The Morning After

Julie, Luke, Alex, and Reggie all lay somehow cozily together in Julie's queen-sized bed. All of them except Julie, who changed last night before bed are still in their clothes from their amazing performance at the Orpheum last night. They seem to be almost comfortable even though some of their clothes (Luke's) aren't the most congenial (even with the sleeves ripped off), and they lay nearly pilled on top of each other. 

Julie's arms are around Luke's middle, her right hand fingers resting gently in his left. Her face placed calmly on his chest, his head on the pillow, his chin on the top of her head, they sleep more peacefully in each other's embrace than they have ever slept before. 

Next to Luke lies Reggie, lying on his back, one leg slightly bent and accidentally semi-intertwined with Alex's leg. Alex lies stomach down on Reggie's chest. His head is on the pillow behind Luke's, and Reggie's head rests on Alex's softly. Alex's palm of his hand lies nonchalantly on the lower part Reggie's hand and a little on his wrist. Unconsciously, Reggie's fingers are slightly wrapped around the tips of Alex's fingers.

They all sleep soundly and surprisingly well after the eventful night they had performing. Julie dreams about when she hugged the boys. Luke dreams about whether other people can see them now or not. Reggie dreams about discovering his sexuality. And no matter how hard he tries, Alex can't think about anything except what would have happened if Julie hadn't saved them. He continues to wonder if he can forgive Willie after leading them to Caleb and nearly destroying them from existence.

Someone thumps up the stairwell loudly, yet none of them hear until...

"Jules?!" Flynn bursts into the room and looks confused as soon as she walks in.

Alex, startled, jumps awake and falls onto the floor, confused as to where he was lying before. Julie sits her head up off of Luke's chest. Reggie quickly checks to make sure Alex is alright. He responds with a grunting "ow" and an "I'm fine". Luke sits up while Julie climbs off the bed to greet Flynn.

"Hey, what's going on? Why did you burst in here all of a sudden?" Julie asked, yawning.

"Uh... um...uh..." Flynn mumbles, looking startled.

"What's wrong with her? she looks like she's seen a ghost," Reggie asks Julie as he pulls Alex up off the floor.

" I...the guys....I-I can... I've... I've seen th-three?" Flynn stutters trying to find what to say.

"What? Flynn, this isn't like you. What is going on with you?" Julie questions her.

" h-hi guys. The boys are in here."

"Yeah...they said 'hi' in the correct direction this time. Do you have some new sixth sense of knowing where ghosts are?" Julie jokes.

"Hi. What's up Flynn? Um, hey Julie, tell Flynn I said hi back," Reggie said.

"Oh, Reggie-"Julie started but was cut off by Flynn gasping.

"Oh my god! What the heck is going on?" Flynn started walking towards the boys weirdly like a dog goe up to a strange object.

"Is she- are you okay? Is she okay? Why is she looking at me funny? Flynn what are you doing? Wait... can she?" Reggie questioned Flynn and Julie as Flynn stepped closer to him in particular.

"Um...Flynn?" Julie was starting to get really uneasy about Flynn's strange behavior.

" you think she can-" Reggie said as Flynn stepped right up to him.

He was cut off by Flynn staring intently at him. She reached her hand out slowly, and then quickly and a bit violently shoved his shoulder.

Reggie immediately responded with a pained and puzzled, "Hey! Ow! Wait...huh?"

Flynn gasped, slapped her hand over her mouth, and they all went silent. They sat there just looking around at each other confused.

Flynn was the one to break the silence by suddenly freaking out and screaming almost too loudly, "JULIE! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? I CAN SEE THEM! I CAN HEAR THEM! I-I CAN TOUCH THEM! WHAT IS GOING ON?" 
