Birth of the Average

At an unknown location and time, two people were having a conversation under a pink tree. They had a table in front of them while drinking the tea. Their appearance unnoticeable as the shadow from the tree made it impossible to distinguish any traits.

"Let me ask you this." One of them talked. Their voice was hoarse and old yet held an unknown amount of wisdom. "What do you think is humanity's greatest strength?"

This questioned intrigued his companion as he placed down his cup of tea. Pondering the question, his friend answered. "Greed. That is my answer." This voice sounded younger but more serious than the other.

The old man chuckled a bit. "An interesting answer. Then what makes it so that humans can develop this sin? The Sin of Greed."

"Hmm... the mind. One needs to be able to think to have these materialistic desires. Even animals have minds of their own, though it isn't as refined and developed as us humans." He answered full of confidence.

"But what do humans have related to the mind that the animals you speak of, don't?"

This question was not easy yet one answer popped in his mind but he didn't hold the confidence he had to the previous one. "Knowledge." Uncertainty was evident in his tone.

The old man shook his index finger at him. "Wrong. That only applies to when a human is old enough to gain that knowledge. Is a baby more knowledgeable than a wolf that knows how to survive, hunt and protect its pack? I personally don't think so. A baby is still human. Then that answer doesn't work, does it?"

This explanation certainly confused him. The man couldn't find any answer that would correspond to this question. "Then what answer can you give me. What is the right answer to this question?"

The old man posture lowered making his smile visible as the sun shined on him. His teeth were white yet they somehow looked inhuman. Its shape was odd as it looked like an infinite number of teeth were visible. 

"'Imagination'. It is the key. The key to change reality. Itself."

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April 17th, 1990.

The day that I, Isao Arai, was born in Japan. First name Arai. Family name Isao.

When I was born,




Nothing of note happened. Anti-climatic, I know. But that was what really happened. I was born with normal parents that were... well, normal. Not too overly nice but not to overly severe. You know, the normal parents.

I had a normal life.

Well, that's actually wrong.

I never had one. 'Normal' doesn't associate with sorcerers which is a person who uses curses or more specifically. Jujutsu.

But being born with the ability to see curses was a curse in itself. A curse that isolates yourself from others. I still remember when I spoke about it with my parents or other people, they would be weirded out and tell me that I was seeing things and that they weren't real.

After all, ghost don't exist, right? Had to follow the rules of these people that were ignorant of a society that had lived with them for over thousands of years.

So I slowly had to learn, to teach myself to ignore them. To blend in... to not feel lonely.

It was weird at first but I slowly got used to it. Practice makes perfection. Is that a real quote? Well its something like that.

But anyway, that's not important. What is important is how I got to know about the world of Jujutsu.

Well it all started when I was going back from school. I studied hard and was a normal kid. I had average looks. I had dark blue hair that were brighter on the ends. My eyes were green which was unusual for a Japanese but whatever.

I didn't inherit those eyes from my parents but from my ability. The ability to see contracts. Quite useless, am I right? Well that is if it was only that but we'd get to that later. But back to how I got here, it was a day just like any other.

At that time, I think I was 16 or was it 15? Yeah, 15 was the right age. I was 15 and was just coming back from school. I didn't like to hang out after school hours since I was always mentally exhausted. I preferred to hang out in the weekends but whatever, not like it matters.

From what I remember, I was walking at the same path I took everyday. I think that I wanted to watch this anime that I bought. 'Hellsing'. It was a really enjoyable time to watch that show so I wanted to rewatch it. Even if it was a couple years old.

Getting a bit off track. You know what, I'm not good at telling stories. Let's let my memories make the story and not myself. After all, I'm not God. I don't remember everything. Or should I say a god. Wonder if they'll be mad at me for that statement. Well, they won't attack me.

After all... I have a contract-.

["^_(9^ 1§{€2£¥7$}8%->4@*#'6~'...\!?04@*#'6~'...\!?0]

Walking back home was a young high-schooler, one would say he was good looking though he had a gloomy face and was walking with his back hunched. It seemed that it was a habit of his.

The boy, Arai Isao, sighed as he looked at the dark clouds. "You better not rain." And it rained as he was now soaking wet. "Guess God hates me today." A chuckle escaped his mouth. But then, at the side of the road, he noticed something.

A yellow small creature that was giggling with a high pitched voice. It had round eyes and angelic wings on its back. A fly head. A weak spirit. A shadow loomed over its body as it looked back.

Only to see a foot filled with blue curse energy stomp on it. Killing it immediately. "I've been seeing these little guys a bit too often now. How annoying." Arai seemed indifferent as he continued walking. They were too weak for him to bother putting effort.

Though that may seem arrogant, these spirits weren't threatening to him or anyone else. Though the problem was when they'd grow stronger. That was when Arai saw them as a threat. Throughout his life, he had only encountered one grade 2 curse spirit.

At that time, he had been only 11 years old and seeing a monster like that feasting on corpses had terrified him. It had scarred him seeing something like that. Seeing its powerful energy that was emanating made him know that he was so weak. He only had a fraction of its power.

That was when he realized that he shouldn't be so careless. The monsters he encountered now were maybe weak but there were stronger ones. So to not make them appear, you'd have to take them down from the roots.

But anyways, Arai came back to his house. He was just about to unlock the door but he felt something wrong. An ominous miasma was spreading and his senses were warning him like bells hitting his head.

Arai immediately let go of the doorknob and took cover as something burst through. It was a curse spirit! One more powerful than the one he encountered when he was 11 years old. 'Not again!' His fear from that first event hit him but he quickly put it away.

The curse spirit looked like a green spider with 10 legs. Its head looked like that of a bull and yellow stripes were present all over its body. It certainly wasn't something pleasant to see. "I want... to eat legs." It said with a distorted voice.

He immediately tried to run away knowing that he can't beat this. He wasn't arrogant enough to try to fight these beings. Though he had trained all his life, he never had a teacher so all he did was from his own ideas.

Which is also the reason why he was always tired as he barely slept which often made him into a foul mood which in turn made his curse energy grow. A tireless training that he developed himself.

The curse spirit looked at him with ferocious eyes as it without hesitation attacked him with its sharp legs. Arai held on to the balcony and jumped to the rooftop evading the blow. 'Why is a spirit that strong so close to my house?! I'll have to bring this somewhere else so that nobody sees me and to not injure anyone.'

Arai ran away as he looked back to see the curse spirit chasing him. 'It's faster than me. Dammit! Why wasn't I born with a cool technique?' He had a bit of fear seeing it chasing him. Even the way it moved was creepy. Running at him with 10 legs with a crazed smile definitely wasn't something he would ask for.

But being lost in his thoughts within a battle was not the best decision. Arai looked back to see the spirit gone. Seeing a shadow now looming over him, he made the decision to flip to the side. The spirit had now landed at the spot he was and it wasn't done.

Looking at Arai who stumbled backwards, it attacked with its legs at him. He barely dodged them as he slid underneath it kicking it in the abdomen. It winced in pain but Arai wasn't finished. A karate chop to the legs with curse energy made it stumble.

'It's more fragile than I thought. I can do this!' A new hope was discovered only for it to shatter as the spider spit out string at him. It was at an incredible speed as he barely dodged the attack but not before it cut his abdomen that was now bleeding.

The cut wasn't too deep but this showed the difference in power. 'Damn it hurts! It hurts so bad!' Pain assaulted his mind as tears dropped. He had never felt this much pain. Though exorcising these creatures was a task only he could do. Arai had never actually felt like he was in danger.

After all, they were weak monsters that he could kill. The worst that happened was a couple of scratches. That is until 4 years ago when the cursed spirit he faced attacked his family without hesitation.

Arai had tried to warn them but it was too fast. Killing his parents instantly. And worse, the only reason he survived was because his parents corpse were the snacks the spirit looked for. That day scarred him more than anything.

[Arai's POV]

But it wasn't over. When the police got here, they had no idea, no reasonable explanation as to what happened. A couple of weird people got here to examine the scene and they left. I knew I couldn't say what really happened.

They wouldn't believe me.

And I was right, they didn't. Saying that stress and fear turned my perception upside down. That I was at the age where I was thinking of chuunibyou things. That I was watching too much anime.

These ignorant dumb people! I was the only who could exorcise these things and they were all too ignorant of the danger that lied right next to them. I should just let them die! My parents are dead and that was how you treated a kid who just experienced this trauma!


Who cares about that!

I need my parents! Not money!

And worse, some dumb classmates began spreading the rumor that I had in fact killed my parents. Though most thought of it as fake. It still aggravated me. It angered me so much that it made me use curse energy on a normal human for the first time.

I restrained myself of course. So that they didn't die. But that made me become isolated from everyone. The friends I had left me. Seeing me as a monster.

The teachers avoided me. Seeing me as a troublemaker.

I was even more alone than I originally was. That was why I turned to anime. It helped me. A lot more than it should have.

Besides, seeing their cool powers was something I wanted to do in real life now.

But all of these events only reinforced one thing in my mind.

Power was needed!

I need more power.

I was special! So only I could kill these disgusting spirits. I trained after that. Day and night. Until I was so exhausted that I slept. Every... single... day. But through this training, I knew how weak I was.

Even though I trained, only miniscule amount of growth happened. I was so weak. And remembering it made me even more angry. Anger that I now channeled through my fist as I regained balance.

That original blue energy now turned red. As I screamed out with rage and strike at the enemy. Only for the spirit to break my attack as it giggled. To that curse, this was a game. It really did... and it found its toy.

Stabbing me through the chest with the two legs making me cough blood. I was that weak. I never grew. I was as weak and scared as the boy that witnessed his parents dying. The bull head then struck my own head. It disoriented me as a ringing sound kept hitting the back of my ears.

My skull cracked as blood spilled out. My consciousness was fading as I only had one last thought.

Cursing my foolish and weak power.

If Arai had stayed conscious for a few more seconds, he would see that two men landed on the roof he was at.

"Huh... a semi-grade 1 curse spirit at this place, and a kid that barely has any curse energy. Isn't that weird?" The voice came from a young man as he had a mocking tone.

"Don't be so rude to a newbie. The kid did great." Another voice this one felt more genuine and reasonable.

"Besides, why are you calling him kid? Bet he's only a year or two younger than us." The same young man ignored the passing comment as his two hands grasped each other. The monster who was about to feast on Arai seemed to have had its limbs warped as it broke. Purple blood spilled everywhere.

"You gonna eat that or kill it." The irritating man said.

The other person ignored the passing comment as he walked towards the monster and touched it. The monster's body began turning black liquid as it gathered toward the hands of the man who then ate it.

"Tsk. Disgusting as always. I would never eat it even if it made me stronger." The same young man said while showing a disgusted face.

"Let's bring the kid back to Ieiri or he might die." Both agreed and brought Arai back to their faculty.

The immature man began realizing that he forgot something. "Did we put up a veil?" Both looked at each other as the realization dawned on them.

"Yaga-sensei will be so mad at us...."

{AN: Hope you enjoy this story.}
