What If- (3)

This is reALlY baD.

So I read through the whole thing again and realized I have a thing for Queen saving Joker.

Which is how most of my JoQueen one-shots are written-

And this one.

This one is just mMgH.

But I decided not to change too much since this is part of my old collection soooo um-

I hope you all enjoy my 4 month old one-shot-

(It starts like this v)
P.S This is the alternative idea of the last part.

"Don't do anything that stupid ever again!", Queen yelled at the phantom thief. "You could've killed yourself!"

"Sorry, sorry", Joker sighed, half examining her scratches and tried to calm her down. He knew Queen was secretly worried, and he didn't want to push it.

Something rustled in the bushes that caught the blonde's eye. It was the most minor movement, but immediately, Queen knew they were in danger. There was a gap between her and the phantom thief, and that was enough to make a shot towards his target, on his left chest, right through the heart. Thinking he had won, the assasin smirked, making his shot.

(Oh wAiT I juSt realized ThiS whoLe one-shot's like Season 4 EpiSode 12-)

Queen, upon realizing this, yelled "GET DOWN!", pushing her friend while he realised it himself and cried out, "Hold on!"

There was a bang. Spade and Hachi watched in horror and disbelief as Queen felt a sharp pain on her right chest. It was as if everything happened in slow motion. Joker gasped in Japanese while they landed on the ground with a thud.

"Queen!", Joker looked down in panic at the blonde slumped on his chest.

The assasin's smug smile dropped as Spade whipped out his gun, "Ice-Shot!", blasting towards the enemy. Snarling, the assasin dodged the attack and took a huge leap backwards, knocking against the tree trunk and allowing the phantom thief to defeat him.

"No way. Hey, don't die on me!", Joker held the injured phantom thief and pressed a gloved hand on her chest.

"Of course I won't!", Queen exclaimed. "And don't touch where you're not suppose to!"

(........WHy pAsT seLf-)

(Sorry continue on readers-)

"The competition's not over yet", she panted. "I'm not gonna die. We promised to compete who's going to be the best phantom thief, right? I want to be just like grandpa."

"Queen......", Joker was surprised she was talking about this now.

"You, grandpa and Spade have been called Miracle Makers. All I've been called is Kaitou 怪盗Queen or Diamond Queen or Sword Queen. Sword Queen is nice, but I want to surpass you all. It's my dream since we were kids....."

"Don't speak! Your injury is getting worse!", Joker could feel the tears pricking his eyes.

He didn't want to experience it again. Having Hachi dying was enough. He didn't want the same for her.

"You told me not to do anything stupid. Look what you got yourself into", the phantom thief half scolded her.

"You're saying saving your life is stupid?!", Queen glared, then started coughing.

"Easy there!", Joker regretted teasing her as the blood now trickled from her mouth to the front of her pink-triangled cape.

"I.....shouldn't have shouted......I'm....sorry", she wheezed.

"Stop talking! It'll become worse!", Joker protested.

"I don't really admit it.....but Grandpa thinks you're an amazing phantom thief. Sometimes......I get jealous with you being able to be so sly, to anticipate your opponents, even Grandpa can't surpass your tricks sometimes. I really.....hate it when I'm always the damsel in distress......"

Joker was surprised to hear this and he really wanted to laugh, but he kept quiet. She continued, "I guess Amy's taught me a few things.......", blood trickled from her chest, and Joker was starting to panic even more.

"We're still competing! Don't give up so easily!", he held her head while she smiled weakly and answered, "Who said anything about giving up?"

"I'll never give up on my dream......I'll-I'll just be as.......great as......g-grandpa", she gasped, trying to stay awake. "Please take care of-of Roko and grandpa. He breaks.........his back too often........Joker.........."

"Master and Roko can take care of themselves", the phantom thief trembled, "but okay, I can do it. Y-you're strong, Queen."

He held her tightly, just like he did with Hachi, "That's why I gave you that nickname, you're a battle axe. You're a really strong girl."

"You don't give up easily. So please, don't give up", the phantom thief cradled her in his arms. He didn't want to experience losing another friend. He nearly lost Hachi, he didn't want the same with Queen, even if they were rivals. "Open your eyes, please."

Hachi watched his friend holding her, tears flowing freely down his cheeks, trying hard not to snort too loud. Spade was half in shock, tears of anger and sadness pricked his eyes . Sure, Queen and him were rivals, but they got along just fine.

"Queen? You promised to be just like Master. I know you're going to be", Joker's lips quivered. He was on the verge of tears. "If it weren't for Master, I wouldn't even be here. I wouldn't get to meet you. Please.....don't give up. Please", he gazed at the scratches and dust on her face, "open your diamond eyes."

"Please....", he begged, tears streaming down his cheeks as he hugged his friend tightly, feeling the blood on her outfit and on the ground.

WElp I haTe thIs I hope you all enjoy it though-

I'm sorry if it's terrible-

(Gomenasai- ごめなさい)
