6) If I were you.

My blabbering mind stop functioning x
Omg I almost abandoned this fic, I've busy creating other fics privately and busy being a busy bee.

I'll be uploading similar fic, it's like a backstory of this story but I would be publishing it once I'm halfway done here.


As you sit comfortably in the cozy dormitory with your cat, Koko, you feel the soft fabric of the oversized shirt and pants against your skin. The warmth of the room and the loving presence of your feline companion provide a sense of relaxation that makes it easy to slip into a state of contentment

It was not your clothes and it was not your Dormitory, they just forced you to stay here and here only as they just sneaked you here.

They're all gone, and you were the only one here with your cat. The atmosphere was so quiet that it was almost oppressive, with not even a whisper of sound to break the deafening silence. The only thing that could be heard was the slight beating of your own heart against your chest and the purr of your cat, as if it were the only thing alive in the entire area. The quietness hung in the air like a heavy blanket, choking out any trace of life. "Everything are oddly quiet..."


"Let her stay here first, she has to be hidden first since I won't be able to take care of things for awhile." Gojo casually speak to the three that is standing Infront of him with different expression.

"But why my room out of all? And my clothes? Seriously?" Fushiguro deadpanned as his teacher only offer a cheeky grin, Nobara wanted you on her dorm but Gojo insisted here. You were casually layed on the floor and has ropes wrapped around along with your cat as If they plan to grill her.

Now you're all alone here, the three got sent to a mission. And who knows when will they come back

Gojo warned you to not go out yet and you might get seen, but why would you be worried about that when you can kill them?

But it does not actually mean you are planning to, who knows and maybe you would be chased down by the mop sensei.

Groaning for a bit and sitting more comfortably on the floor and your cat now long gone from your body. "Please don't dookie anywhere here!"
With such a low energy to speak you flop on the ground.


The blindfolded man sat in front of another man who was very serious in sewing a puppet.

"You accommodated a curse user here." Mr. Yaga conveyed with a firm voice while gazing at Gojo. Gojo merely chuckled as a response, taking a seat to relax himself. "I predict that she will ultimately become curse user, which is why I brought her here to remedy this issue," Gojo clarified as the person before him became increasingly irritated, due to his solution. "She's probably a ruthless one but she got a spot for Itadori-kun." He wiggle his finger as Mr.Yaga look so done to him. "Sukuna's vessel? What's the connect?"

"She divulged some pertinent information to Itadori. Utilizing Itadori to persuade her to remain in the area and become content with her environment will likely prevent additional headaches and difficulties. She is naive concerning the intricacies of curse users, but she is not hesitant to inflict harm and even kill those who impede her course of action or aggravate and upset her. Furthermore, her Curse energy reveals much about her, and permitting her to depart from our side would undoubtedly constitute a great loss. " Gojo continued to elaborate, and Mr. Yaga listened intently. "And about to her cat, she put a cursed energy inside it. She's probably planning something about the cat that we don't know but considering how I know a few of her trait now. She has a twisting plan for it."

"Irrespective of your assertions, if the higher-ups discover this, they will assuredly condemn our actions and demand that she be executed," Yaga retorted, finishing the stitching of the puppet he had been constructing. Gojo continued to sport his smile and smirk throughout the conversation. He confidently stated, "No matter how much they protest, they would definitely not be able to stand a chance against me."

Yaga only sigh and rub his temple to his old student. "Where is she now?"

"At Megumi's room, she will definitely try to escape sooner or later even though I tried to scare her."

Yaga gave Gojo a serious glance before speaking up. "Be certain that you are aware of what you are involving yourself in," he solemnly warned, projecting a sense of wisdom as he issued Gojo his advice. Gojo, however, responded with a bitter laugh and a dismissive tone. "I am fully knowledgeable about my actions and their outcomes. And this previously occurred many years ago. Please let it go," he replied in a bitter-sounding voice, as he got up from his seat.

"She's not like the person you're talking about, rest assured."


"Oh shi-! My hand is stuck!" As you struggled to extract your hand from the unknown hole, you became exasperated and, as a result of your frustrations, you utilized your other hand to punch into the hole, creating a much larger gap, but effectively freeing your hand. You were bewildered as to why you placed your hand inside the hole in the first place.

just becoming aware that you were merely granted temporary access to this room by the Fushiguro guy, you sweat dropped with anxiety as you watched Koko, the feline, meowing behind you while sniffing the wood pieces that had resulted from your previous punch.

You approached the basket that your stolen clothing items were in and swiftly wore your normal suit outfit. You decided to leave the other set behind, as it had begun to emit a foul and nasty odor. As an idea dawned in your mind, you went over to the closet belonging to Fushiguro and looked for a long black pair of trousers. "He won't notice that I stole something! Ha, ha, ha," you snickered, as you attempted to find some pants to steal in the wardrobe.

After spending some time searching, you spotted the desired item - a pair of trousers - and swiftly donned it. You opted to bring along the cat - Koko - in your arms and abruptly departed the room. As you made your escape, you stole a few of Fushiguro's money, which you don't know if he will chase after you if he found out.

You approached the vending machine with joy, filled with anticipation as you were ready to quench your thirst. However, as you entered the required amount of coins, the equipment malfunctioned and failed to dispense the desired beverage. Irritated, you kicked and smacked it before eventually managing to extract the drink.

"Dumbass." You mutter to the air and brieftly opening the can of refreshment. How long are you planning to play innocent? Who knows, maybe until your own blood starts to spill.

Not sensing Itadori anywhere, your forehead furrowed in suspicious. No familiar cursed energy anywhere and everything feels safe somehow— it irritates you, hands itching to be used and to destroy.

"This place looks like some kind of ancient stuff, oddly familiar."

You looked around not amused, you didn't have to pretend— it's only you and your cat.

Or not.

Sensing an unfamiliar energy nearby, your sense instantly perks up. Without a moment to spare, you swiftly turned around to face the impending attack. In the nick of time, you successfully deflected the blow using your barrier technique,

As the ground below bursts from the force of the blow, Koko, who you have been holding onto, visibly reacts. You can't help but smirk and feign a happier tone, saying, "What a wonderful welcome I received, I must say, that was quite something!" You can't shake off the tension that fills the air as you gaze around the now smoke-filled surroundings, caused by the previous impact.

Your ears perk up as a gentle voice utters those words, "You're clearly strong." Your gaze turns towards the direction from which the words originated, eager to lay eyes on the source. A moment later, another voice speaks up, "Did you spot something? Is she an intruder?" This time it comes from a feminine source, and you can't help but feel a tinge of curiosity towards the unfamiliar voice.

"Nah, we would receive a notice if she were."




Did you hear that right? Did you just fucking hear someone say salmon? What's the context here?

As you attempt to process what was just said, you let out a subtle tilt of your head in confusion. You let out a soft "What?" as you ponder the randomness of the comment, "Saying salmon out of the blue feels as bizarre as saying... Well, I won't even say it. Sorcerers are certainly peculiar people." You can't help but shake your head.

As you shake your head in disbelief at the bizarre statement made, you notice another attack headed towards you. Instead of reacting in fear, you remain unfazed and stare back with a hint of mischief in your gaze. You can't help but roll your eyes with a sarcastic "Wow," as the smoke begins to clear up. Your barrier clashes against a spear.

"Won't this barrier let go of my spear?" As you direct your attention towards the source of the remark, you see a young woman with an olive hair, her smugness evident in the smirk gracing her lips. She holds a peculiar spear in her hand, the nature of which instantly catches your eye. It's quickly apparent that her weapon is not a regular one, but rather a Cursed Tool.

As you consider the situation at hand, you can't help but let out a subtle chuckle at your newfound realization. You should have seen it coming—it's a Cursed Tool, after all. With a regular spear, your  barrier would've easily pushed it away, Without skipping a beat, you matter-of-factly inform the olive-haired girl, "This won't let go, that's for sure. The barrier is seeking to absorb the Cursed Tool. I should've seen that coming." 

"Really?" The girl chuckles amused.

"Let it be absorbed." Your comment met a quick noise of disagreement which made you huff a laugh.

As you lay a gentle touch on her forehead, you mutter a few whispered comments. "What a stubborn young girl," you muse, allowing your opponent to retrieve her Cursed Tool from the clutches of your barrier.

"Ha, nice." The olive haired smirks, spinning the spear back and forth.

Another student run behind the olive hair and a... Panda?

Okay, what the fuck?

Is this normal? You wouldn't really know since you have absolutely no clue and there's nothing more weirder then this.

You back up slightly, Koko switches to your shoulder with such fierce. E/c eyes observing the three figures with sharp eyes— the two has an alright cursed energy but this girl in front of her doesn't even have an ounce of cursed energy except for the glasses, it must be serving as her vision to the curse.

This boy is probably the only one normal here.

"Alright, I think we're done attacking each other!" You clasp your hand together with glee, looking at them back and forth. "I believe you guys owe me some apologies, you know. Since you guys attacked me out of nowhere?"

"Oh yes, we do apologize of course— we were just being cautious." The panda approaches you with apologetic face, but you didn't fail to notice his quick glance to Koko. "You don't like my cat?" You raised a brow to your own assumption, it kind of just rolled naturally.

"No, of course not! My name is Panda." He shook his head and reach his hand to yours with a welcoming expression. He looks like he want to eat your cat raw. "I'm somehow not surprised to your name, Anyways— Pleased to meet you all, address me as (Y/n)."


They are all weird.


A/n; omg, it's been so long since I uploaded and it's short too...

I promise to write much longer next time, I'm currently debating whenever to fix my past writings because damn.

Warning; please be aware that this fanfic involves traumatic scenes, some might feel real or some might feel disturbing but I'll be giving a warning.

Updated warning: Suicide, slight Gore, mentions of blood and such, Fanfic connections, sacrifice involvement, Deaths, Issues, Implied Smut, Corny jokes, Racism, Dark jokes and Swearing.
