Uncharted Territory

It was strange, Kara had been shot at, punched, kicked, slapped, pushed off bridges, at one point she even fell from the sky to the crushing concrete below her, but none of those things got her heart racing more than Lena did. She couldn't explain it, she was scared that if she did the sensation she felt of being alive, truly alive for the first time in 7 months might peter away like a candlelight. 

So instead she forced her mind to quiet, and kept walking side by side with Lena, doing her best not to show her nerves by slowing her feet down, so she was stepping almost exactly in time with Lena, keeping her stride as naturally as she could. Lena didn't show any hint of apprehension, totally composed she walked with confidence, as if it was normal for her to find one of her co workers in a park, and invite them in for a drink at midnight. 

Around 10 minutes later, Kara found herself in front of an elevator, once more at a loss for what to say, she glanced towards Lena who was looking at her with the same curiosity she had back at the park, as if she was trying to unravel the layers of Kara's mind, looking for what was underneath the quiet, nervous woman that stood before her. 

Kara cursed herself internally for her shyness, she wanted to seem cool and calm, confident even, it had always been much easier to talk as Supergirl, she could retreat back to that before, if ever she needed to be confident, wearing the suit Kara felt invincible, body and mind, without it, she felt vulnerable, exposed. Kara realized that she couldn't hide behind her family's coat of arms forever... So she took a small breath, clenched her fist and relaxed, and managed,

"So this is your place?"

*Brilliant she thought, all that effort and quiet and I manage 5 little words?!*

But to Kara's surprise, Lena took the cue with ease.

"Yes, I like being close to work, I find it keeps me focused."

Kara smiled, wanting to keep the momentum going in the conversation, but a moment later the elevator doors chimed open as Lena gestured for Kara to step in first, not like an instruction as she'd seen so many times before at work, but gentler, reassuring and calm. Because of her current head space Kara silently thanked Lena for that. 

Kara, still nervous, being led by the strong figure before her, terrified, nervous yet practically stunned with excitement all at once she stepped into the elevator, followed by the embodiment of her most guarded secret.
