
The pronouns used are he/she.....
If you want a different pronoun, then imagine it in your mind while reading.
It is my choice to simply not use they/them pronouns...as this is my story.

FYI, if you're a returning reader before this chapter was published, then you'll probably see some changes. In my opinion, nothing major, but you'll probably see additional, altercations, or lack of previous story write.

It has been 4 years since the incident to release dinosaurs into the world.

Half of the time, Y/n was having fun with his/her doctor. The other half, he/she spent time with Maisie along with Claire and Owen in their small home away from a nearby society of a town. 

Sometimes he/she would be in the woods with Blue and her offspring Beta. Other times, he/she would be follow Maisie on her adventure into town.

And as always, the isolated life in the woods of a cabin and or bus, there are bad people watching the motives of the adults and children.....


They were an annoyance and the reason for Y/n and Maisie to have to hide or be careful outside because they were "clones" or hired by a mystery association. No one truly knows except they were targets to be captured. Either way, poaching was an illegal business.

Currently, Y/n and Maisie were outside the wood cabin. While Maisie was chopping wood, Y/n was watching and keeping her company.

"Do you hear that?" Maisie asked as she heard a dinosaur roar in the distance. 

"Yeah, the dinosaur is lost. Somewhere pass the bridge we aren't supposed to travel over into town." Y/n said as he/she pointed to the direction of the roar shout.

After finishing chopping wood and piling it up in a group, Maisie rode her bike with Y/n into town. Once there, they spotted an apatosaurus at the work site. 

Y/n observed the scence before telling Maisie about another dinosaur at the site. "There's another apatosaurus under the snow behind that stack of wood logs."

With that statement, Maisie caught the attention of a worker and told him her idea plan to get the dinosaurs away from the site without any problems. It was a success and the two apatosaurus regrouped and followed the flare light as it leads them to a wider area away from the work site.

After watching the scene, Y/n and Maisie traveled back to the wood cabin. Before Maisie reached the cabin, Y/n went off to see Blue and Beta.

"Y/n! Want to join our hunting trip?"


They traveled to the abandoned bus to get Beta before they started running through the woods to find the perfect hunt.

When the successful hunt, Y/n returned back to the cabin.

"Did you had a fun wood adventure?"

Y/n nodded his/her head in agreement before going inside with Maisie to view the picture book she was looking at.

The next day Beta was spotted by Maisie.

"She's Beta. Blue's daughter." Y/n stated as he/she spotted who Maisie was looking at.

"Want my toast? It's alright, I won't hurt you." Maisie calmly stated as the toast was given to Beta.

Beta ate the toast before Blue called out to her to get back to her.

"Stay away from my daughter, there is danger near the area and I don't trust you." Blue snarled as she is scaring Maisie. 

Owen came out from behind Maisie and tried to control the situation.

"Just breath. If you don't, she will think your are scared."

"But I am scared."

"She doesn't need to know that."

"We need to leave." Blue stated to Beta as they ran away from the cabin site.

"Get inside while I follow Blue." Owen demanded as he tried to follow Blue to where she and Beta went in the woods.

"I want to come with you."

"No Maisie, get inside!"

Maisie got mad and went inside slamming the door behind the two.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Maisie is mad at Owen." Y/n stated as he/she was following Maisie out of the cabin on Maisie's bike.

"Okay, where are you going? Maisie!" Claire shouted as she saw Maisie leaving the cabin with her bike and Y/n.

"You can't keep us here! Besides, you aren't even my mother!" Maisie shouted back as she started peddling in hopes to find Blue with Owen.

Once at the bridge, there were strangers parked there and a vehicle behind Maisie and Y/n.

Y/n tried to run away from the scene, but the poacher grabbed him/her and knocked him/her out as he/she tried to claw his/her way out of the trap hold. As for Maisie, her bike was tossed off the bridge after she was inside the vehicle for "safety" purposes.
