๐Ÿถ/๐Ÿ‹ Don't check the closet

(You're a waiter at uncanny valley diner! The story is pretty much the same as the female version minus a few alterations to make the story make sense.)

"Listen here son if you're gonna have an attitude with me I have no problem calling a manager in here right now!! I do not appreciate being called slow for something I know is not right!"

The angry southern customer then crosses her arms and looks at you irritated and expectantly

"Ma'am I'm not meaning any disrespect, I promise. It's just that if you want a cheeseburger with no cheese it's called a hamburger, and it's on our menu for a dollar cheaper so if you want I can still change your order from a cheeseburger to a hamburger." Y/N tiredly stated

The customer scrunches her nose up irritated and she shoves her finger in your face as she points aggressively and screeches

"Oh why don't you hush up! Get a manager in here right now! I came here to visit family and have a calm vacation and youngins like you always find a damn way to ruin it"

You sigh defeatedly as you tiredly shuffle yourself to the back where the manager is hunched over on his desk reading some sort of work documents, and he looks upset. You knew it was a bad time to disturb him but you didn't want the customer to cause a scene, especially in the middle of the breakfast rush.

"Uhm.. Hey Dave..?"

Your manager lets out an exaggerated and annoyed sigh before he puts down the documents he was reading and brings his fingers to his temple to rubs it in a circular motion as if he has a headache from you even speaking to him

"What is it this time Y/N?"

You awkwardly shuffle in place

"A customer asked for the manager.."

Dave stands up and swiftly walks past you and out of his office, not even bothering to make eye contact with you as he approaches the very angry looking customer. You cross your arms and lean up against the wall as you quietly watch from the back as your manager puts on a fake smile and converses with the patron for a bit. Your coworker Roxie then walks behind you before sighing and putting her hand sympathetically on your shoulder

"Don't worry about her, she's been here twice now and she's always got some sort of problem with everything...Just what happens when you get old I guess"

Before you can respond to your coworker she had already strutted over to a different table and started taking a family's order with her fake customer service voice and smile. You never tried too hard at putting on any sort of persona for the customers but you thought maybe it was time to start. The only regular customer you get is this gangly guy that seems to only show up when you're on shift. You know he usually shows up around this time so you decide to walk around to see if he's waiting at any of the booths while your manager apologizes to the lady. You peek your head around to each empty looking booth but he's nowhere to be found..
You decide it's best to not wonder and shrug it off. You decide to get back to work.

(time skip to when your shift ends)

You eventually clock out and wave to your other coworkers as you head for the door

"See you guys tomorrow!"

"See ya later Y/N"
Your coworkers say almost in unison as they begin to close up the diner

You step outside into the empty and chilly street as you make your way to the bus stop. But.. you feel weird.. almost as if you're being watched... You decide to quickly brush it off though and continue your way on until you finally board the bus, staring out the window you swear you could see a tall skinny man standing in the alleyway facing where you were walking just moments ago, but whatever, 'homeless people wander in weird places all the time' you thought to yourself as the bus makes its way through the empty street until it comes to a halt and the doors swing open as you get off and walks towards your apartment building

"Home sweet home I guess.."

You open your apartment door and throw off your shoes as you head straight for the bedroom, you tiredly open your bedroom door and flop on your soft bed as you groggily pull out your phone and stare at the time

"It's not even that late yet.. still.. I'm really tired.."

You sigh as you consider your options for a moment

"Whatever, one night without dinner is fine I guess. Not like there's much in the fridge anyways.."

You stand up from bed as you begin to slowly strip down to your boxers. You then flick the light switch off and lay down in bed, pulling the covers over yourself and snuggling into your pillow as you slowly drift off to sleep..
(Smut starts here, be warned)

"H-Hahh~! M-Mmph~!!!"

You slowly open your eyes, confused on what you're hearing. It sounds almost like.... a person? But you're the only one home you thought? You slowly and quietly sit up out of bed as you listen to where the noises are coming from

"A-Ahh~ Mmm Fuck~!! Y-Y/N~! M-More please, please please please~! A-Ah!!!~"

Your face heats up from what you're hearing, there's no mistaking it.. someone is moaning and they just said your name..

'Wheres? that noise coming from?!'
You thought to yourself as the quiet moans only continue..
You decide to quietly stand up as you investigate to find out where those noises are originating from.. You quietly look around your room until you reach your closet doors, where the noise is coming from.. your blush only grows deeper shades of red as you swing open the closet doors..

"Y-Y/N!" He squeaks as he jolts from suprise

You look down as your eyes adjust to the darkness of the closet where you find John Doe. His face all shades of red as he stares up at you with his small pupils fixed directly on you, anxious and excited that you caught him in such a state. He has one of your shirts in his hand held close to his face and the other hand covered by your favorite soft t-shirt, wrapped around his cock that he's been pumping and teasing in your closet while you were drifting off to sleep. Precum leaks from the tip as he slowly smiles and begins to rub his cock painstakingly slow

"Y-Y/N! I-Im sorry did I wake you?? Was I being too loud?"

Your mind spirals as it tries to grasp what you're seeing as your mouth hangs slightly agape from shock, trying to think of what to say to him

"I-I missed you so much Y/N... I missed you so so so so much~!"

He gets on his knees and crawls towards your leg before wrapping his arms around it and slowly starts massaging his cock against your leg as he looks up at you

"A-Aah~!! Y/N~! You feel s-so good~!!"

You quickly snap back to reality as you look down at him. He looks so needy and pathetic, you don't know why but you find yourself getting turned on as he desperately and slowly humps your leg..

"J-John doe, how did you get into my house?!"

He grins
"You left your door unlocked!!"

He says it so nonchalantly, as if he didn't just break in. You remember back to when you came home earlier and realized you did infact forget to lock it behind you

"B-But don't worry~ H-Hahh~!"

His back arches and he jolts up for a second and begins grinding a bit harder on you

"I-I made sure to lock it!~ So no weirdos bother you!"

He smiles & he continues to pant and whimper as he massages his aching cock against you.. You scoff almost at the irony of his statement and start to wonder if he's insane or something.. You back up and thus pull your leg away from him which causes him to whine a bit. He slowly stands up, towering over you and makes his way over to you as he stares into your eyes and you see guilt start to wash over him

"D-Do you not wanna.. um.."

He blushes a bit harder and studies your face as he quickly turns away from you and starts heading to the door while fixing his pants


You reach your hand out and he slowly turns around as you begin to realize what you said

"I.. I wouldn't mind uh.. doing it...with you... I was just.. surprised..?"

His eyes light up as he runs back over to you and grips your shoulders excitedly


He looks extremely excited by this as you nod your head a bit nervously

"Y/N.. You have no idea..so long- I've waited so long for this-.. you have no idea how long I waited- how long I've been waiting for.. YOU!"

His grin only grows as he scoops you up in his arms and holds you bridal style and heads towards your bed before gently setting you down

"J-John.. I-.. Um...."

You're unsure of what to say to him and your words start to trail off as he crawls on top of you slowly. He gently grabs your chin and tilts it up to look him in the eyes.. he looks absolutely obsessed with you as he scans your features, as if he's trying to memorize every detail of your face before nervously looking into your eyes

"Y-Y/N... Can I-"

He's suddenly cut off by you wrapping your arms around his neck and quickly pulling him closer as you begin to kiss him with the desire you've unknowingly been feeling for him.
He doesn't protest and he kisses you back, slipping his tongue into your mouth and exploring inside. You moan softly as he does so and you feel him shudder as he lifts your legs up and begins to grind softly on you.

"Y/N... I need you so bad..."
You hear him moan out as he begins to grind quicker

You feel his hard member needily rub and twitch against your soaked cock, the only thing separating you two being your boxers, John Doe takes initiative and begins to pull down his boxers slowly until his hard aching cock springs out before it falls and rests in between your legs, precum already leaking out from his tip as it twitches slightly in place. John doe then looks at you through foggy eyes filled with lust for you and only you

"May I?"

His eyes gesture down to your boxers as his fingers slowly approach the sides of them

"M-Mhm.. Go ahead"

He smiles as a wave of excitement washes over him and he quickly slips down your boxers and tosses them over the side of the bed before he grabs his cock and slowly rubs it against your slick cock

"God....Y-You feel so good Y/N~ C-Can I..?"

He blushes a bit harder before looking away from you and avoiding making eye contact

"Can you 'what' John? Hmm~?"
You say teasingly which causes John Doe to let out a whine

"Can I fuck you~? Please Y/N.. I need you so badly.. let me fuck you please~ I promise I'll be gentle"

He looks absolutely desperate right now as he rocks his hips against your cock. You smirk a bit at seeing him so needy for you and you nod as you grab his chin and pull his face closer to yours

"Please by all means, go ahead.. but.. I wouldn't mind if you weren't gentle~"

John Doe sighs happily as he closes the gap between your lips and kisses you. He then flips you over and positions himself at the base of your entrance before slowly inching his cock in which causes you both to moan out in pleasure

"Y/N.. You feel so wonderful~! A-Ahh~~!"

He happily exclaims as he then slowly starts sloppily moving in and out of your hole, causing you to gasp lightly at the sensations. He was large, but not to the point of where it was hurting you, he was the perfect size you thought to yourself as John buries his face next to the back of your head and begins to lick your neck before hungrily kissing it repeatedly

"I-I love you so much Y/N.. You're so handsome, I need you. I love you, I love you, I love you.. I love you~!"

He continued to whimper praise in your ear while moaning as he quickens his pace, his cock slamming in and out of you as you lay there a soaked moaning mess. Grip onto the sheets as he continues to pound into you, you moan into the pillow as John grabs your head and pulls you up

"L-Let me hear you Y/N please~!!! I need to hear you~"

"John~! Nngh~!!! I-Im gonna cum"

"God me too~! Y/N....h-hahh~!..~Y/N ..M-Mmph~!!! ~ Y/N....Y/N..Y/N Y/N~~!!"

John doe continues to groan your name into your ear and pound himself into you harder as you suddenly let out a loud moan and feel yourself reach your climax, tightening yourself around his cock as you feel your hot sticky fluids soak into the sheets, resulting in him letting out a long and high-pitch moan as you feel his warm liquids fill your insides. He slowly takes his cock out as it drips onto your ass and he tiredly flips you back over and curls himself up on you, wrapping his arms around your waist he snuggles his face into your chest as he speaks in a breathy and satisfied voice

"You did so good my love.. sososo very good~ I love you so much Y/N"

You softly smile to yourself as you stroke Johns hair and kiss the top of his forehead

"I love you too John, thank you for that. It was...amazing. You did so well"

His eyes dilate and it almost sounds like he started to purr as you both slowly and sleepily drift off in each other's arms.
