pov: you're watching a movie with your parents and a steamy scene comes up

today's friday night. normally you'd be sitting in your bed scrolling through instagram, but not today. since the coronavirus outbreak, your parents have used this home entrapment as quality family time that apparently is impossible if this quarantine wasnt a thing.

your dad decides titantic. you don't really give a shit bc you're probably gonna be on your phone for the duration of the film, so you nod carelessly. 

dumb mistake. 

the first thirty minutes of the movie goes by and now you're getting hooked. you've seen the movie before, obviously, but you can't tear your eyes away from the screen. leo dicaprio could drink cereal from your bellybutton and you'd say thank you - these are your thoughts. not mine.

jack and rose kiss. things get steamy. it's the scene where they're in the car and they're about to do the dirty. 


you forgot this was in the movie and you immediately avert your eyes to your phone. or literally anywhere else.

it's so awkward.

you can hear everything and you're trying to nonchalantly act as if you're not bothered, but you are. you're really bothered. 

you dont know what your parents are thinking, but you're hoping they don't think anything's amiss.

you glance quickly at your parents with the corner of your eye and nearly jump out of your skin. they're staring at you. both of them. 

at this point, no one's even looking at the tv screen, and the only sound you hear is jack and rose being absolute sinners.

30 minutes go by.

they're still unwaveringly staring at you. no one has blinked. not even you. 

you keep staring back at them before you realise your parents don't have normal looking eyes. instead, their eyes are yellow and their pupils are like a cat's: mere black slits.

you gulp.

what the fuck is happening?

their skin starts turning green and a course texture replaces the smooth human skin that was once there. 

they start shrinking.

now they're only a feet tall. maybe less. 

they're on all fours. 

it takes you a second to realise what's happening.

holy shit, your parents are lizards.
