Moving towards the happiness

At Kalinga
Bhanumati is sitting on her throne beside her father, infront of her all the suitors are sitting on the throne assigned to them. It was one of the biggest day of her life, the day when she is going to choose her life partner with whom she will spend her rest of the life and she know who she is going to choose. She looked at him, royalty dripping from his every part, sitting with the posture full of confidence and a broad chest and a smile adoring his handsome face, he is non other than the king of magadha👑 son of a great warrior dhritarashtra and a great devotee of mahadev gandhaari, the mace fighter duryodhana and her dury. As she was looking at him just then there eyes met and the whole world stop there, her eyes showed how nervous she was whereas his eyes showed the assurance that he is there for her. Just then the king of Kalinga welcomed all the guests and the suitors who had came for her daughter's hand. He announced that it is totally upon her daughter bhanumati who she wants to marry and this is what bhanumati likes about her father, usually when syammvar happens a girl has already been told by her family whom to choose for political alliances or a contest is happened to make sure whoever wins will be powerful but her father is different he respects her wish. Now it is her turn to stand up and put the garland to the one she wishes to be her husband.
She walked regally and stand in front of every suitor and listened about him from the maid standing behind her and humbly walked forward as if trying not to disrespect anyone. Now she came in front of duryodhana who is looking at her with love in his eyes not only love there was something else too sincerity, respect and determination.
After the maid has completed his introduction, this time she didn't moved . Everyone was looking at her and making assumptions but her eyes were only for him from the start only, till now she hasn't looked at any of her suitors. She took a step towards him and said.

Bhanu: what is the definition of love according to you, my king?
Suyo: ( with a smile) love is an understanding between the two people that how they get to know about the other one without the transfer of words between them, it is the trust they have among them , even when every thing is pointing the the other one is wrong still the patience of listening to the other without making any assumptions and believing the false rumours. No one is perfect still when you accept them with all of there faults that is the love according to me, my queen 👑.

Without thinking anything else bhanu put the garland in suyo's neck. Flowers 🌹 were showered on the new couple and most happiest one was karna, after all it was his friend's marriage tomorrow and his too. He looked at vrushali and found her looking at him too. Both didn't said anything but their eyes said everything. Now all the four of them ( karna, suyo , bhanu , vrushu) were looking forward for the next day where finally they will get United with their partners. Only if they knew what storm the next day is going to bring in their life. It was decided that marriage will happen in magadha as per the wishes of the people of magadha as their king is finally going to marry and the people of magadha loved karna and suyo. Hastinapur's family has already reached in magadha and suyo and Karna with bhanu and vrushali has also started their journey.

The journey was silent with the cool breeze soothing them all. It was a comfortable silence, all of them enjoying each other's company while thinking about tomorrow.

In the cave
Riya was continuously chanting om namah shivay collecting all her inner power to use it at once. It is dangerous for her and she knows that very well. She knows that if she used her all the powers at once just to get free from these magical chains she might die within one or two days as her body is too weak to lose some more power at once. But it doesn't matters to her after all she is going to die on her 25th birthday which is just few months, that is all that she thinks. She has no hope left for herself but she does hope for a better future for her sister and her best friend also her first love. She smiled while thinking about his innocent face while they were young. The childhood which she shared with him was the best part of her life. Both of them were there to support each other only he was the one to whom she could share anything and could cry while keeping her head on his shoulder. For her sister and the world she was the strongest, Fierce who isn't scared of anyone but only he has seen the real her. Now she is determined to protect her cute baby sister and him, it doesn't matter what consequences she will face but she will definitely not let any harm fall on them. Tomorrow is a big day that is all what she thought and started exploring even the little power left within her.

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- Dream_to_eternity

[Note: only one or maximum two chapters are left for the story to be completed thanks to all of you who really appreciated my work and patiently waited for my updates. I know my updates weren't that fast and I'm really sorry for that. The next update will also take some time as my schedule is really tight. Once again thank you for your understanding and support. And do share your valuable opinions about the story. Love you guys 🥰. Bye bye]
