle strategy, Maharaj has previously won wars with the same",another minister spoke up.
I shook my head," The Maharaj is not present here. We have to take that into consideration as well. And out of the three kingdoms, Anga has already won a war against one, so it is possible that they have prepared against the strategy. We need a new plan, a different approach, one they would never expect. Mahamantri Arvind, please ask the Army General and next in-command to join us as well. We have three days and we need to form a plan tonight!"
As we were discussing the possibilities, we recieved a messenger from the enemies on our land. It was short and precise, enough to make everyone burn in fury.
"Make the Queen surrender if you wish to prevent the bloodshed"
I chuckled, throwing the message in the fireplace. Looks like I now have a war to participate in!
The plan was finalised, the army was divided in seven groups, and then assigned a task. Since each kingdom has their own strengths and weakness, the different groups would help tackle them with ease. I would be leading the seventh group towards the army of Kosala, for they had the biggest army. When I first introduced the idea, everyone declined it for they didn't want the Queen to be a part of the war. Though their concern was fair, the matter at hand is a serious one as well. If we want to come out of this victorious, this would be the only way.
As we were about retire to our chambers, I was met by a group of women outside my chamber. "Maharani, you can't take part in this war. If you get hurt, how will we forgive ourselves? They are already asking for you to surrender, why are you willingly going out near them?",they asked. I smiled and tried to assure them,"I know that I am a mew member to this kingdom, but please trust me on this. I have fought wars alongside my brothers, and never once did we back down from a challenge. Besides, isn't it a matter of pride if a warrior dies protectimg their loved ones? I have taken the oath to protect the kingdom, when I took over as the Queen, and I intend to keep my promise. The fact that I will go on the battlefield changes nothing, I will be leaving the palace gates as a warrior so please treat me like one!"
We waited for the second day before sending our reply. I was informed that our message had reached Hastinapur, but we didn't get a reply. As both sides prepare for war, I hung on to the possibility that some help might reach us, but not anymore. If we win, I would force Angraj to re-evaluate all of his friendship and allies, for it was one of them that landed us in this pit. I myself would have to be more careful with my letters and messages for there is a high possibility of interception.
As the bugels were blown all around, the armies took their position. As I took my position, I prayed to Mahadev to give me the strength to protect the people of my kingdom. I also asked Narayan to protect the innocent, no matter which side they stand on.
It was time, the war had begun.
Karna's pov

As we were about to end our trip, I saw one of the messengers enter the lands of Gandhar. It made me a little worried, so I called him directly. The messenger frantically explained the situation to me, as I couldn't do anythig but listen. My Kingdom was in danger. My wife was in danger. I felt my insides burn with fury when I heard about their condition for peace. Without a second glance, I took off on my horse, knowing that Rajkumar Duryodhan would follow after hearing the news. As I raced back to Anga, I prayed for Aadrika's safety.

Third person pov

The sun was about to set, marking the end of the second day of the war. Two kings had already surrendered but the King of Kosala fought back. Soon, he too was disarmed by the Queen and surrendered. She asked the warriors to bring the three of them to the palace, and take away half of their kingdoms. Aadrika turned towards her army, to give them their next order, but in the very next moment she felt two arrows pierce her skin. No one had expected the King to stoop this low, to use an arrow laced with poison, right after surrendering himself. Everyone remained frozen in their place, as if any movement would hurt her again. Everything started getting blurry as she tried to mount her horse. The Chief of the Army took her back to the palace safely and immediately ordered for medical support. When the Kingdom heard of Anga's victory they rejoiced,but it was silenced with the news of the attack on their Queen. On seeing the arrows lodged in Aadrika's body, cries were heard throughout the land.
The mahamantri paced impatiently outside the Queen's chamber. It had been a few hours since their return but Rajvaidya was still tending to her wounds. As he came outside, everyone gathered around silently, eager to hear some good news regarding Aadrika's health. Since her arrival,she has spent most of her time with the people, making them quite fond of her. The Rajvaidya, with a grave expression, revealed his diagnosis,"The Maharani's condition is very serious right now. The poison seems to have spread a little which is why she is still unconscious. I have given her an antidote but we won't know anything for sure until she wakes up......that is...IF she wakes up!"

Karna's pov
When I entered Anga, there was an uncomfortable silence, almost deadening. Something was wrong for sure. I saw a huge crowd just sitting outside the palace, in total silence. They all were in a bad condition, not physically but maybe mentally. I rushed inside to find someone who could fill me up on everything. I found the mahamantri walking towards and I asked him," Arvind, What happened? Did they agree on a peace treaty? What happened while I was away?" He looked at me, with uncertainty, as if he was struggling to form a sentence,"Maharaj, Maharani Aadrika decided on a different war strategy and we won the war." I was surprised, yet proud. My wife was truly a praise-worthy warrior, I will congratulate her and ask her to share the strategies. Maybe I should ask her to join the council. Maybe.... "Maharaj, there is something else",Arvind interrupted my thoughts. I nodded, asking him to continue. "After Maharani disarmed the king of Kosala, he surrendered to her,but as she turned towards us, he shot two arrows at her. The arrows were laced with poison, which reached her blood. The rajvaidya administered an antidote but said that we can't be sure until she wakes up. Maharaj she has been unconscious for the past two days!", he finished grimly. It took me a few seconds to register his words and the meaning behind it. I shouldn't have left her alone here, right after our marriage. She had to fight against three kingdoms, alone....... she is unconscious right now........poison......two days.....
A wave of guilt and pain hit me, as I stood outside her chamber. I wanted to go inside, but I just didn't know if I could look at her. People from Hastinapur arrived, including Shakuni, Gangaputra Bhishm and Mahamantri Vidur. Mitra Duryodhan tried consoling me by saying that this was not my fault, but deep down I knew that it was. I should have talked to her, instead of letting other's words get to me. Mata and Pitashree must have heard about it as well, for they are here. Mata is keeping a fast till she wakes up, constantly praying to Narayan.

It was as if Narayan had listened to Mata's prayers, for she woke up the very next day. Though she was weak, it was still a good sign that she was responding well according to the doctor. I was quite eager to meet her, so I proceeded towards her chamber once the Rajvaidya allowed us. Immediately I was stopped by the guards outside her chamber, but they allowed Mata and Pitashree. Duryodhan yelled at the guards, but they didn't budge. "Maharaj, Mahrani has ordered us to only allow your parents to enter, she said that she would meet everyone else in the court in a few minutes." We were all shocked, she had just woken up, what did she want to discuss?

The entire court was silent, still in a haze when Aadrika entered. If I wasn't feeling guilty enough, my heart shattered at the sight of her. She had bandages across her abdomen and neck. Her skin was quite pale and filled with fresh wounds. She still had a powerful aura but her body looked fragile. She sat on the throne, leaving some space for me, I stood near her but couldn't bring myself next to her as I was worried I might accidentally hurt her. Gangaputra Bhishm was the one to break the silence," Putri, what is this meeting about? You should have taken some rest before resuming the royal duties." Everyone was worried, she might fall in the next moment. "The matter at hand is quite serious, and we need to discuss it as soon as possible.",she said. Everyone kept quiet, waiting for her to address the issue. "Recently three kingdoms declared war on us altogether. Unfortunately, our king was not present because he was busy with his leisure activities. Since it was a matter of emergency, we turned towards our strongest allies, one of which was Hastinapur. I was informed that no action was taken when the message was received and I want to know why? Considering Angraj and Rajkumar Duryodhan's friendship, I assumed Hastinapur would be the most eager to lend us a helping hand. I was also told that Gandhar Naresh himself was present in Hastinapur, and I would like to ask the same question to him. I understand the distance between kingdoms is one of the major issues, but that does not explain why no action was taken at all. Hastinapur's army could have reached us by the afternoon of the final day and we could have ended the fight easily. This is the reason why I invited you all here, because I want to know why, in the hour of need, we were left alone with no place to turn to.", she snapped. Everyone was stunned for no one expected the Queen to be this blunt. I winced every time she threw a remark my way. Even Gangaputra Bhishm was silent. I was curious too, because I didn't know that Hastinapur stayed silent to Anga's messages. Gandhar Naresh spoke, walking towards Aadrika with his sly smile," Maharani Aadrika, I think the poison has affected your thinking. Hastinapur and Gandhar are Anga's top allies and will always be. You cannot question our actions for you haven't been here long enough., You obviously don't know politics well, which is why I'd like to give you a personal advice, a sour relation with Gandhar and Hastinapur wouldn't be good for Manipur. We know how to strike where it hurts, child!"
This has gone too far now, I need to stop this before..."Well Gandhar Naresh, I don't think you know much about Manipur but we too know how to be the perfect enemy. And if you do strike my maiden home, please expect a retort not just from Manipur but Dwarka as well !", Aadrika chuckled darkly. Her open challenge still hanging in the air, made everyone uncomfortable. I saw Duryodhan fume with anger,"How dare you threaten us. Why would Dwarka defend you? If you want to talk, then tell us what sort of relationship do you share with that dwarkadheesh Krishna. I knew my friend shouldn't have married a characterless woman like you. You apologise before...." "DURYODHAN!!!!" Mitra was cut off but a voice that boomed through the hall. We all turned around to see Krishna and Balram, standing there with all the princes of Manipur. Every single one of them looked furious except for Krishna, who looked disappointed. Everyone present in the court paled, especially Duryodhan, for no one wanted to take the wrath of the mighty Balrama. "How dare you talk about sister like that. If you weren't my student I would have personally cut off your tongue. And if there is any doubt,let me clear it for everyone. Aadrika is right, I would fight against anyone on her single command. Because she is my sister and I don't care if we don't share the same blood. Our bond is much pious than that.", he yelled at all of us. Aadrika smiled and walked towards them,"Come Bhrata, I have raised the question, I am sure Angraj will eventually extract the answer,that is....if he cares at all.",She is yet to talk directly to me and it hurts.
As I finally reached her chamber, I found her laughing, while trying to console her furious brothers. All humour vanished, as soon as she saw me coming towards them. The Yuvraaj, along side both the members of Dwarka stood up and walked towards me. Balram clenched his fists, yet asked calmly," Do you remember your oath Angraj?" I nod, feeling worse by the second. "Then why were you not present when she was in danger? How can you leave your newly wedded wife the moment you enter your kingdom? Why were you silent when YOUR FRIEND was questioning the character of YOUR WIFE ? Answer me before I lose my patience again Angraj Karna!", he seethed. I was silent for I had no answer. The youngest prince stood up and grabbed Aadrika's wrist,"We have been disrespected enough. Let's go Ira. We will not stay on this land any longer !"

Hope you enjoy the update, thankyou for reading. <3

PS: Sorry if there are any errors, I'll correct them later.
