
Sherlock had just denied a case that Lestrade had asked him for, he was in the kitchen when John received an unfriendly call from Greg, begging for Sherlock to help.

    John walked downstairs to find Sherlock in the kitchen, grabbing what looked like thumbs from the fridge, "Sherlock, did you just turn down a case from Greg?" John asked and set his phone on the counter and leaned against it.

    "Yes," Sherlock rounded the island and sat down in front of his microscope, "it was a boring case, and much to simple," he finished.

    "It sounded like Greg really needed you, why didn't you at least tell him what the solve was?" Sherlock just shrugged and John rolled his eyes in response, "Come on Sherlock, help Lestrade out," he answered with a shake of his head, lowering his eyes to the microscope lenses. John was starting to get frustrated.

    Sherlock got up from his seat and went over to the stove to make a cuppa, "Tea?" he asked innocently, John pushed off the counter and stood beside him.

    "Sherlock, take the damn case, what if it's important?" John said angrily, Sherlocks resistance making his blood boil. Sherlock rolled his eyes.

    "No John, I don't want the case, now would you like some tea or not?" he looked at John eyebrows raised.

    "You're busy, what? Looking at thumbs under a microscope?" John's voice raised, Sherlock eyed him like he was an idiot.

    "There was a lot wrong with that sentence, but yes, in a sense," John just shook his head.

    "Jesus," John brings his hand up to run it through his hair and Sherlock, who must've misinterpreted it, gasped and flinches, raising an arm and putting it in front of his face quickly. John lowered his hand and furrowed his brow, he stepped forward and Sherlock flinched again, lifting his other arm and turning his body away, "Sherlock?," John started, his voice now barely above a whisper, "Did you just..." he paused and felt like throwing up.

    Sherlock now looked at him and immediately put his arms down, "Wait, no, John, it was an accident, I didn't even-" Johns breathing got slightly harder and he shook his head.

    "Oh my god," John whispers, his brows still furrowed, he shakes his head again and turns around, running down the stairs and into the night. Sherlock chases after him, calling out his name, but John ignores his pleas and continues walking.

Three hours later

    Sherlock had spent the time John was gone pacing their flat, contemplating what was happening. Was John coming back? What was he thinking right now? Was he angry with Sherlock? Sherlock's mind was about to explode, from all the thinking and wondering and worrying.

    As he was laying on the sofa in his mind palace he heard the front door quietly open and close, his eyes fly open and frantically search for who he hoped was John and not Mrs. Hudson with the tea. It was John, he scrambled off the couch and got to John quickly, eyes now searching his. His eyes were sad and tired, the crease between his brows even more visible from when he'd been thinking.

    "John, you came back," Sherlock smiled but John didn't return it.

    "Can we sit?" he asks and moves around Sherlock to where the man had laid a few moments ago, Sherlock's eyes follow him as he takes a seat and the end of the couch, as close to the armrest as he can get. Sherlock gets to the couch and takes a seat as well, studying John who wouldn't look at him.

    "I want to apologize, I, I don't know what I was thinking, you wouldn't hurt me and I shouldn't have-" John cuts him off.

    "Sherlock stop, you did nothing wrong, it's my fault and I feel terrible," John shakes his head then continues, still looking at the ground, or anywhere but Sherlock, "and you had a reason to flinch, I," he pauses and clears his throat, "I've hurt you before, twice, after the fall and after Mary's death, I'm so sorry Sherlock, friends don't hit each other," he finally looks up and there's water building up in his eyes.

    "John, I understand, I know how difficult I can be," this time it's Sherlocks turn to look at the ground.

    "No, it's not you, it's not your fault" he pauses again, he runs a hand through his hair and looks up to the ceiling, blinking a few times, "I feel terrible, please forgive me,"

    "John, of course I forgive you, you made a mistake, so what? Everyone does," John gave a sad smile and their eyes find each others.

    "It won't happen again, I promise on my life, I will never hurt you again, Sherlock," a single tear slides down his cheek, one that he wasn't able to blink away, Sherlock reaches out and wipes it away with his thumb, but keeping his hand on John's face.

    "Its okay," he whispers and John leans into his touch, closing his eyes.


Thanks for any feedback, and if you have any prompts please tell me about them, I'm running out of ideas. Thanks for reading and have a good rest of your day :) also thanks so much for 200 reads!!
